Internet Marketing Information
How To Profit From HOT Niche Markets - Every Time!
Do you want to learn two proven niche marketing business modelsthat are virtually guaranteed to succeed - in all niches? So do hundreds of my clients. They ask me every day. Beg me to share them. Demand that I reveal them.
Golf Pros Jet to be Sold early 2006 -- Market NOW to Make Large Deposit
Marketing gurus travel all over...Malaysia, London, San Francisco ..so make plans to go along on your jet in '06.
Implementing an SMS Marketing Campaign
SMS Marketing can be used to acquire customers, strengthen existing customer and prospect relationships and provide a service to your customers.
Motivating Shoppers with Online Coupons (Part 1 of 2)
Online shopping continues to grow at leaps and bounds. Depending on who you ask, the numbers for increase in e-commerce have been consistently coming in at 20-30% year over year. These numbers present a great opportunity for online stores of both products and services. But despite these staggering figures, increasing competition continues to dilute the marketplace. One great opportunity for sellers to increase traffic and revenue in their virtual stores is to offer online coupon codes and discounts through an affiliate program and their advertising. Coupons and discounts have always been a great way to motivate buyers in brick and mortar stores, and now that opportunity has migrated to web shopping!
Ask Questions? To Help Find The GOLD
Here's another great idea that the gurus areusing to create high profit online products.
How To Actually Make Money In Network Marketing
Most people that I know who are, or have been in network marketing, never seem to make a dime! Others (myself included) make a small fortune. If you're not doing VERYwell with your business, and you're honestly putting in the effort, let me explain to you how to turn things around!
My Secret To Selling More Big Ticket Items
Many aspiring Internet marketers hear all of the talkabout earning a six-figure income and assume that it'sall hype. Some of it is hype, but earning a six-figureincome really isn't difficult. I've watched friendsgenerate "six figures" in sales as we sat together inconferences or meetings! Today I'm going to tell youhow you CAN do it too. I'm going to give you a systemthat I guarantee you haven't seen before. It's one Icreated, tested, and now use extensively.
Twenty Ways To Profits Online
1. Offer to write exclusive articles (that means you only submit them to one place) for high traffic web sites in exchange for a link back to your site.
Selling to Sellers - Utterly Stupid Idea or Not Quite?
The list of promotional tools and resources available to online marketer today isvery impressing, and new ones appear almost every day, each fancier and more sophisticatedthan ever. Almost all of them however are touched (some willeven say "cursed") by a sort of the original sin. After all, after SPAM became criminaloffence and as the result direct email marketing became all-but-impossible, the onlypeople who see your offer are those who are also trying to sell something.Every thinking person involved in the Internet marketing must have noticed thisdisturbing fact. Most marketers evidently try to forget, after having classified itas some modern version of the ancient Achilles and the Hare paradox - intellectuallysound perhaps, but not really applying to the real world. Other escape into "niche"markets where you sell to "normal people" i.e. not-marketers. Which of course isa perfectly valid and often profitable option. But is it really THE ONLY rational solution?Is it really not possible to sell to other marketers and be successful in that?In my opinion this "selling to sellers" is not at all as absurd as many people believe.It's simply different. And I often wonder why so little has been told about this differenceby the experts. Because to me it seems to be the most important aspect of yourmarketing, the most important initial decision: "Will I be trying to sellthings to people at large? Or perhaps will I concentrate on selling tools, resources andinformation to marketers?". And even the obviously important question of tangible vs. intangiblemerchandises doesn't seem to me more crucial.There are two main branches of Internet marketing. They are, as I will soon try toprove, very different but none of them is "absurd", "stupid", or by definition unprofitable.Of course, there are many more branches. Whether you're selling tangible or intangiblegoods is perhaps equally important. I don't know. In any case it's much moreobvious and widely understood. (That's probably because selling of tangible goods is asold as the humanity itself, and in it the tested methods of the post-order selling still basically rule,though of course adapted to the virtual reality.)Let's now give those two categories some short, simple names for the use of this text. Howabout "X marketers" (from eXternal) and "N marketers" (from iNternal)?The X marketers will be those selling to the "world at large", and N marketers will be thoseselling to fellow marketers.Now, an explanation is needed. When you start your marketing career you don't usually"decide" whether you want to be X or N marketer. It's mostly determined by the promotional toolsyou have access to at the beginning. If you start without any investments, or only with littleones, you will be using opt-in lists, traffic exchanges, FFA pages and similar resources. Then,by their very nature you start promoting to people who see those ads, and who are those people?Of course they are other marketers using the same tools! You have become an N marketer withouteven giving this issue much thought. (It can be noted that you are an N marketer trying to sellto other N marketers. Selling to X marketers seems a much more difficult matter, for they don'tuse the same promotional tools, or at least not in the same extent. You will need to besomewhat of a Guru to start selling to those people!No doubt there's lots of common between those