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Hominid Inter-breeding
'Kenyanthropus platyops': - Perhaps the 6,000,000 year old men found by a maverick who went behind the authorities back at the Olduvai Gorge will be proven to actually not be outside the australopithecine lineage. But the Leakey family has found a 3.5 million year old human that definitely is, and it was announced after I had written the things related hereto earlier in this effort. I love how these synchronicities occur and how much there is for us to know about ourselves. "The 'Gang' Hits Again Those famed Leakey fossil hunters add a new limb to our family tree - by Simon Robinson, Nairobi. Like other members of the famous 'hominid gang', the sharp-eyed fossil hunters employed by paleontology's Leakey family, Justus Erus spends three months a year scouring the dry, bone-rich riverbeds around Lake Turkana, in northern Kenya. It is a scrubby, desolate landscape, where the people are desparately poor and gun-toting young men are a menacing presence. But it is hallowed ground to scientists because of the clues it offers to early human history. Still, even after five years, Erus, a 30-year-old Turkana tribesman, had scored nary a hit-just bits of animal bones and teeth. Then one scorching morning during the final week of the gang's explorations in August 1999, at a site called Lomekwi, Erus noticed a white object, just a cm or two across, sticking out of a patch of brown mudstone. 'I thought maybe it was (the bones of) a monkey,' he says. Beckoning the expedition's co-leader, Meave Leakey, wife and daughter-in-law, respectively, of Richard and Louis Leakey and renowned in her own right, he asked her opinion. By nightfall they realized that they had uncovered the partial remains of a humanlike skull. The fossil turned out to be a totally new prehuman species and last week reignited one of paleontology's greatest debates: Did we evolve in direct steps from a common apelike ancestor between 6 million and 4 million years ago? Or did the human family tree sprout branches, some of which petered out? {No integration of Mungo Man, the 6,000,000 year old find, the Black Skull or many other possibilities!} In the past 20 years the Leakeys and others have dug up overwhelming evidence showing that between 2.5 million and 1 million years ago, the then lush woodlands and savannas of eastern Africa-where our family tree first took root-were the habitat of rival species, most of which were evolutionary dead ends. But what about before that? Paleontologists have generally agreed that there was just one hominid line, beginning with a small, upright-walking species known as 'Australopithecus afarensis', most famously represented by 'Lucy'., a remarkably complete (about 40%) skeleton found in Ethiopia in 1974. Now {Ha!} that view is being challenged. The new skull, described by Leakey and six colleagues, including her and Richard's daughter Louise, 29, in 'Nature' last week, pushes the presence of co-existing species back another million years, to between 3.5 million and 3.2 million years ago. That's right in Lucy's time. Yet it is so different from Lucy that they assign their fossil, which they call 'Kenyanthropus platyops', or 'flat- faced man of Kenya', to a new genus, or grouping of species. 'This means we will have to rethink the early past of hominid evolution,' says Meave Leakey, head of paleontology at the National Museum of Kenya. {Who didn't want the Dalhousie professor digging up the 6,000,000 year old bones on the Yale site, that he says aren't australopithecine, to upstage them.} 'It's clear the picture isn't as simple as we thought.' Even Lucy's discoverer Donald Johanson, director of the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University, concurs. 'This is a reminder that there are probably a lot more species out there,' he says. K. 'platyops' not only had a much flatter face than Lucy, she also had smaller teeth. From the teeth, the scientists conclude that it probably ate fruits, berries and small insects while A. 'afarensis' consumed tougher vegetation like roots and grasses. {The skull appears to have teeth as we do. This description of things bears little fruit of the nature of our ancestors or how they felt, thought and developed the things that really count. It would fit very nicely with the 'cave man' fiction and our 'gradually evolved' species though. Thus you can rest secure in the knowledge that YOU and especially the European (you) are the highest form of life ever found on the face of this planet.} 'They were unlikely to compete,' says team member Fred Spoor of University College London. 'Two species don't usually occupy the same ecological niche.' Old flat-face could displace A. 'afarensis' as a direct link in the human lineage. Or it may be a part of a branch leading to 'Homo rudolfensis', a species with a strikingly similar face that lived in East Africa between 2.4 and 1.8 million years ago. 'You find something beautiful and new, but the conclusion is you actually know less,' says Spoor. 