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Stress Management Information

Recognize the Early Signs of Burnout

Most of us are trying to balance work, home, and a family life. We tend not to accept the early symptoms of burnout and carry on our daily lives. In my opinion, living your life isn?t supposed to be that way. If you ignore the red flags, you?ll become gravely ill and your life could come to a complete halt.

How To Eliminate Or Manage Stress

Are you a "worry wart?" Is that term familiar to you? It is to me but it's been a long time since I've heard it used. I do remember people telling me years ago when something was really bothering me and they would say, "Oh! you are a just a real "worry wart".

Setting High Personal Standards

In his book, The 22 Non-Negotiable Laws of Wellness, author Greg Anderson wrote, "Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes every day and every decade worth looking forward to."

Stress and Your Immune System: 10 Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate

Stress seems to have become a constant factor in today's fast-paced society. If left unchecked, it can wreak havoc upon our health. Learning how to effectively manage stress can mean the difference between being robust and full of life, or becoming susceptible to illness and disease. Stress can weaken the immune system and accelerate the aging process. The ability to relax and rejuvenate promotes wellness, vitality and longevity.

Mindfulness and Panic: Ask Your Anxiety


The Underlying Cause of Nervous Breakdowns

Life can offer us many challenges having to do with loss. When we are faced with relationship loss, financial loss, loss of health, loss of limb, loss of regard, or loss of love, we can feel overwhelmingly anxious, depressed and stressed. When the anxiety, depression and stress get too big, we may have a nervous breakdown ? that is, we become incapable of functioning in our everyday life and incapable of coping with our daily challenges.

How Stress Effects Neurotransmitters

The brain uses feel-good transmitters called endorphins when managing daily stress. When the brain requires larger amounts of endorphins to handle increased stress, the ratio of many of the other transmitters, one to another, becomes upset creating a chemical imbalance. We begin to feel stress more acutely -- a sense of urgency and anxiety creates even more stress. As a result, harmful chemicals are released in our bodies that may do damage, causing more stress. This vicious cycle is called the "stress cycle." Emotional fatigue might result and be experienced and felt as depression.

Be Yourself And Zap Stress!

Ask a hundred different people how to deal with stress and you'll probably get the same amount of different answers....

Beating Middle of the Night Stress

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep? Do you lie there tossing, stretch, panic, and feel your heart thumping? Do you notice your own shallow breathing? Do you try futilely to follow the random speeding thoughts that race through your mind?

The Jerk is Never Me

Comedian George Carlin once remarked, "Have your ever noticed? Anyone going slower than you is an idiot. Anyone going faster than you is a maniac."

Stress: Daily Self-Care Habits to Manage Stress

Today we have more stress in our lives than ever before ? good stress, bad stress, red stress, blue stress (my little ode to Dr. Seuss). No matter what kind of stress it is, a real crisis or an imagined one, stress is incredibly harmful to our body, mind and soul.

From Problems to Possibilities-Get Out of Your Old Story to Get On With the New!

I love a good story and I know I?m not alone. The evil villain, the adventurer or the sheer power of words captivate us and leave us wanting more. We join bookclubs to share our thoughts on the stories we?ve read. Great stories aren?t just in books and movies. We?re writing machines! Many of us self-publish our stories daily. If only we got paid for these stories. We do get compensated and it comes in the form of negative stress and overwhelm in our lives.

Need To Stop Worrying?

I once worked with a woman whose zest,joy and enthusiasm lit up the room [and it was a big office!]

When Dreams Get Shattered: Picking Up the Pieces

"Smash!" It was a sunny autumn Saturday. My cousins and I were playing baseball in my aunt's back yard. I still recall the crack of the bat and sound of breaking glass as a beautiful line drive sailed right through the center of my aunt's dining-room window.

Relieving Stress with Exercise... and Losing Body Fat in the Process!

Feeling stressed out lately? Don't worry, there is a simple and incredibly effective solution -- one that will help you lose weight in more ways than you might think!

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