two branches. After all "the money is in the list",and the really big profits come from back-selling to people who have already bought from you,are satisfied, trust you and therefore are willing to buy from you more. This part of yourbusiness will be fairly similar, no matter if you send to marketers or non-marketers.There are also important differences of course. If it wasn't so our distinction would have little meaning andso the this article would have no meaning. But those differences are very visible. let'sstart with the language itself. If you are an N marketer and aresuccessful, have a list of many thousands happy clients and so on -- then you will be soon called a "Guru".If, on the other hand, you're enormously successful in selling let's say 2' x 3' stainless-steel widgets(or ebooks on painless, well-fed & lazy slimming for that matter), which of course means that you arean X marketer, then, even if you have thousands of faithful clients with deeppockets, instinctively reaching for their credit Platinum cards whenever they hear your name...Well, you will of course be admired and envied, not to mention rich, but you won't be called a Guru!You might be called something like "a Great Salesman", which is not too bad of course, but it's not the same,is it?Another difference is thatin N marketing you don't usually speak much about "niches". Selling memberships in credit based opt-in listsfrom some external point of view can be seen as much "niche marketing" as selling, let's say...polishing-wax for pet anacondas. Not true? But I personally have never heard this term used in this context.The most important differences are however in how X's and N's find their clients in the first place.Or sometimes how they let themselves to be found by them. This is not just a play with words,as search engines do exactly that --they let people find your offer, don't they? There are of course many different types of search enginesand similar systems ("normal" search engines, Pay Per Click search engines, directories etc.) but fromthe viewpoint of the potential client they basically do the same thing. And for the X type marketerthey are nowadays one of the very few available means of promotion. Of course it's in large part becausethey are very powerful tools, providing you with highly targeted hits. If you'reable to get high position on those search engines that really matter (and don't get bankrupt on the way, as theytend to be costly) you're almost there. Add some off-line promotion and you're onyour way to become The Great Salesman. (Of course all other aspects of your business also must bedone right.)If however you have decided that selling to sellers doesn't sound so absurd or pointless as it is oftenpresented, then your options are much more numerous. Which is a good thing of course, though yourcompetition also has the same options, so it's not an unmixed blessing. You must show your offerto marketers, so you need to show it where marketers are looking for offers. Why should they be looking?There are two main reasons.The first reason is that they simply are forced to look at your offers. How? Why? By whom?It's simply that many, if not most, of the methods of online promotionavailable today base on the principle reciprocality. Which in this context means: "I will take a look at yoursif you agree to take a look at mine". Yes, of course, you don't always have to actually look at those offers.Often you can pay the service to show your offers to others and ignore theirs.Still, the people who will see your offer will be those who wantto show theirs to the world. (Of course they don't necessarily need to be commercial offers, they can be sites devotedto hobbies, charities, private or group obsessions etc. But they all want to SHOW people something ratherthan SEE somebody else's offer.)Does anything positive result from this fact? And, to pose a much broader question: does the marketertrying to sell to sellers (N marketer in our terminology) have any advantages over the one trying to sell to non-marketers(X marketer)? My answers would be: YES and YES. Why? There are a few reasons. Some of them pretty trivial thoughnot without importance, like the fact that marketer usually is much more exposed to contact with offersfrom online businesses.Marketer also has some needs that can possibly be satisfied by buyingthings online. Two sorts of needs in fact. Firstly, the same needs that everybody else has. Secondly,specific needs related to Internet marketing. By being rather more exposed to Internet ads and offersthan an average person, more used to it and understanding it better, marketer would probably buy morethings online. But the other type of needs is far more important here.Now for the second type of needs. Marketer will need marketing tools, resources, information...These things change and develop in an enormous pace. This is of course a truism but it's absolutelytrue. If you're able to quickly find new promotional tools, opportunities and/or informationon Internet marketing, you will be in position to sell (more or less directly, we will notplunge here into discussing downlines and referrals) these information - for after all it isexactly information! - to other marketers. I personally see no reason why marketers should beless receptive to this sort of information than average person. In fact they are probablymuch more receptive, as they know perfectly well how much in their personal lives depends onthose tools, information and opportunities.It is probably not true that whole 95% of people trying to earn online is not earning any money, butit must be obvious that most marketers still have not found their way of doing business online andthere's no reason to believe that this situation ever radically changes.So it's not only information on new available services and opportunities that is sought after,and therefore sellable. In order to be successful in this sort of business, where there's so muchavailable information, potential chances and risks, and