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Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Mudslides: Extreme Events - What Do They Mean?
In lieu of recent, tumultuous occurrences, people are more compelled than ever to discover the mystery of these modern-day, earth-changing events. One day, Earth(1) is experiencing the fourth largest earthquake in a century - a 9.0 tectonics plate(2) shift(3) off the coast of Sumatra(4), the next day - Tsunami(5). A Report(6) from NASA explains how the poles have permanently shifted by an entire inch. According to Dr. Benjamin Fong Chao, "...Any worldly event that involves the movement of mass affects the Earth's rotation, from seasonal weather down to driving a car." Per the findings of Doctors Chao and Gross, the North Pole(7) has shifted by an inch in the direction of 145 degree East Longitude. Based on their report too, was that Earth's oblateness(8) (gravity field) was also decreased by a small amount. To translate into laymen's terms, the change in mass distribution(9) can effect long-term global climate changes(10)(11); thus, the El Nino/La Nina(12) effect is strengthened due to unusual mean sea level pressure(13). The Journal of Geophysical Research(14) published an abstract on data analysis from the Earth's gravity field(15). In their profound study, results showed that Earth's gravity field has undergone significant variations during the past 28 years alone. The largest (of these fluctuations) occurred during the 1996 - 2002 time frame. Again, we have a scenario of mass redistributions in the atmosphere and ocean in a relatively short period. Personal research from the National Earthquake Information Center(16) showed that between December 5, 2004 and January 5, 2005 there were over 170 earthquakes across the globe that measured over a 5.0 (on the Richter Scale). According to the Volcano Information Center(17), 77 volcanoes have erupted or are experiencing ongoing eruptions since 2002 - 2004; of which, 57 began erupting during 2004 alone. The recent California Mudslides(18), the torrential downpours, and extreme winter precipitation begs one to try and comprehend what exactly is occurring and why it is happening at this point in time. Once again, we return to the statement made by Dr. Benjamin Fong Chao, "...Any worldly event that involves the movement of mass affects the Earth's rotation, from seasonal weather down to driving a car." Based on this analogy, we can clearly define that magnetic field composition and movement can and does affect global weather (on a broad scale). But what other effects can the magnetic field have on the planet as a whole? Interestingly enough, I was able to retrieve different reports that may somehow involve magnetic field proponents: In February of 2004, `...over 10,000 Bramblings dropped dead in a `bird rain' in the Eastern Province of Jiangsu - Yangzi,' as reported in the BBC News. In addition, in November of 2004, 100s of Whales and dolphins were found stranded off the coast of Tasmania and New Zealand (Australia Broadcasting Corp ). Reporter Jocelyn Nettlefold stated, "...The weather appears to be central to the stranding cycle. Every decade or so, atmospheric changes bring cooler, sub-Antarctic waters further north..." Professor Mark Hindell further elaborated, "...there have been suggestions in the past that seismic exploration may have been associated with strandings in the US..." In a more comprehensive Article from Progress in Physical Geography, Sudden Climate Transitions during the Quaternary, Scientists found that the `...time span of the past few million years has been punctuated by many rapid climate transitions, most of them on time scales of centuries to decades or even less...' and `...Judging by its past behavior under both glacial and interglacial conditions, climate has a tendency to remain quite stable for most of the time and then suddenly `flip'; at least sometimes over just a few decades, due to the influence of the various triggering and feedback mechanisms..." This, in relation to magnetic pole shifts would inevitably and theoretically explain dramatic climate transitions. Since 1990, surface waters in tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean regions became markedly saltier, while at the same time, much of the water column in the high altitudes of the North and South Atlantic Oceans became fresher. (Report: New Study Reports Large-scale Salinity Changes in the Oceans) My own theory is as such: Seismological Events = Polar Shifts = Climatic Changes = Global Warming = Sea Level Rise = Continued Seismological Events = etc., etc., etc. In other words, seismological events brought on by nature or manmade contraptions, is the beginning of a vicious cycle. To further fuel the debate of greenhouse effects directly attributed by sea level rise, `Glacial Melt Alarms Scientists,' as reported by Terry Rombeck of Journal-World, Prasad Gogineni (Kansas Univ. Researcher) stated, "...I don't think sea-level rise is an immediate concern. You're talking about the long term, 50 or 100 years. But the assumptions we've made are based on gradual increases over 100 years. What we're seeing are dramatic increases." Overall, the Earth, as we know it is inconceivably changing before our eyes. It is still not too late to make our own transitions in how we proceed with this newfound knowledge. The key to scientific research and global climatic/geological phenomena is that we, as human