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UAV Defense, UAV Recovery, Material Research, Infected Birds with Virus Plastic Net
When Manufacturing nets of any type: Going for strength and light weight is a challenge and it has been the compromise of many for so long in the battle to find the strongest net, sheet of plastic to mimic that of a Spider's web we have endured to no end. It is always and shall be for some time one of man's most important conquests in many of his fields of endeavors such as fishing. Due to friction of fluid in water, air; All of which is considered in terms of drag (parasite or induced) obstacles which man has to overcome this for speed and stability to properly position. Plastic Sheeting the same compromises exist for instance in Agriculture such as covering strawberry fields to keep in moisture or covering large above ground aquifers so as to not allow evaporation or for you swimming pool, strength to conquer elements such as a child falling on it or the heat and UV of the sun. Dupont has gone to much trouble and material scientists have spent lifetimes of research on the possibilities of a better, stronger material. More sticky, non-rip able, non-flammable, heat absorbing, salt resistant, etc, etc. For instance this material is incredible and could be used in fishing, agriculture, netting flocks of birds in flight which may contaminate areas with their viruses, etc. http://www.redden-net.com/vexar.cfm In our study tonight we are looking for a way to catch a flying model aircraft in flight or a swarm, flock or formation of such, by use of a net. Nets of this type are used at construction sites you have seen them in bright red or orange, ugliest things you have ever seen, but it saves companies from frivolous lawsuits of slip and fall conartists or those Jerry Springer "Gimme My Free T-Shirt" trailer park refugee future guest stars and ambulance chasing sue for a million dollar take 80% on consignment Lawyers. Any way these nets have color dies added and if you take them out you can easily make the net, clear as the blue sky and you can make any design such as a hexagon stacked shape pattern with a fishing wire type horizontal insert about ten inches in diameter, thus no UAV of five inches or more wing span can make it through the net. And of course no innovative company is stupid, you cannot find what you want, we will make it. Now then let us look at 3M products and their R and D, Post it Notes were a mistake, but some young and aggressive marketing genius was unconvinced and today where would we be without post it notes? And they even make downloadable electronic post it notes for your computer "Free Ware." and don't say that reading all these bulletin boards does not help make your life easier either. How would you launch a vertical net like this to catch a flock of virus or pathogen infected birds or a swarm of hostile bio-toxic carrying UAVs? You could launch if with a rocket on both sides, but if you wanted to keep it airborne you could use balloons. http://balloons.space.edu/habp/project_4/ http://www.aria.seas.wustl.edu/AHAB/AHAB%20MSGC%20Paper.pdf Maybe the net could be made out of competing materials, very thin, strong and could be electrified to down the UAV or instantly kill the flock of birds, more humane. This way they will not die from hitting the ground and breaking apart bones. One company Japan Corporation has developed a high strength, super lightweight magnesium alloy to compete for high strength plastic piping. CFRP, is a Carbon fiber re-enforced plastic. The industry already about 30 different variations along this theme of re-enforced plastics and some companies are trying to even make materials which supercede the costs to manufacture and out do the performance of CFRP, http://www.japancorp.net/Article.Asp?Art_ID=4137 Why is it important to have a giant net to fight wars or protect our infantry? Because other countries or hostile states or International Terrorists might use basic materials and hobby shop RC aircraft to attack us or our troops. Therefore this simplistic strategy will work. If our enemy equipped their UAVs with razors on the wing we could still defeat the attack with horizontal fishing wire and even perhaps a vertical one too between holes. Thus they would need lots of razors or it would not work, the more razors the great the weight, shorter the range and thus making the planes bigger and bigger means easier to see by radar, eyesight, larger engines bigger heat signature for SAM handhelds. Thus by having a net on a battlefield we would protect ground personnel and our military hardware from detection by hostile enemy planners. If the ends of each net were launched with Jato-Bottle assisted vertical SUV aircraft such as this, then the net could be launched at the earliest warning. A few pictures and examples of the Vertical UAVs are here; http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/vtuav.htm http://www.spawar.navy.mil/robots/pubs/spie3577.pdf http://www.aviationnow.com/content/ncof/ncf_n80.htm - Nets can catch incoming hostile UAVs, guaranteed, this is how we often recover our own UAVs. Here is a sample of a net used to collect a UAV on a Navy Ship. http://www.vtol.org/uavpaper/NavyUAV.htm Nets are also used on ship to catch planes with failing landing gear arresting hooks. Hope you enjoyed this research as much as we did in putting it together. These are some of our thoughts on nets to catch infected migratory birds or from those who send us small UAVs to watch our every move or to send in a biological attack on our troops. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Big Bang or Lots of Big Fire Crackers? There are many who talk about the Big Bang Theory. Although no one can be sure what went bang? Steven Hawking suggests it does not matter what went bang, because we will never know, so let's think on things we can know. Interesting comments indeed, others suggest you cannot have a big bang without having something that went bang. Therefore they say the big bang theory is hogwash. Still others say God created it all? Yet the critics of that concept say; "Well who created God then?" Telescopes ? Principle of Operation and Factors that Affect Its Properties Telescopes are devices that are used to view the distant objects. They find its use in astronomy and physics. It enables you to view the distant objects by magnifying them. There are many types of telescopes and their prices vary according to the specifications. Many accessories are also available that can be used in conjunction with the telescopes. Small telescopes that are used as toys are also capable of viewing some objects around 50 meters away. Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds There maybe a way to use acoustic transducers to pin-point incoming enemy ordinance such as mortar rounds in order to shoot them down. Directional sound waves from acoustic transducers set at specific locations around friendly locations can create artificial barriers, which the incoming ordinance will have to pass to reach its target and thus be detected and triangulated or quadrangulated for interception. Marine News - Summer 2004 - Our Ocean Environment Our oceans are home to many marine mammals, fish, turtles, corals and others. The delicate balance between man and the ocean is constantly being challenged by the demands of our society. Most of our planet is covered by water, a necessary ingredient of human life. The state of our oceans should be uppermost in our minds in order for quality of life for all species to remain as it is. Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles to be Used for Fish Farming or Algae Bloom Removal What is a UUV? UUV is the abbreviation given to Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. It is a mini-submarine without anyone in it. Is it possible to use UUVs to farm fish in lakes, reservoirs and the ocean? Can UUVs keep a watchful eye on Algae Blooms and deliver micro-encapsulation timed release anti algae chemicals? Laser Ionization Airflow Tunnel Flight Theory I believe their is a way to have an on board aircraft laser the air in front of it and move the air out of the way, thus less friction at lower altitudes, no sonic booms and rapid acceleration no induced or parasite drag at low altitudes. You could call it hyper laser atmospheric conditioning. By doing this, the power to weight rations are no longer important and you can fly on air itself with low pressure. Mystical Physicists INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: An Immortal Horse Egyptian scholars know there is little other than fiction that can be written about the civilization that lived on the banks of the Nile in far more recent times than the beginning of the 'Old Copper Culture'. All these things are related and the old fictions are replaceable with the story of a worldwide culture with trading posts in each and every part of the world. Is there any remnant of cultural pride in Iran that treats the ancient metallurgists of their region with a different kind of respect than our history attributes to them? Does anyone think these nationalistic ideologues and pedagogues of today are real and honest presenters of fact? The whole concept of nationalism and most other 'isms' (except ecumenicism) need close scrutiny. The area of the Snake River in east central Minnesota may have been the site of copper mining when the glaciers covered the Great Lakes. Would it be possible for people 20,000 years ago to have been mining these sites and lost their access due to the glaciers? We humbly suggest this is the case and that they then returned as the glaciers melted. Petaga Point and work by Peter Bleed in 1969 may offer a starting point for that kind of thinking. He wrote The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component by the Minnesota Historical Society. Where Do Insects Go When It Rains? Have you ever wondered where