'But we are getting there.' - with reporting by Andrea Dorfman/New York." (1) When all things are considered they are being disingenuous. Spoor or the others do know that the afarensis lineage is not related to us. As to the existence of super robustus australopithecines in the time, they don't mention that because the probability of 'occupying the same ecological niche' increases the likelihood that humans and hominids banded together and formed protection groups against these larger foe with ability like their own. That is a possibility I think leads to social and cultural development that would push the meaningful aspects of human life back a great deal further. The spiritual and communicational possibilities of commerce and ritual as well as dance and herbalism, expand as people form larger units. It is likely that sexual relations between different hominids occurred and made mutational potentials to generate genetic streams of over a hundred different types in Africa. To focus on Africa forgets Siberia (Diring entry) and Mungo Man. It loses sight of Gondwana where the genetic material that became all these hominids formed before the split to South America, Australia etc. This leads to many different places on earth developing hominids. Yes, there is much to learn; but if we don't consider all the facts we will keep our heads in a very dark place that doctors might have to use surgical tools like obsidian (as fine as any today) to remove. They have recently found an ape which the researchers think is a cross between a gorilla and a chimpanzee. It is still living in some numbers and I look forward to geneticists telling us what cannot be done while their colleagues say otherwise ? some more. And those geneticists did so after I wrote much of this book. They found up to 1.8 million years ago that pubic lice which are only on humans diverged in North America. Author of Diverse DruidsColumnist for The ES Press MagazineWorld-Mysteries.com guest 'expert'
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51 Easy, Eco-Friendly Ways You Can Help Sustain Planet Earth 1. Air dry your laundry. Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity? Many believe it is possible to build an anti-gravity machines and there are many small version which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves. Other say why build an anti-gravity wave machine when you can use the gravity to pull you the other way. Some say hogwash; conspiracy theories and UFOs and all the other stuff. They flat say it can never be done. If you see it done it is a trick, it is impossible they say. Secrets of The Mathematical Symmetry of Nature and Patterns of Erosion As scientists and theorists study patterns, design, chaos, complexity they often turn to nature for examples and there is plenty of examples in nature too. The stripes on a zebra, patterns on a butterfly, spider webs, leafs on a tree, scales on a fish, seashells, brain waves, muscle structure, texture of granite, spider webs, Earth cycles, waves on the ocean, wind flow, clouds in the sky, Rainbows, Solar System, structure of a meteorite and even DNA itself. Transducers - The Remarkable Changers Complex control systems all make use of signals that can be easily measured and altered remotely. Automatically operated machines or actuators need to be powered either by electrical motors, pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders. How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more. There are lots of considerations; however, for making sure that your body piercing is done safely so that you don't end up with either an infection or a poorly done piercing that could leave an unsightly scar. Whispering Windows For Observation Decks of ISS and Moon Colonies Talking glass, which was featured recently in the famous Tom Cruise Movie "Minority Report" where advertising would spring to life and communicate with the actor; is not new science. In fact it has been around since the 1940's and some believe that the ghost of Lincoln, which was discussed in the biographies of Richard Nixon as being in the White House when looking at his picture on the wall was Whispering Windows Technology. In other words unfortunately ghosts do not exist in the white house at all. These technologies where called "Terfonal Devices" and were developed by scientists at the University of Iowa and were primarily used to enhance sonar capabilities. Today you can buy a small personal device for your mirror at home to tell you that you look great or use the mirror as a speaker for your favorite music. Einstein Half Dead 100 years ago Albert Einstein developed his Relativity Theory of physics that claimed that the universe is actuallybased on a space-time-gravity continuum (a non-mechanical version of Rene Descartes' earlier mechanical ether theory) and with time as variable and relative. Debunking the Debunker In History and Science: Efficient Transportation Systems We see in the organized world of the Japanese with their transit systems and floating airports and super engineering anti-Tsunami bridges many ideas in the theory of flow, which assists every part of their society and civilizations. They are masters of the flow of transportations