Internet Marketing Information
Niche Marketing and Finding Your Way to Profits
If you haven't heard the word 'niche' being batted around by Internet Marketers then you haven't been listening. Finding a niche has become the antidote to competing in overly saturated online markets.
Your First Web Site
And you are so proud of it. You have no knowledge of html and the like, but your little web site sits bravely in the ether. You visit all the major search engines and painstakingly submit your URL. You visit other sites similar to yours and politely ask for a link. You check the Link Rankings at least twice a day to see if your brand new site has been indexed, and smile smugly as Yahoo, Google and the others acknowledge your tiny space on the Internet .
Beyond Viral Marketings Its Exponential Multiplication
Exponential Multiplication a Real Life Example:
Using An Autoresponder To Manage Your Email Campaigns
Automatic Responders
There is Hidden a Successful Formula in Everything
Although many say that things change on the net, still what worked before keeps working. You can advertise with start pages or banner exchanges. They are both good tools. They can be the 'Greatest Advertising Technique" to you, although some say that they are outdated.
Do You Know the 3 Key Strategies to Using Lead Capture Pages?
Leads are the Life Blood of any Online Home Based Business. The Best leads are the Leads You Generate Yourself using Lead Capture Pages.
Weird Sells: Get Noticed on the Internet
What is weird?, well in the 21st century it?s getting more and more difficult to define what is weird and what isn?t . According to the dictionary one definition is ?Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange?. Surely that isn?t enough any more? A quick look at eBay and you will find hundreds of items that would comply with that definition. Toast with faces on it, Glass jars containing Ghosts and numerous examples of weird and wacky objects, (well weird and wacky according to the people who have submitted them.) The sheer number of them should preclude them from being classed as Weird. Mainstream Newspapers now have pages of weird news and no shortage of people willing to appear on them. The nightly news no longer finishes with heart warming local story it finishes with some weird local happening Weird is big news.
Five Ways to Give People a Reason to Buy Your Product or Service
Overcome lackluster copy and lack of product sales by usingthe passion approach. Announcements, such as "Here's myproduct!" do not work. Sure, you put a picture up and maybea list of its features. What's the promise? Where's the benefits?How will your potential buyer's life be better by obtaining yourproduct? How does a picture or list of features compel yourprospective buyer to buy? The consequence? You miss manysales.
You Know Youre an Internet Marketer When...
Did you make the switch from corporate slave to independent consultant? If so, you may be part of the subculture known as "The Internet Marketer's Club." Out here on the Web, things are done a little differently. Nine to Five is a forgotten phrase. "Corporate casual" means tossing on a pair of lounge pants before booting up your laptop. Business meetings are held in the upper right-hand corner of your computer screen!
DOI, a Proven Marketing Tool for Driving Traffic and Increasing Search Engine Rankings
The Digital Object Identifier otherwise known as the DOI is not new. The history of the DOI started when a group of major book publishers realized that the digital age was imminent. They needed an online cataloging system for books on the Internet, not just on book shelves. The ISBN had taken them as far as they could go and was a great bar coding/cataloging system for physical books, but it was not practical for "virtual shelves" where ebooks or digital media live in databases and hard drives. Publishers who use the DOI call it the "digital ISBN." Because of this need, the DOI was born. Now, the versatility of the DOIs are finding their way to other industries.
How to Set Up a 7 Day E-Course
Be a Winner! Answer the Challenge! An e-course is a sequence of emails set up to be delivered automatically without any effort on your part after the initial set up. Just set it and forget it. Setting up a free e-course is a great way to keep your services on top of mind and educate people about what you can do for them.
Viral Marketing - Use This Free Reminder Service to Go Viral
The busier you are the harder it is to remember all those appointments. Now you can get an E-Mail everyday to remind you of all your important appointments. Better yet you can turn other peoples need for reminders into a Viral Marketing Tool right now and it's all free.
Using Ad Boards in Your Marketing Campaigns
Are free advertising boards a waste of time?
