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Troubleshooting Pump Problems the Easy Way
In any problem analysis, we have to specify the problem, check whether there is any deviation from the normal condition, identify the possible causes, evaluate the possible causes and then confirm the true cause. Pumps or other machinery will give tell tale signs when they are not working properly. An observant pump user will be able to avoid major breakdowns or damage if the problem is corrected early. In order to solve any pump problem, we need to notice the symptoms carefully so as to determine the most likely causes. Instruments like pressure gauges are very helpful and should be installed in the pumping system. Very often we do have to rely on our 5 senses to pinpoint the exact symptom. Normally, pump problems can be classified into Suction Related, System Related, or Mechanical Related. It can also be a combination of these. Most of the system related problems occur because of design flaw. For example, the designer may have chosen the wrong pump whose characteristic does not match the system requirement. Suction related problems are usually caused by air lock that are due to a variety of reasons... The effects of mechanical related problems could manifest themselves as suction related problems - air leaks in the system, worn out impellers, and mouth rings - but the most common symptom is the presence of vibration and abnormal noise in the equipment. DiagnoPump, pump troubleshooter has been created for pump users and sellers to help them find the solution quickly. Arranged so that the easiest (and often overlooked) causes are examined first, it could be a very useful tool. If you are a beginner, you can start the troubleshooting from the very first steps. More experienced users may want to start from the later stages in the symptom list. The symptoms have been identified to make it easy to zero in on the correct ones. The symptoms have been arranged as: 1. No Flow, No Pressure - No water delivered at all With this easy pump troubleshooter, anyone could easily pinpoint the causes in a very short time. The usefulness does not end there - any pump distributor or seller can also make use of it to sell their own product! They are able to insert their own names and Companies into the FREE software and distribute it to anyone they wish as goodwill. "Last Chance To Amazing Program"Get Smart with Jobs! Do Right and it becomes a Breeze. Learn from Masters who has Done Right. Many years of working experience in Marine, Facilities, Construction has given the author material for writing e-books and articles related to engineering, and management. Subscribe to facworld ezineMore information at Marine Engineer and M & E Engineer
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Ceramic Coatings Inside Plastic Water Bottles? A new report claims Water in plastic bottles could pose a problem, and of course why wouldn't it? This is a much debated topic indeed, so please read. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Mudslides: Extreme Events - What Do They Mean? In lieu of recent, tumultuous occurrences, people are more compelled than ever to discover the mystery of these modern-day, earth-changing events. Down Scrolling Text to Find Patterns I believe a program can be written to scan text such as an email, story or article in Western Languages, which might indicate a pattern which maybe of valuable insight. By Down Scrolling Text, which we have all done, whether thinking about it or not, we will most likely Find Patterns Which Indicate Hostile Intentions, sadness, stress or vengefulness. Perhaps you can determine intelligence levels, etc. Try it sometime. Read 10 pages of text from an individual and then put yourself in the writer's shoes. Was he-she angry in the article or report? Were they honest in their summation or point of issue? Was there a point of issue? Or like the uni-bomber did they ramble somewhat? Look at the text of Mienkoff or patterns in the Declaration of Independence. NASA Budget VS Social Programs Balancing our quest for Space and its costs with the need of the people of our civilization is always at the top of the debate during NASA Budget hearings in the House and Senate. Some say that they think our primary planetary goal should be to colonize somewhere other than earth. Others cannot believe what they are hearing; "The primary goal. As in number one goal? Why do you say that?" They say what about freedom, free enterprise and stability of civilization too? Still in the end the debaters agree that it should be one of the top priorities. Surround Panoramic Night Vision is Possible Modern night vision equipment is state of the art for infantry and Special Forces. After the most recent assault on the International Terrorists and insurgents in Falluja, Iraq the United States Military and the US Trained Iraqi Security Forces put to good use the methods of Urban Combat. Much of the specialized equipment such as the night vision equipment was put to good use in the door-to-door search and destroy mission to round up the bad guys. Navy Seals, Swat Teams, Special Forces all deploy such modern night vision equipment which is used in conjunction with long range binoculars, these units can see thousands of yards in the pitch black of night, they work so well in fact that they are quite addicting. War fighters have been known to keep them on even while in closer quarters where lighting is sufficient without them. Space Probes Speed Up Recently scientists were amazed that the space probes now leaving our solar system suddenly started to speed up? They should not be surprised because the gravity from the sun pulls in material from around our solar system and then compacts it. Just like our atmosphere is more concentrated closer in. On celestial