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Medical Miracle or Mistake?
Fundamental elements of life and the aspects of cloning bring dramatic advancement to the scientific and medical community; however, is this fast-paced artificial reproduction an intrusion of Nature or a doorway to infinite, medical cures? In lieu of scientific developments in the biological mainstream, the human intervention of life and it's natural state are of utmost concern. Questions are being raised as to what constitutes life produced naturally into this world as opposed to man-made biocreationism. Current events depict a dangerously evolving senerio that will eventually lead to life altering, moral dilemmas. The query here is whether we, as human beings, can justify the birth of alternative life. Physicians of all fields excitedly anticipate what expectedly will stimulate medical achievements on a phenomenal scope. If you can, imagine the limitless possibilities. Heart transplant waiting lists would be a thing of the past. Accident victims could eventually have limb replacements by way of simple, DNA extraction. The ideology that manipulated organs can be created on demand, will definitely expand human lifespans. This, in turn, will bare increasing weight on this already over-populated world. What becomes the deciding factor of who lives or dies will have serious reprecussions. "Logan's Run," a 70's television series comes to mind when faced with this imminent technology. In this program, the Earth is overpopulated and depleted of natural resources. This fictional dramatization depicts life without illness; however, when one reaches the age of 30, he or she is incinerated to create more space for those remaining. Although "Logan's Run" was only a novelty, it was indeed a sign of things to come. Another issue is loss of life. When the time arrives, (and it will) that we have unbiasly accepted the fate of actual human cloning, individuality and the constitution of what is a "real" human will enter into the field of morality. If a loved one passes on, will we simply replace him or her with a biocreated human counterpart or twin? And if so, who is to say that the individual characteristics of this artificially-created person will be exactly duplicated, personality-wise? Then there's the standpoint of human rights. Will these mimic humans have equality as do naturally-born ones? Ethical factors have not been conscienciously studied by the scientific community. Bio-intervention is expidiciously volumizing the evolution of mankind. At which interval do we acknowledge life as mere science? Or do we accept our individual fates as human beings, appreciating our growth in spirituality? The question is - what is to become of the soul of our life when we realize that death is nonexistent? Something to ponder. © 01/2003 C. Bailey-Lloyd
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Earthquake and Disaster Delays in Scientific Innovation In our present period we are continually reminded that we live on the surface of the planet and with that great honor comes issues of Mother Nature we must deal with. It is a fair trade off, as you get sunshine, warmth and heat from the sun; water, fish and surfing opportunities from the ocean and the stars, moon and cosmos to propel thought, enlightenment and understanding of who we are and perhaps some insight into why we are here. These are all wonderful things we enjoy and with every positive there is a negative, with every up there is a down and with every action a reaction. So then, let's talk about the negative side of things; which we are reminded of all too often: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Typhoons, Volcanoes, Wild Fires and Floods. A Call for a Worldwide Campaign on Water Conservation If we are to tackle the challenges of future populations on the planet, we will need to insure adequate water supply. Our US population is growing, by one person every nine seconds and with this growth the consumption of fresh water increases. The average person uses 80-100 gallons per day in the US. In Third world countries about 4-8 total gallons of water per day. I have tested this myself, it is possible to do this; Megaliths and Pole Flips The changes in the earth magnetic field away from the 7.8 cycle rhythm that it has been for a long time is something that may be a result of the things man has done to the Earth. It is more likely part of the cyclical nature of the sun's effect on the Earth but we must keep an open mind. I used to think there was some possibility that the reason the Mammoths in the northern climes had buttercups inside their fast frozen mouths had to do with a pole shift of a physical nature. I do not think that is the case anymore. I present these thoughts for your careful consideration. Building a Single Unit CO2 Laser Grid When using a CO2 Laser to shoot down an incoming projectile, which enters a safety zone, it will be necessary to hold the laser on the target for about 5 seconds or more. To do this we must be able to shoot the laser in a grid, therefore if the projectile or aircraft or guided missile or even a UAV takes evasive action such as a high- speed high "G" 90 degree turn you can still register a kill on the target. Because, whichever direction it turns it will still be well within the grid and the grid can re-direct to center the target within the grid until the 3000 plus degrees of the laser destroy it. Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles More and more future fighting vehicles introduced at the Military Trade Shows in Pakistan, China, Israel seem to contain composite material as integral components to save weight. This composite material is lightweight and has many advantages to the high cost of exotic alloy. Composite is also free from the corrosive properties of aluminum and rusting properties of iron. It is for this reason we will world fighting vehicles switch to composite components whenever heavy armor is not needed. We will also see a trend towards ceramic-composite combinations in substitute for steel armor. Lighter war vehicles, harder to see on radar, lighter and faster, greater range and longer lasting to deal with seasonal changes on the surface of the planet causing rust and corrosion. How Did DNA Testing Children Begin? The landmark immigration case Sarbah vs. Home Office (1985) was the first to use DNA testing to prove a mother-son relationship between Christiana Sarbah and her son Andrew. How Satellite TV Systems Originated What we know as satellite tv actually had its origins in the space race which began with the launching of the satellite Sputnik by the Russians in 1957. The first communication satellite was developed and launched by a consortium of business and government entities in 1963. It was known as Syncom II