insects go when it rains? We have all seen a poor unfortunate spider washed down the plughole so we know how vulnerable they are to rushing water. Surely then, isn't rain one of their worst enemies? The Best and Worst of April?s Weather If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. UAV Stealth and Radar Energy Capture for Power and Propulsion A Feasible Idea for UAV Flight, Possible Research and Development Test; UAV Stealth and Radar Energy Capture for Power and Propulsion to drive your enemy crazy. Lets Get Dirty There is no right way of saying this, so I'll say it the wrong way: in order to stay healthy we must stay dirty. Now, that didn't sound right, did it? Put it this way: if we all lived in sealed apartments where only the purest air was pumped in and every trace of bacteria were eliminated from our food we probably wouldn't last long when we stepped outside. Robotic MAV- Micro Air Vehicle Based on an Organic Humming Bird Model MAV Micro Air Vehicle Based on Organic Hummingbird Model. There is no more interesting bird than a humming bird. Some humming bird species migrate, 500 miles? Wow. Efficient little bird isn't it? It's wings move between 60-80 flap cycles per minute. We have produced a drawing for a little MAV humming bird and found a suitable motor. It spins 15,000 rpm. Check out this little Brushless Motor? Free Energy from Space Tesla was always looking for a way to harvest electromagnetic energy and deliver it to the world wireless, after reading a biography about Tesla; I had come up with this concept. Harvesting and Wireless delivery of Electromagnetic Energy From Space. Why not put a satellite that counter rotates the Earth and is located at the poles. It would be over the poles. It would have 24-mile long entergy tail tentacles off of it spinning around along with the satellite. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part II If we take the menace, nuisance and destructive Locust, we can create a win/win situation by and allowing it to survive and happily eat our bio-waste filling up our dumps. Then as it progresses and digests the food it will create energy. If we control the rate of reproduction then everyone in the food chain wins. The locusts also make a very healthy dietary supplement, which through genetic evolution our human bodies are indeed capable of eating, thus providing us with additional high protein kick for our brains, which have also evolved to need more protein. In Arab cultures without eating hooved animals their diets are often lacking that protein and therefore more apt to succumb to radical religious indoctrination. Years of Locusts plagues and swarms offer a chance to increase that much needed protein content and bring more folks there into mainstream moderate personal belief systems. By doing this it will be much easier to get along in the world without turning over their brains to a Cleric, turning to Jihad against their first world neighbors. The answer may be to: eat more locusts. Enemy UAV Defense is under consideration Unmanned Aerial Vehicles should be shot down from the air rather than the ground because if they are flown tele-robotically the operator who is looking down and forward will not know where the anti-aircraft device is. If the enemy uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to draw fire, which is a smart move for them, then once fired upon the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle whether it is shot down or not has now located our weaponry and troops. Likewise if we have a loitering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle above the enemy once they shoot it, we see the hostile fire and either "hell fire missile it" or take coordinates of the insurgents locations and wire it to the most appropriate component of the net-centric blue force. Issues with Aerial Fire Fighting A few years ago I visited the Wyoming Contractor, which used WWII aircraft to fight such fires. I was amazed that such old aircraft were not in museums but rather in flying condition and used for dropping phoschek on fires. Nicknamed the "Borate Bombers" after the old material, which for years we used to drop on fires from the air. It was very red, highly toxic to plant life but certainly would do it's job when put on top of a fire or in the path of one. MAV Propulsion and Testing Perhaps we should be looking into advancing the propulsion systems of MAVs, small UAVs by using magnetic propulsion to spin the propellers. When testing a UAV by trying to fly it under the canopy of trees or around sparsely populated tree areas or in cities with streets and housing we may find we have difficult issues. If the aircraft as proper angle of attack you might be able to slow it down, reverse the propeller spin, do a level flight tail slide, reverse the propeller again and fly right out of a box canyon or alley way. Or take pictures of your enemy, turn around and leave? ![]() |
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