Building An Effective Banner Campaign
Banner advertising can dramatically help you increase traffic to your web site. Banner advertising can be a very cost effective marketing solution and can help you to gain access to millions of internet users. It can also prove to be a huge waste of time, even creating a net loss rather than increasing your bottom line. So we'll try to guide you onto the path to true results and a very successful Internet Marketing campaign using banner ads.First things first: What's it going to cost you? Assuming you're going to design and building your own banners, you can still loose money on the cost of advertising if you're not careful. Work out the estimated cost of each banner advertising campaign:Cost-per-Visitor: If you pay $10 per thousand impressions ($10/CPM), and you get a 2.0% click-through (20 visitors), your cost-per-visitor is $.50 ($10 per 20 visitors).Cost-per-Sale: Now you know about what you're going to pay per visitor. So what does that amount to per sale? Well, if 1 in every 20 visitors buys your product, your cost per sale is $10.00.Total Sale Amount : $9.95 USD Paypal's Fee Amount : -$0.59 USD Net Profit Amount : $9.36 USDSo if each sale of your product produces a gross profit of $9.36, then your net profit per-sale will be -$.64 ($9.36 gross profit - $10 cost-per-sale). This campaign is not profitable!As you can see, something has to change in order to make a profit. That's why it's important to track and calculate every campaign. So what went wrong with this example?-Paying too much for the banner space?-Need a better click-through rate?-Need to charge more for your product?The truth is that only you have the information required to decide but at least at this point you're in a better position to make a qualified decision.Return on Investment Ratios: Your return-on-investment (ROI), before non-marketing expenses, is 0.0% ($0.00 total net profits with a $10 investment).Experiment by advertising on multiple sites or using different banners if your budget will allow it. Find the perfect campaigns that yield the highest ROI.A few terms to know:» CPM - Cost Per Impressions (The "M" comes from the Roman numeral for 1,000). So $20 CPM represents $20 per 1,000 displays of a banner). An Impressions is simply each time your banner is shown.» CPC - Cost Per Click. You pay an agreed amount for each click-through to your site.» Click-Through (CT) - A click on an ad which takes the viewer to another site.» Click-Through Rate (CTR) - This is the number of people who click on an ad (banner or text link) divided by the number of displays of the ad, represented in percentages. Example: 500 people click on an ad that has been shown 10,000 times, which works out at: 500/10,000 X 100% = 5%.» Run Of Site (ROS) - This means your banner will be displayed on all or most pages of the site.Buying or Creating your own banners: You can find a graphic designer to create your banner or you can simply learn to design and build you own. We have done both on this site and our research shows almost equal results when using identical conditions. We're not going to give tutorials on banner design but we will offer a few tips to help get you started.If you decide to purchase your banners: Do your research. There are many so called ' graphic designers' that have very little training or experience with any type of graphics much less internet marketing or banner advertising.Get any promises or guarantees in writing. Keep in mind that anyone can setup shop online and many have no idea what they're doing to say the least.Do it yourself banners: There are several options when it comes to creating your own banners. Again, we're not here to teach you how to design and build your own, just to guide you in the right direction. Here are a few things to consider: » Think through your design. » Decide on a format. » Flash or Animated. » Image or HTML. » The best banner size. » Image load times.Image or HTML? Well, most of the banners we see are image based, whether .gif, .jpg of flash. But there is another very simple alternative. The HTML banner. You can even combine images and HTML to create incredible banners. A couple benefits of using a HTML banner are:» HTML banner will normally load faster. » On a HTML banner, you can promote many links.Banners sizes:468 x 60.....Full banner 234 x 60.....Half banner 392 x 72.....Full banner with vertical navigation bar 120 x 240...Vertical banner 125 x 125...Square button 120 x 90.....Button #1 120 x 60.....Button #2 88 x 31.......Micro buttonA few tips:Use attractive and attention grabbing images. Keep your text short and simple.Use proven key words like "free" and "now". "Free" is a very powerful incentive for the viewer to click on the button. Even the words "Click Here" can increase your click-through rate. Use a large font size for your message text. Create different versions of the banner. Test different banners to improve your click-through rate.Animate your banner, but use as few frames as possible to keep the file size to a quick loading minimum. Test new banners with a Pay Per Click network, before you use them in Pay Per Impression campaigns. Many sites display two different banners on each page, while others display the same banner at the top "top fold" and bottom "bottom fold" of each page. When given a choice, it's usually best to choose the top fold of page because the viewer is more likely to see your banner. You can expect to pay a lot less for "bottom fold" of page banner spaces.Brian Hawkins - Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Online business consultant, Author. Site owner and administrator of several sites including: http://www.extremesitepromotions.com/ and http://www.csc4u.com/
The Relation Between Internet Marketing Education and Profits
Many people join internet business opportunities online blindly. By this I mean they join everything that promises them fast bucks and then one to two years later are dejected and unhappy at their dismal returns online with regards to their capital outlay in terms of time and money. Thus the most important thing you need to do today is to get a proper education in internet marketing. The co-relation is clear the internet is all about information and by learning how to package information online you will make more profits from your internet business no matter what you are promoting.
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Internet Marketing Success Requires a Business Plan (Part II)
Formal business planning is a process that takes that "great idea" and subjects it to rigorous scrutiny. It either validates your premise or else shows you where the idea falls apart. Business planning forces you to identify costs and develop a sensible marketing strategy before you start spending money. Having a solid business plan will also help you to acquire funding, if necessary.