and work hard to perfect every aspect and detail of their transportation system. Submarine Propulsion and Internet web sources Let us discuss the patent for the Submarine, which is now in the public domain, not that any foreign governments ever cared since they have been building them for years. Since my Grandfather built the first Ring Gyro at Stanford Research years back, I think it wise to discuss these things in a modern context. The device he built is now called a Laser Ring Gyro Inertia Guidance system which is not nearly the size of the original the first one ever built by my Grandfather was six feet in diameter and six feet high and was used in a submarine after it was perfected. Today you can make one in a small box with a computer chip about 3 inches by three inches. Proving Moore's Law in more ways than one. So if you were going to build a submarine right now how would you build it? What would power it? What would be its limitations on performance? Could it also fly? Go on land? Who would you pay to build it? How fast could it go? Well we could use a Hydrogen fuel Cell, actually that has already been done and by the way it works fine. No more, Red Octobers, here is some history leading up to this discussion you may find rather interesting. Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track About a month ago, I was helping a friend collect meteorites. We picked out a grid pattern and started walking six to 9 feet apart with metal detectors looking for the iron-nickel meteorites which are quite common here on the Earth's surface The grid is large and takes many days to even make a dent in it and each time we are able to collect some meteorites. One thing we noticed was that we would scare little rodents in bushes and they would take off running. Yet as we approached railroad tracks we noticed fewer and fewer rodents living there. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. Making a Lightening Storm? Here is a very basic concept idea/plan to harvest energy from Lightening. It is done in an artificial chamber, simulating weather in the atmosphere, but under exact and controlled circumstances; still in the incubation-thinking phase. It has incredible additional possibilities for all kinds of applications. I call it; AWCS- Project Artificial Weather Control Simulator. The Intricacies of a Compound Microscope Have you ever used a compound microscope? Your first thought may be to answer "no" but chances are if you had Biology in high school or college that you have used a compound microscope. What do you remember about this microscope? You may remember what it looks like but can you recall how it worked? If not, this article is for you! Bees Wax; History and Origin We have often been asked where wax comes from? Well there are many types of Waxes. Bees wax has been around for a while. There are many mentions of beeswax in historic writing such as the myth where Icarus son of Daedalus put on wings of wax and as he flew too close to the sun, it melted and Icarus fell to his death. The father with more experience flew closer to the ground and made it to Italy. In Roman times Pliny, lived from 23 AD to 79 AD and described white bees wax which he got by boiling yellow bees wax in salt water. This was then used in broth and feed to those with dysentery, it was also used as a skin softener. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. A Unique History of the Light Bulb Most people assume that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This is only partially true however. Historically speaking, many people helped developed the modern incandescent bulb. Though Thomas Edison's achievements were by far the most significant, there are several others that deserve some credit. Hurricane and Typhoons Show Drop in Ozone Levels A recent study, which was conducted by the Florida State University, showed that ozone levels drop as the Hurricanes get bigger. The NASA funded study looked at readings in the upper atmosphere of 12 storms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center (NHC) which forecasts Hurricanes uses the eye to pin point the Hurricanes position and with that data a hundred mile radius was taken and the ozone was measured. How I Became Interested In Looking At The Moon Like a lot of kids, my folks gave me a 60mm telescope for Christmas one year. The scope was a typical department-store brand - not very good - but to a 12-year old kid it opened up the universe. Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes ATHENS - GREECE, -- An individual person called Basil Dimitropoulos, who is a graduate Electrical Engineer with specialization in Magnetic Recording Applications, has long announced that he developed a project that concerns Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes. This electromotive system affects directly the Global Home Appliances Industry and Transportation Industry, resulting in portable and mobile power supplies for Household Devices and Electric Vehicles. It is an Entirely Environment-Friendly energy source of very low cost. ![]() |
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