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Stress Management Information

A 2-Minute Stress Buster

Meditation seems to have arrived in the mainstream of late, and for good reasons. As reported in a 2004 issue of Time Magazine -- brain imaging shows that meditation actually shifts your brain?s activity from the right side of your brain, over to the left side.

Managing Your Every Day Stresses And Anxieties

Looking for all of the answers in how to manage your persistent anxieties and stresses? As an author of a managing fear book, I found it difficult to find all of the answers in managing my anxieties. Although I am a layman and not a professional, I have interviewed many psychologists and clergyman and I have over fifteen years of experience in dealing with fear.

Managing Your Persistent Fears And Anxieties

Everybody deals with fear and anxiety, however some people have a hard time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and anxieties.

Can You Say Yes To Less Stress

A little stress is good for us until it becomesoverwhelming! Here are my top tactics to saying yes to lessstress.

Are You Taking Notice? What Are Your Warning Signs Stress Is Building Up?

Many people recognise the warning signs that stress may bejust around the corner. The trouble is that most of usrarely listen to them. Instead most of us choose to ignorethem, until we become overwhelmed.

Stop Yourself Reacting To Other People When They Push Your Buttons

We all know what it feels like to have our buttons pushed.Something happens, that seems to take us over, every musclein our body tightens up and we turn into somebody no onewants to be around.

Bite-Size Chunks! The Power Of Daily Actions

There may be so much you want to change in your life to makeit less stressful. You can do it all, just not all at once!Feeling in control is an important part of saying Yes toLess Stress. Breaking down any problem into small, solvableparts makes things less overwhelming; it also gives you thesense that you are taking action.

Do You Have Your Foot On The Pedal? Are You Overwhelmed At Work?

Is your in-tray or inbox full? I don't normally check the time that emails are sent to me, but for some reason I noticed that Nadia's message had beensent at 2am. In her email she explained that she really needed some help, to deal with all the stress in her life:

Empathy - Anxiety & Panic

If you are an anxiety and panic sufferer, then you?ve probably taken a fast learning track of how many people around you actually suffer from this one skill ?empathy?.

Relieving Stress

Where does stress really come from? Is there any simple way to reduce it or to stop it?

Social Phobia

Imagine going through your whole life in the constant fear of worrying about the others? opinion for you, saying only such things which might approve you in the peer group and scared to go out in the public to escape the scrutinizing eyes of the people.

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Stress More

1. The Mentor Method: think of your favorite person. Someone you love, admire, trust, like a mentor or someone from your spiritual tradition. Simply thinking about them will help you change your focus from the stress hooey to a more desirable response associated with your favorite person. Also, you do not need to wait to get stressed out to do this as thinking of your hero's always makes you feel better. Pictures of family and loved ones also help so make sure you have these at work. Think of happy and/or silly times you've had with these people. Feel better already don't you? Good. Now relax, take a deep breath and enjoy yourself even more as you read on...

Conquering Stress and Depression with Exercise

One of the best ways to combat stress and depression is to make physical fitness a part of your daily routine. Aside from the proven health benefits of exercise, people who exercise regularly are more apt to deal with stressful situations more easily, handle physical work tasks better, and tend to be less susceptible to illness and injuries.

Stress - What We Say is Half the Problem

Everywhere I go, I hear the same unpleasant sentence repeated over and over again. I think it has to be one of the most frequently used sentences. What is it? - I am sooooo s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d.

Anger Management Practice: The Gift of Forgiveness

This anger management Practice draws on the dual wisdom of Aikido and scientific research. "The gift of forgiveness" will help you explore how to change long term anger into a wider range of life affirming emotions. It is a simple yet profound Practice following the Seishindo principles of Absorption, Utilization, and Balance.

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