10 Ways To Increase Your Ads Efeectiveness
The current climate on the internet is very unfavourable to the small businessoperator. All forms of advertising are becoming blocked, or too expensive.Email is becoming difficult to send, and even more difficult to ensureit arrives at its destination due to spam filters.Ads on sites are being blocked, popups are blocked by peoples browsers, andit's taking more and more effort to actually get noticed if you do make itinto view.So what's the internet marketer to do to advertise on a budget these days?Well here are 10 tips which could help you to get your ads and yourbusiness noticed.
How Many Sales Have You Made After Your Advertising Campaign?
When you start your online business, you will go through a series of steps like:
9 Secrets to Kick Your Internet Marketing Efforts into Overdrive
Let's face it, most of us know the basics of Internet Marketing or how to promote websites and products on the Internet. There are plenty of ebooks on the subject if you aren't familiar. In this article however, I want to give you 9 juicy secrets that I have discovered from my own Internet marketing experience.
7 Incredibly Simple Ways To Profit Wildly From Public Domain Material
If you're in the business of marketing online, a major portion of your income will come from your ability to deliver quality content and products to your market.
Network Marketing Online ? The Method
Network Marketing online works by giving you your own online store and leaving it up to you to get people there. By doing this the company save millions a month in advertising. Not to mention physically opening a shop in every mall and the cost of running it. So the money is saved by making it online. The incentive to you is the commissions.
After Fifteen Years Or More Of Frustration With Internet Marketing, I Think Ive Found It!
Hello Internet junkies and friends,
Dont Treat Your Business Like a Casino
It's amazing how many people are jumping into the internet marketing business. The good news is that the pie is pretty unlimited so we can all get a nice slice. The bad news is that most of the people I encounter are thinking that they can buy some "miracle" product, sit around and money will show up.
Its a Community Thing!
You have this great website, you have sent out e-mails regarding your services, printed out hundreds of brochures which you have given to friends and relatives, but what you really need is to get people talking about what you offer. You know that if you can do that, people will recommend you to others and your client base will begin to grow. Sounds great, doesn't it? But how on earth do you get people talking?
Ways To Outsell Your Competition
Competition is fierce on the Internet. There are a multitude of people selling products that are similar to yours. How in the world you you get customers to buy your product instead of your competitors?
Build the Snowball and It Will Run
Setting up your own online business can seem extremely daunting. Whether you've already got a business and want to sell products and services online or want to start from scratch with a new business, there is a great deal to think about.
Internet Marketing: 10 Ingenious Secret Strategies To Explode Your Sales
Marketing on the internet is getting harder and harder daily.
10 Scorching Ways To Heat Up Your Sales
1. Email each visitor a satisfaction questionnaire after they purchase. This will allow you to improve your order system, customer service, site, etc.
How To Profit From HOT Niche Markets - Every Time!
Do you want to learn two proven niche marketing business modelsthat are virtually guaranteed to succeed - in all niches? So do hundreds of my clients. They ask me every day. Beg me to share them. Demand that I reveal them.
A Business Guide For The Very New Internet Entrepreneur
Did you recently buy your first computer and just started surfing the Net? Isn't it fun? All the new websites and places to go, sights to see! Have you ever wondered if you can make money with your newfound toy?
My Secret To Selling More Big Ticket Items
Many aspiring Internet marketers hear all of the talkabout earning a six-figure income and assume that it'sall hype. Some of it is hype, but earning a six-figureincome really isn't difficult. I've watched friendsgenerate "six figures" in sales as we sat together inconferences or meetings! Today I'm going to tell youhow you CAN do it too. I'm going to give you a systemthat I guarantee you haven't seen before. It's one Icreated, tested, and now use extensively.
If It Sounds Too Good To Be True
You've heard that cliché over and over I'm sure, but it has never been more true than it is on the Internet.
Killer Internet Marketing Errors - How to Avoid Them
With 95% of all Internet businesses failing, it is important to find out what actually works and what doesn't. Most online business failures can be attributed to one or more of the following marketing errors:
Local Search by Internet Search Engines is as Essential to Your Business Survival as Your Telephone
Your Enterprise Won't Survive Unless People Find It
Target Practice And The Internet Entrepreneur
Internet marketing, a lot of the time really is hit and miss. Always keep in mind that when you promote your site you are, in effect trying to get the word out to the whole world. Not an easy task! How can there NOT be variables when you are advertising to billions? It isn't always where you advertise that makes the difference; it's HOW.