so little road-signs that can be fullytrusted, one needs to find their own way. Way of doing business online.Human life being as short as it is, with most often very limited finances (or you wouldn't spendyour time in front of the monitor with uncertain result, would you?), people who still haven'tfound the right method and attained real success in online business will need a "recipe", or,perhaps better, a successful person to help them -- a teacher, or even perhaps what the Americanscall "the mentor". (There's this old joke about some American children asking their parents topay them tree-climbing lessons, but Internet marketing without qualified help is a dreary andvery risky thing to do.)If you already are successful, then being the N marketer you have serious advantages. One of them,perhaps the most important, is that you only deal with one (big, that's true) issue: online marketing.As X marketer you would need to handle both marketing itself and the market niche you're in. Thisfact has some further interesting effects. For example this that by attaining success as N marketeryou're becoming a Guru, or "almost a Guru", and this time I'm using this term without irony. WhatI mean is simply that you've become an accomplished expert in your field, which of course isInternet marketing. While if you attait even the biggest success in selling widgets online, youwill be a "Great Expert In Selling Widgets Online". Which means that you will be generally seen asa crossing between "widgets expert" and "marketing expert". Nobody will be certain how good you arein any of those two parts of your activity! Effect of which will be that your success will bemuch harder to duplicate! You will have much more difficulty in teaching people your tested businessmethods. If they are not going to sell widgets like yourself, nobody can be completly sure it's thebest marketing practice that you're teaching. And the widget niche may be too small to accomodate manynew players. It will be a totally different matter with general marketing knowledge that you obtain practicingN marketing.One special advantage that N marketing has is something that I personally call "self-propelling money machines".So far they are not very numerous, at least those that work smoothly and bring tons of money withoutconstant need for adjustments and pushing. But there are some, pretty successful. And their will be more.What are those self-propelling money machines? They are smart combination of promotional resources with selling.One could say that they are resources that sell themselves, automatically. The simpler form cosists of just twomain parts: the Lead Generating Module (more often multiple Resources) that are constatly being sold by something thatcan be called the Selling Module to the leads they generate. One program that I remember that worked like that wasCommisionSpyder. In another, more advanced, version is probably best represented by the new "Explosive" ebook byStephanie L. Woolford, a very successful online marketer. (This ebook can be for example found on http://ebiz-guru.com.)Here one can three conceptual modules:the Lead Generating Module, the Selling Module, and an ebook (that can be either free or paid) that ignites thewhole process. I'm not sure I managed to describe the idea clearly enough, but it can be understood when seen in action.Ebooks are supposed to be the almost-perfect business and in near future they may really become that. If we assumethat this statement is true, we can say probably risk an opinion that X marketers have greater chance of publishinga competent book on topics related to their chosen niche they know lots about, while N marketers seem to have muchgreater chance of publishing purely marketing ebook, "viral" ebooks, and ebooks of the sort mentioned in previousparagraph included. Which seems to be another advantage of N marketing. So after all Selling to Sellers may notbe so stupid idea, wouldn't you agree?
Five Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Web Site Sales
When you run an online home-based business, your web site is more than simply a company location. It's also your primary source of advertising and marketing. If you've noticed that sales are lagging or if you're simply looking for ideas for a site you're building, the following five tips can help you boost revenue and develop an even more successful web presence.
Build the Snowball and It Will Run
Setting up your own online business can seem extremely daunting. Whether you?ve already got a business and want to sell products and services online or want to start from scratch with a new business, there is a great deal to think about.
7 Incredibly Simple Ways To Profit Wildly From Public Domain Material
If you?re in the business of marketing online, a major portion of your income will come from your ability to deliver quality content and products to your market.
Marketing - All About Focus
Marketing would appear to be the great buzz word of the decade. Every self-respecting business team talks about it, yet many of us aren't even sure what it is, and even more are uncertain of how they should be doing it.
Content, Content, Content.
Read any Internet marketing article, forum or tutorial these days and you will find that the one thing all the experts agree on is that you need to have lots of good quality content on your web site. It sounds like good advice doesn't it? But what precisely does it mean?
What Not To Do?
As the Internet grows in popularity and importance, the quality of web sites needs to keep pace and creating and maintaining high-quality, professional web sites is more important today than ever. In this month?s issue, we cover the basics of ?What Not To Do? if you want to convert your visitors into customers and keep them coming back for more.
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Niche Marketing: Finding JV Partners
Joint Ventures (JVs) are one of the most powerfull techniques you can employ to get your Niche Business up and running.