beings, have the inevitable power to implement strategic changes that can ultimately reverse or at least slow the effects of our own ability to inhabit this Earthly plane. In so, the solution lies within us all. The only difference between mankind's survival and mass-level extinction is whether or not we choose to use the solution. For a more metaphysical point of view on polar shifts, Crawford 2000 has an interesting site at http://www.crawford2000.co.uk/mag.htm For information on what you can do to make our world a better one, visit the websites of the US Environmental Protection Agency & GreenPeace © 2005 - Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Mudslides: Extreme Events - What Do They Mean? By C. Bailey-Lloyd, Aka. LadyCamelot in conjunction with Holistic Junction References 1, 3, 4, 5 Wikipeida, the free Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/ 2. Geology: Plate Tectonics http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/geology/tectonics.html 6. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA News - NASA Details Earthquake Effects on Earth - Gretchen Cook-Anderson/ Dolores Beasley - Headquarters, Washington Jan. 10, 2005: RELEASE: 05-0011 7. Woods Hole Marine Magnetism Group: Magnetic North Pole - mtivey@whoi.edu - Last revised: 1999/12/14 8. Wolfram Research: Scienceworld.wolfram.com - Mechanics, Gravity - Oblateness: Stacey, F. D. Physics of the Earth, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, p. 56, 1977. © Eric W. Weisstein 9. Ask A Scientist - Astronomy Archive: Land Mass Distribution, NEWTON is an electronic community for Science, Math, and Computer Science K-12 Educators. Argonne National Laboratory, Division of Educational Programs, Harold Myron, Ph.D., Division Director. 10. EPA: Global Warming: Climate: An Introduction, January 7th, 2000 11. NASA - Most Changes in Earth's Shape are Due to Changes in Climate - 81-07-05 12. US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: NOAA El Nino Page - Environmental Services Data and Information Management (ESDIM) 13. Australian Government - Bureau of Meterology: Mean Sea Level Pressre Analysis: Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2005, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) 14. AGU - Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL 109, B09402, doic.10.1029/2004JB003028, 2004 - Variations in the Earth's oblateness during the past 28 years: Byron D. Tapley, Center for Space Research, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA 15: EO Newsroom: New Images - Earth's Gravity Field - Earth Observatory (NASA)- Responsible NASA official: Yoram Kaufman 16. USGS: Earthquake Hazards Program: National Earthquake Information Center - Earthquake Hazards Program - URL: http://neic.usgs.gov 17. Volcano Information Center (VIC): Copyright (C) 1999, by Richard V.Fisher. All rights reserved. 18. The Science of Slides: A Primer on How Debris Flows Work, by Jen Shaffer Additional Sources: BBC News Australia Broadcasting Corp Progress in Physical Geography - Sudden Climate Transitions during the Quaternary by Jonathan Adams, Mark Maslin, Ellen Thomas Free Republic - New Study Reports Large-scale Salinity Changes in the Oceans - Space Daily Glacial Melt Alarms Scientists - From Lawrence Journal World By Terry Rombeck C. Bailey-Lloyd
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Weather Control and Creation to Use as a Screen for Troop Advancement Creating a Hurricane using a Space based laser array to heat up surface waters when conditions are right. By using a tropical storm system and super heating the water in the path and then in a counter clock wise direction if in the Northern Hemisphere or Clock-wise if in the Southern Hemisphere because; June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Vacationers If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species "It is clear that modern medicine has created a serious dilemma ... In the past, there were many children who never survived - they succumbed to various diseases ... But in a sense modern medicine has put natural selection out of commission. Something that has helped one individual over a serious illness can in the long run contribute to weakening the resistance of the whole human race to certain diseases. If we pay absolutely no attention to what is called hereditary hygiene, we could find ourselves facing a degeneration of the human race. Mankind's hereditary potential for resisting serious disease will be weakened." Pre-empt the Radiation or Die At West Point, in a speech, President George W. Bush shared the doctrine of pre-emption with his cadets that he articulated as a countermeasure to September 11 attacks. Pre-emption, defined as the anticipatory use of force in the face of an imminent attack, has long been accepted as legitimate and appropriate under international law. In the New National Security Strategy, however, the Bush's first administration was broadening the meaning to encompass preventive war as well, in which force may be used even without the evidence. This particular idea had still been severely debated and really staled but Professor Lawrie Challis's invention has brought the President's angle back into perspective. Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles More and more future fighting vehicles introduced at the Military Trade Shows in Pakistan, China, Israel seem to contain composite material as integral components to save weight. This composite material is lightweight and has many advantages to the high cost of exotic alloy. Composite is also free from the corrosive properties of aluminum and rusting properties of iron. It is for this reason we will world fighting vehicles switch to composite components whenever heavy armor is not needed. We will also see a trend towards ceramic-composite combinations in substitute for steel armor. Lighter war vehicles, harder to see on radar, lighter and faster, greater range and longer lasting to deal with seasonal changes on the surface of the planet causing rust and corrosion. X-37 UAV Has Potential X-37 Moves Forward, Now What? Well, here are a few ideas of taking this craft to a whole new level and plateau in American Ingenuity and Innovation. NASA has learned a lot from the X-37 tests and will now turn it over to DARPA, which makes a lot of sense indeed. Pandemic Crisis Cure Concept What happens if the world is faced with a Pandemic, for which no cure currently exists but one is on the verge of being discovered? Here is a concept, which with the proper protocols could save the human race from near extinction. Human Hibernation. Put as many of the Pandemic victims to sleep as possible before they succumb to the virus or pathogen. Then isolate a team of scientists to figure out a cure. Once the cure is discovered inoculate the scientific team and have them go around to wake everyone up. Wake up the largest groups first and train them with videos how to inoculate the all those people that there is enough vaccine for. Cloaking a UAV in Flight If you will recall the Klingon Space Craft and Warship cloaked it's self as it attacked the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk. We know when we study nature, this is a tactic that predator and prey both use in survival. Cloaking, concealing and camouflage have always been methods of operation for offensive and defensive endeavors of achieving victory. Our lives and the lives of our ancestors depended on it. In war time we paint our planes, tanks and even battles ships colors, which mimic the natural surroundings adding an element of safety from enemy detection. Today we are uses Stealth Aircraft and designing uniforms, which blend into the scenery and even change colors as the surrounding background changes. It therefore stands to reason that we would want to protect our new robotic fighting machines is such ways. The simpler the technique the less chances it will fail to provide that extra security of cover. The more real it blends into the surrounding environment the less likely it will be detected and tracked as a target by the enemy. Atlantis through Science ICE AGES: - The impact of the ice ages and inter-glacial effects on the rise and fall of ocean levels and the earth readjustments to the departure of the ice cap cannot be over-looked in the human historical picture. Research in the area is far greater than in the recent past and we can learn what might have happened to earlier civilizations on earth. Atlantis is a given name for a civilization that inhabited many islands and coastal regions, in my mind. The idea of one central location makes little sense when one considers such things as Ice Ages and changes in the flow of the Gulf Stream and climate that resulted. Because it lasted for from 30,000 to 100,000 years and may have co-existed with other civilizations rising and falling it is most inauspicious to debate one specific time when it was in Tara or Crete or the Azores or Bimini or even Finias. That seems to be the usual debate among the over 25,000 books written about just this one lost civilization. As long as people don't integrate all facts they inevitably just come up with theories to fit pet or prevailing concepts. In Gateway to Atlantis, 'The Search for the source of a lost Civilization' we see a far better scholar who is doing the right kind of investigation. Mapping of the ocean bottoms and geological understandings as well as studying glacial deposits and tree rings gives a better picture of history than history books. Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity? Many believe it is possible to build an anti-gravity machines and there are many small version which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves. Other say why build an anti-gravity wave machine when you can use the gravity to pull you the other way. Some say hogwash; conspiracy theories and UFOs and all the other stuff. They flat say it can never be done. If you see it done it is a trick, it is impossible they say. Surgical Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration Technologies Plants, invertebrate animals, amphibians and even reptiles have the ability to regenerate lost or damaged body parts. In the case of lizards, for example, this is a defensive mechanism. When a predator attacks, the lizard can break off its own tail as a means of distraction. While the predator is busy eating the tail, the lizard escapes and regenerates the body part later on. Mammals can regenerate some skin and liver tissue, but our regenerative abilities stop there. Unlike lizards, which have nature to thank for their regenerative capabilities, we are dependent on scientists, physicians and the business community to develop new technologies that will help us repair and replace damaged tissue. That Dust on Your Car May Soon Be Smarter Than You Think? Here is a thought to get this topic started. A thought on a smart dust design. The smart dust