and achieved an orbit at 22,300 miles over the Atlantic. The first satellite communication was between a U.S. Navy ship in the harbor of Lagos, Nigeria and the U.S. Army located at the naval station at Lakehurst, New Jersey on July 26, 1963. Astrophysics and Other Universe Sentient Life ASTROPHYSICS: - Many other entries will deal with knowledge from this truly amazing field of exploration founded in astrology and chaos science before the Ice Age. There is one question we'd like you to consider at this time. In the recent past, the 'experts' said there were likely some 100,000 lifeforms in our universe (there are others) which are at least as advanced as we are. That was before the Mars meteorites indicate there is water on Mars as well as some biologic form of life. That factor plus water on moons around Saturn or Jupiter has greatly accentuated the statistical probability to the point that it is more realistic to talk about civilizations that may have existed on Mars and Venus, from which we may have come. It certainly makes it likely that there are hundreds of thousands of advanced lifeforms in our own galaxy. MAVs, UAVs, and Insect Flight Characteristics MAVs and UAVs and Insect Flight Characteristics seem to have a lot in common. Millions of years of evolution in nature seem to have been one of the greatest engineering schools around. So now the schools are looking to nature. However as we study nature, nature is not good enough. The world is not good enough that is why all species are continually either modifying to fill their niches or they perish. Designing machines after nature because it looks cool maybe fine. But a Mosquitoes job is to suck blood and reproduce and fly around to it's meal and egg laying. How A Light Bulb Works and Other Interesting Tidbits Light Bulb Science Ancient Navigation and Mapping DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: Space Travel - Human Innate Bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of Planet Earth Human innate bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of planet Earth will be a problem in space travel for the future. How do we know this? We know because insanity seems to very often coincide with mental illness. And the human beings which travel great distances will be subjected to many other problems such as; radiation, calcium breakdown, Closter phobia, space weather, loneliness, food rationing, lack of sex, stir craziness, etc. Weather Control and Creation to Use as a Screen for Troop Advancement Creating a Hurricane using a Space based laser array to heat up surface waters when conditions are right. By using a tropical storm system and super heating the water in the path and then in a counter clock wise direction if in the Northern Hemisphere or Clock-wise if in the Southern Hemisphere because; Re-Designing the ICBM With The Latest and Greatest Technology We propose a Stealth Aircraft or non-stealth composite aircraft to have a honey comb structure with an external shell or skin for the diffraction of incoming laser weaponry, which we believe based on the results of the THEL Anti-Missile Defense System success, will be what future enemies will use to attempt to down our US Aircraft. Israel is selling information and weapons to China, Pakistan and other nations. Russia is also doing the same, it will not be long before everyone has and is planning to use such technologies for both offense and defense. Ocean Polymer Goo to Stop Enemy Ships, a Concept Naval blockade using polymer goo to stop fleeing ships might be possible. In this concept we will use the goo to stick to the bottom of the opposing navy's vessels. Is operation; "Salad Bowl" a secret weapon? No, blockades have been going on since warships have been used. It is merely another tactic in the arsenal as the modern use of blockades moves forward. Currently we are opposed by an enemy, which is running out of ways to attack us and therefore is looking desperately for new ways to disrupt our flows. This of course will not work long term, but as they try and fight the inevitable to the end and as that end draws nearer we are seeing thru their underground correspondence and call to action, such directions as attacking our ports, harbors, pipelines and supply chains. We know our enemy and we know they know about construction, shipping, oil and are involved in high finance, thus as we saw inn the 9-11 attacks use of such knowledge using a non-linear approach. Hominid Inter-breeding 'Kenyanthropus platyops': - Perhaps the 6,000,000 year old men found by a maverick who went behind the authorities back at the Olduvai Gorge will be proven to actually not be outside the australopithecine lineage. But the Leakey family has found a 3.5 million year old human that definitely is, and it was announced after I had written the things related hereto earlier in this effort. I love how these synchronicities occur and how much there is for us to know about ourselves. Cord Blood and Its Uses Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the child and is collected after the cord has been cut off. The umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta after a child is born. It is also called placental blood. Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later used for transplants. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. Now researchers have found that it can be used to treat many diseases. Shamans and Their Documented Abilities Many Shamans will go into a sweat house to get their premonitions, here is a make shift sweat house used by such native Indians; Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. Cold Fusion And as I was typing this, I stopped for a while to watch the news and saw that what I wrote just a while ago in terms of human evolution has already become the likely scenario according to the media because of a new skull found in Kenya. A 3.5 million year old with smaller teeth than an australopithecine! Clearly evolution has much more ancient roots and they said we might well not be connected to australopithecines. Is this common sense or a synchronicity or something more? It happens all the time as I have been doing this research in depth, and writing during the past two years. Austin Osman Spare would say I am in the appropriate state of Zos and others would claim Ain Soph is the operating principle of the Qabala while I accept the World Mind and myself as a flux for it. Maybe Robert Park of Voodoo Science could debunk me just as he has done to J. B. Rhine but what would he say about the 'vacuum' that science now knows and that fits the ESP paradigm so thoroughly? How can anyone doubt perpetual motion when creative and FREE energy is everywhere? Yes, anyone can have an opinion - BUT is it informed? ![]() |
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