bodies in our own solar system we know there are layers of various density as your travel closer and closer. The Harmonic The Harmonic Space Travel - Human Innate Bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of Planet Earth Human innate bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of planet Earth will be a problem in space travel for the future. How do we know this? We know because insanity seems to very often coincide with mental illness. And the human beings which travel great distances will be subjected to many other problems such as; radiation, calcium breakdown, Closter phobia, space weather, loneliness, food rationing, lack of sex, stir craziness, etc. The Joy of Recycling I have always been an advocate of recycling. Even though I am not always convinced of its financial viability, I am thoroughly convinced of its value as a means of increasing public awareness of the cost of our consumerism. In the 20+ years I have been in the organizing profession, I have never heard anyone complain that their problem in getting organized was that they didn't have enough "stuff." How Do Cities Grow? You see the cities in America started where there was a river and small populations sprung up, then the railroad steam engines needed a place to fill up the water. Eventually the towns got larger and grew near the rail stations. Then as people moved outward and behind the downtown areas they grew without regards to modern day planning methods, making increased surface transportation rather difficult. Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. Active Aerial Minefields Is it possible to build an active aerial minefield to protect our troops and in-country logistical supply lines? The answer is probably yes. The Germans attempted to use hot air balloons with charges on them. It did not work. However today we have many newer technologies that if put together it might be possible to actually build an active aerial mine field. For instance what about a "Metal Storm" with lightweight munitions inside hanging from Balloons. UAV Mini - Torpedo Bombers for Eliminating Hydro Cushioned Water Craft UAVs can carry cargo, some of the very tiny UAV units can hold up to 11 lbs. Which is not much, however. A one-way UAV could fly over a river that is used for transporting troops and supplies by your enemy via hydro-craft, which can hover over regular water. These mines would normally be set by Navy Seals, by using small robotic units we can save the risk of life unless it is totally necessary. Ancient Navigation and Mapping DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: Social Robotic Bees to Prevent Killer Bee Attacks on Cities We need to design tiny robotic bees, which can mimic real insect bees. By doing this bee keepers can help remove killer bee populations from city dwelling where they might attack people. Although some would say this is far-fetched, we are not that far off in understanding the bee population or their queen bee migrations. By developing tiny insect like Queen Bees which the bees will follow we can help divide hives and steer bees into areas where they can help us with our crop yields without killing little kids, pets and even adults. Welcome to the Eye Science Thousands of dyslexic students, across the UK, are referred of something called "Asfedic tuning", this is a procedure that supposedly results in a precise identification of a persons optimal background best suited for acquiring the optimum reading speeds. Here are my notes about this: Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike It is a pretty well known fact and has been proven that the body seems to pre-adjust to changes in advance of events by a second or two. For instance there have been studies of test subjects with finger sensors, which would show the subjects pulse or adrenaline spiked right before they were to be shocked. Those of us who know about this have found ourselves in competitive sports with an almost uncanny intuition. Of course this favors the athlete who senses it and takes advantage of this just before an event on the playing field. God Created Man, 5000 years ago? Well it is written that God created man 5000 years ago, there can be no doubt about it. The Holy scripture guarantees that is in fact how it exactly happened? Oh really? So how do you explain the fossil record, life on mars and dinosaur bones? Oh, you cannot explain that? I see, but you still wish to debate the works in the various religions and completely factual and to be followed literally then? Hmm? Okay, then I have a book that, I personally recommend that you do not read: Stem Cells (The Truth) The much publicized stem cell research debate focusing on moral arguments is off target with the goal of real progress in the direction of human physiological benefits potential. No matter what side of this issue you come down on, practical considerations ultimately trump this emotionally clouded subject. Stem cells are a valuable renewing asset of human physiology and thus are deserving of our intense interest, but passionate disagreement about research and cloning issues miss the mark of discovering just how simply we can use what we already know about stem cells and how we can benefit from that knowledge to improve the health of everyone. Free Energy from Space Tesla was always looking for a way to harvest electromagnetic energy and deliver it to the world wireless, after reading a biography about Tesla; I had come up with this concept. Harvesting and Wireless delivery of Electromagnetic Energy From Space. Why not put a satellite that counter rotates the Earth and is located at the poles. It would be over the poles. It would have 24-mile long entergy tail tentacles off of it spinning around along with the satellite. ![]() |
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