will have to be able to stay airborne for long eriods of time. I was contemplating cleaning off a car which actually had hightech SmartDust on it? God made dirt on the first day right? Well, yes as the story goes he made the Heavens and the Earth and he made that out of dirt. So as man becomes God, he will need to make first things first. So perhaps the thought of making dust is actually a very noble step for mankind indeed. DNA Profiling: Its Uses In Court DNA Profiling and Its Uses in Court Robotic MAV- Micro Air Vehicle Based on an Organic Humming Bird Model MAV Micro Air Vehicle Based on Organic Hummingbird Model. There is no more interesting bird than a humming bird. Some humming bird species migrate, 500 miles? Wow. Efficient little bird isn't it? It's wings move between 60-80 flap cycles per minute. We have produced a drawing for a little MAV humming bird and found a suitable motor. It spins 15,000 rpm. Check out this little Brushless Motor? Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part III If we bring the locusts to a feasting area of green cut up bio-waste to allow them to turn that into methane and protein, then we will be able to win the game. We must first limit the areas for egg laying so we do not end up with red-goo syndrome and runaway locust populations. This can be done by; pancake stacking, similar to bread racks moist sand in trays, about 4 inches thick and ten inches apart. Sprinkled with grass clippings like a light snow or dust upon the ground. Once the Adult females have laid their egg pods they have fulfilled their biological mission and need as per their genetic software code and will of course need to repeat this every six weeks or so. These little fulfilled species will be happy and we as humans get the best of all worlds, protein, energy and solving of a plight upon the earth. Efficient Transportation Systems We see in the organized world of the Japanese with their transit systems and floating airports and super engineering anti-Tsunami bridges many ideas in the theory of flow, which assists every part of their society and civilizations. They are masters of the flow of transportations and work hard to perfect every aspect and detail of their transportation system. Tunneling Concepts for Advanced Warfare I propose research be done to make unmanned tunneling machines to help in warfare. Today more than ever we see the problems with urban warfare. We have developed great techniques such as aerial unmanned vehicles, robotic mechanisms, devices which see in the dark, through buildings and around corners. We have listening devices, scanners, helicopters and special tactics training with the help of virtual reality, mock buildings and pop-up back guys like an advanced video game on in a practice city block. Army Mobile Command Center for UAV Launch After visiting the Denver RC Modeler Club one day as they practiced for the national finals in PHX that year, we attempted a touch and go landing on our Blitz Mobile, which is a 74 foot long NASCAR type truck and trailer. Probably nothing more than a Fighter Pilots son from the cold war wanting to re-invent the aircraft carrier concept on a almost nano scale? We were successful on doing a touch and bounce on the top of the trailer without too much difficulty. It appears that a tractor trailer rig specially designed with panels on top which folded out ward to extend the length of the flat surface on top would be adequate to launch and recover many hundred small UAVs. These UAVs could be launched one after another to form swarms for surveillance or to overwhelm the enemy. We did not have any automous UAVs with us on this day of testing and proving concept, but we did use a model aircraft, which was large enough to prove it will work. Here is the unit we used: UAV - Terrain Following Technologies There are many technologies being used today such as ultrasonic sensors, which provide non-contact for solution levels in liquid storage tanks. Using this technology the tanks can use non-corrosive methods to prevent failure of parts. For instance in a fuel tank the bacteria can eat through a 505 (2-inch) think piece of stainless steel in about a week or so. Even plastic, which is made from petroleum products becomes brittle in such environments. So the solution in the various industries is to use sound waves to control switches and float leveling systems. One company in our industry is Compac Engineering which makes all types of "Eracta Switches" like an erector set you build the desired structure or device out of plastic, insert their sensors, plug it in and you are completed. You can know soap levels, waster water levels, freshwater levels using devices, which do not corrode, rust or deteriorate quickly. Stem Cells (The Truth) The much publicized stem cell research debate focusing on moral arguments is off target with the goal of real progress in the direction of human physiological benefits potential. No matter what side of this issue you come down on, practical considerations ultimately trump this emotionally clouded subject. Stem cells are a valuable renewing asset of human physiology and thus are deserving of our intense interest, but passionate disagreement about research and cloning issues miss the mark of discovering just how simply we can use what we already know about stem cells and how we can benefit from that knowledge to improve the health of everyone. ![]() |
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