Catapult Your Marketing Success With Joint Ventures
There are many ways to make money on the internet. All methodshowever, come with a price-tag. For starters, you will probablyneed to purchase basic business software and relevant learningmaterials. Planning and developing your ideas will definitelyrequire dedication and perseverance all along the way.
The 13 Key Success Factors Of A Well-Executed Joint Venture
1. Product or Service That Sells Well
The Yin & Yang of Internet Marketing
Westerners believe opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. They tend to look at things as black or white, right or wrong, up or down, giving a separation and unrelated-ness in their perspective.
To All Internet Marketers - How To Get My Business
More and more people are realizing that the Internet offers greatpotential to set up a healthy business for pennies on the dollar.This is good news for internet marketers - but it also means thatthey need to lift their game.
Three Easy Lessons to Take Your Online Marketing to the Next Level
I just spent the last week in two very different, but parallel universes. After helping researchers in a federal government agency work on getting their science understood and used in the marketplace, I tapped the wisdom of a conference full of online marketing gurus.
Dumb Money And Smart Money
One of my goals online is to give you the total picture and tell you everything you need to succeed in your own Internet Marketing Business.
6 Tips To Create Effective Solo Ad That Pulls Results
How many times have you... heard that running solo ads in ezines is the most effective way to advertise? Every single marketer swears that solo ads can bring you big profits.
To Make the Most Dollars, Make The Most Sense
The world of Internet marketing isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, it can be a brutally cold one. Believe me, I learned the hard way.
Visibility Equates to Higher Profits
One of the greatest challenges businesses face is how to market cost effectively while gaining a good return on investment (ROI). Regardless of what industry you are in, the size of your organization and how long you have been in business, you must continually look for ways to gain and maintain your visibility to your market.
Why the Internet is an Entrepreneurs Dream
Not long ago, a vacation that entailed travelling across much of the U.S. helped me reflect a bit about my Internet business, and reminded me of the powerful advantages of doing business online. Let's consider just a few of them...
The Five Golden Keys To Massive Passive Income
You can earn a large monthly passive income with a minimum knowledge of the Internet, sales or marketing. In fact, you don't even have to have a website to be successful.
Developing an Ad Campaign for the Startup E-business
Online advertising has changed over the years. Some believe the internet came premature and advertisers did not know how to react at first. Methods went from blind and deceptive links, to targeted pay-per-click search engine advertising. Along the way, very few people developed effective advertising campaigns. Some now believe a good conversion ratio requires numerous visitors, while others believe concise and targeted ad delivery is effective. When it comes to the startup E-business, I favor targeting strategies and affordability, from start to finish.
Getting Some Good Ol Internet Real Estate
Real estate has made many people large amounts of money inthe offline world, no doubt. But is there a way we can utilizethe same concepts from the offline world and bring them online?
Writing An Effective, Profit Producing Ad
One of the biggest challenges for most Internet Marketers is writing effective ad copy. This is hardly surprising. Most marketers are not professional writers and writing ad copy is a difficult skill for beginning marketers to master. Here are some tips that might assist you in writing an effective, profit-producind ad.
Online Testing Optimization
Simply put, online testing involves keying each different test variable with a unique identifying code (so each desired response can be tracked to its source), running the test campaign, keeping records, and tabulating and comparing the results. The winning variable then becomes the control, or bench mark, which future ones are measured against. Let's look at testing in more detail...
Many Small Revenue Streams Are Best
There's an old story about a guy who had a fruit stand. On the fruit stand there was a single orange with a price tag hanging on it. The price? One million dollars.
PPC and SEO - Inhouse Vs. Outsource
Any small business owner in a B2B or B2C market has struggled with the decision - should you outsource your internet marketing to a full-service marketing firm, or should you bring employees in-house for your marketing team? First you need to define your marketing goals - are you building a long-term brand or just bringing a new product or service to market? Do you have sufficient capital to support a marketing team? Your budget for advertising (ie, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing) should be taken into account when considering your marketing budget - for online companies this is the largest single cost.
Making Money from Websites - Common Pitfalls of Beginners and How to Avoid Them
Making money online is really easy to do because the entire world is becoming Internet savvy with a preference for shopping online. Because of this fact, you need to make sure you are doing your best to meet the needs of individuals online and increasing the internet traffic coming to your website.
Stitching Up a Niche
I am a great admirer of businesses that serve and market to one or a small number of niches. It's such a great business model and one of the fastest ways to grow a business. I know one marketer who develops websites exclusively for life coaches, another business that develops marketing programs for the spa and pool industry, and another business that specializes in providing tax services for clergy. And they're all busy!