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Social Robotic Bees to Prevent Killer Bee Attacks on Cities
We need to design tiny robotic bees, which can mimic real insect bees. By doing this bee keepers can help remove killer bee populations from city dwelling where they might attack people. Although some would say this is far-fetched, we are not that far off in understanding the bee population or their queen bee migrations. By developing tiny insect like Queen Bees which the bees will follow we can help divide hives and steer bees into areas where they can help us with our crop yields without killing little kids, pets and even adults. African Killer Bees have migrated and are now in many western states and they have introduced themselves into the American Honey Bee populations which are mostly non aggressive. There have been many attacks in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and California. It is not uncommon for them to swarm onto a small pet or human being when agitated. A small mini swarm of social robotic bees might change the behavior of these bee populations or help us divide them or move them to agricultural areas where we can co-exist. They help us pollinate and continue to enhance our crop yields by as much as 40-60% and we allow them to live in peace and make honey and grow. A tiny honeybee robot will be able to coax a hive to swarm away from middle class neighborhoods, playgrounds and schools to a more suitable area where they can grow and help growth of agricultural products and vegetation. We need to work together; the bees and us. We are nearly there with the technology we need to make this all a reality, we have been studying honey bees for thousands of years and they have one heck of an evolutionary track record; some say 400 million years. They can teach us a lot and we can live in peace without killer bee attacks, just because you wore something yellow in the wrong place at the wrong time. Think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Medical Miracle or Mistake? Fundamental elements of life and the aspects of cloning bring dramatic advancement to the scientific and medical community; however, is this fast-paced artificial reproduction an intrusion of Nature or a doorway to infinite, medical cures? Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Megaliths and Pole Flips The changes in the earth magnetic field away from the 7.8 cycle rhythm that it has been for a long time is something that may be a result of the things man has done to the Earth. It is more likely part of the cyclical nature of the sun's effect on the Earth but we must keep an open mind. I used to think there was some possibility that the reason the Mammoths in the northern climes had buttercups inside their fast frozen mouths had to do with a pole shift of a physical nature. I do not think that is the case anymore. I present these thoughts for your careful consideration. We Have Come Along Way in Our Exploitation of Transportation We sure have come along way since the horse and buggy or the first Model T that left the assembly line. We have attempted to build unbelievable transportation items and prototypes for instance; the Spouse Goose, jet powered bullet trains, under water autonomous vehicles and those X-Planes. Speaking of which if you have been to all the aviation and space museums you would have to be impressed with what we have achieved so far in air transportation, but we cannot stop here. Joint projects with NASA, US Military, DOT R and D and private corporations have built and tested many fascinating prototypes. Will Clones Run the World? In the US it appears that we have decided that "life is not for sale" and that the cloning debate is over and our scientists are forbidden by law from attempting to clone humans. In other countries they are currently trying and will most likely continue to try until they get it right. Will those countries which move forward in human cloning be able to force their will on free markets and rise to power faster since they will have the abilities of entangled brains and abilities of basic thought transfer? Such skills will be quite an advantage indeed. Will such countries have stronger corporations and create wealth faster than our corporations? Will the multi-national conglomeration corporations of the World continue to be so large it will not be significant until way into the future? Will more countries become run completely by super dynasty clone families, will they run the world? The Wages of Science In the United States, Congress approved, last month, increases in the 2003 budgets of both the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. America is not alone in - vainly - trying to compensate for imploding capital markets and risk-averse financiers. An Immortal Horse Egyptian scholars know there is little other than fiction that can be written about the civilization that lived on the banks of the Nile in far more recent times than the beginning of the 'Old Copper Culture'. All these things are related and the old fictions are replaceable with the story of a worldwide culture with trading posts in each and every part of the world. Is there any remnant of cultural pride in Iran that treats the ancient metallurgists of their region with a different kind of respect than our history attributes to them? Does anyone think these nationalistic ideologues and pedagogues of today are real and honest presenters of fact? The whole concept of nationalism and most other 'isms' (except ecumenicism) need close scrutiny. The area of the Snake River in east central Minnesota may have been the site of copper mining when the glaciers covered the Great Lakes. Would it be possible for people 20,000 years ago to have been mining these sites and lost their access due to the glaciers? We humbly suggest this is the case and that they then returned as the glaciers melted. Petaga Point and work by Peter Bleed in 1969 may offer a starting point for that kind of thinking. He wrote The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component by the Minnesota Historical Society. Ultra Thin Space Suits, just a concept The space suits we saw on the first Moon visit were too large and bulky. We need Ultra thin space suits, but what if you break the skin underneath. You could bleed for hours until you get help and get the space suit off. Now then please view this company and Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation Energy and America Where Do Insects Go When It Rains? Have you ever wondered where insects go when it rains? We have all seen a poor unfortunate spider washed down the plughole so we know how vulnerable they are to rushing water. Surely then, isn't rain one of their worst enemies? Alchemy: Turning Rocks to Gold Since the Middle Ages! Alchemy. Such a misunderstood science. I hope this article can help set things straight for whomever reads it. Increasing Lightening Storm Intensity and Direction Control of Strikes Using four UAVs in formation with one C-130 Hercules Aircraft or 747 with onboard laser: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Mudslides: Extreme Events - What Do They Mean? In lieu of recent, tumultuous occurrences, people are more compelled than ever to discover the mystery of these modern-day, earth-changing events. Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. Paper - More than Meets the Eye We are surrounded by so much paper and card that it is easy to forget just how complex it is. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades. Underground Cities, Save the Humans Perhaps we should design tunneling robots, which can dig out an underground city. Unmanned Tunneling robots to build underground cookie cutter cities to save mankind from possible future calamity. These robots would run off a pre-programmed schematic like a robotic house-building machine. Each city underground would house 100,000 people and be ready in case of disaster. They would run off thermo heat from the Earth and be fully stocked and have near bye underground water supplies to draw from. Should We Allow The Genetic Modification of Insects? Some scientists argue over creation, intelligent design and evolution. Others argue did man create god or did god create man. Let us discuss our scientific advancements. When does Man cross the line and become a god? Or a creator or modifier of life to such a degree that he has changed the entire current scenario? One interesting development has been to make corn better for ethanol, simply modify the corn more. Call it Super Corn, which uses little water to grow, has high yields and can be used to make plastics, fuel and/or feed the world. Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer? Well, here is a most interesting thought. There are many who have heart murmurs from birth and many with heart murmurs, which are not negative from a health standpoint. DNA Testing Breaks Down Barriers in the Court Room DNA testing has three major applications for forensic studies: identification of missing persons; identification of victims of wars, accidents, and natural disasters; and crime investigation. Annually, more than 20,000 forensic DNA tests are performed in the UK. Two out of three of all criminal cases using DNA evidence involve sexual assault, the rest are cases dealing with burglary, murder, and other types of violent crime. During the last 15 years, DNA analysis became an indispensable police tool in fighting crime because it allows unambiguous identification of the criminal by traces of biological material left at the crime scene. It can also acquit innocent suspects based on DNA evidence. ![]() |
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