Information on Finding Happiness
Do You Love Yourelf?
Learning to love yourself isn't easy ? especially if you grew up in an environment that involved abuse, neglect, shame or an emotionally dishonest atmosphere. Most people who experience self-love have had it planted as a seed by someone who accepted them unconditionally at a very early phase in their development. But even those fortunate enough to have had this experience, come to find that self-love must continue to evolve as the diversity of life?s experiences are faced. For those of us who have not had the seed of self-love planted . . . all is not lost! Self-love is our natural state. We can find our way back to our rightful state of being. Self-love is who and what we are ? it is merely hidden by learned patterns of disallowing love. Learning new patterns of allowing love involves an awareness of what self-love is, and then practicing certain skills, self-affirming thoughts, and actions that lead to greater joy.
What NOT To Do To Feel Good About Yourself - 10 Tips
From the moment we wake in the morning our heads start to fill with all sorts of thoughts. What will you give the kids for breakfast? Will you get the time to iron your blouse before you leave for work? What will you do if you miss the bus? And so it goes on.
Happiness Without Prescription
As life and lifestyles speed up, so does the growing increase of the sense of longing, wandering just what else is there for ourselves, our families. Some people address their thoughts and feelings as valid and some do the exact opposite, they act as if those questions don't exist.
Making Peace With Sloth: The Value of Natural Pace
Though his racing speed is a maximum 6 feet per minute, the sloth has won the race against time. It?s not that he?s immortal, it?s just that he?s efficient. While we micro manage time and monopolize our schedule, sloth simply is. In his just being he shows us the value of natural pace.
Why We Have Problems? A Coach Debates
As a coach, I often ask myself the question why human beings have problems. With the exception of terminal diseases, serious illnesses that are REALLY life-threatening situations and serious stuff, we do have problems for a number of reasons I will present below. But first of all, allow me, I will have to replace the word problem by ?challenge? or ?barrier? as used in the coaching jargon. Problems do not exist in the coaching world! However, changing the word, does not change the concept so a challenge, barrier or problem is pretty much the same thing.
Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. The choice to adopt and hold a moment-by-moment attitude of gratitude is the choice that differentiates those who suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune and those who are blessed with a joyous and abundant life.
Having Fun with Life
It was just a few degrees shy of swimming weather a few weeks ago at the beach. I walked along the shore in my jeans and a red tankini top, the salt air refreshing against my skin but not quite cold. My two sisters and some friends and I were taking a brief hike down the beach. Up ahead, a small freshwater creek came out of the pine forest along the beach and cut across our path. The water of the creek was a ribbon of earthy red crossing the white sandy beach. As we approached, I said to my sister Audra, ?let?s jump it!? It was a shallow creek, and only about seven feet wide, easily fordable. But something within me wanted to run, to leap, to risk splashing down in the cold water. Carefully wading across just wasn?t going to do it for me. I wanted to jump the creek ? for no reason other than the fun of it.
Breaking the Cycle
Breaking the cycle is a term we have all heard. Especially if we come from a family (and these days who doesn?t) that has a history of some type of violence and/or drug abuse whereas this phrase is told to us over and over. ?Yes, you have had a bad hand in life. Life is not fair. But the best thing you can do is raise your head and break the cycle of violence in your life?.
Spiritual and Sexual Healing
Couple issues such as spirituality and sexuality rank higher than financial reasons as the most affected items of a fumbling relationship. When it comes the moment to point out why a couple needs more intimate vigor, two wrongly things are sure to happen: Women are always blamed, and if both recognize that it?s a male matter, also women blame themselves. Their consequent silent follows a behavior that will never end the cycle if there is no communication and willingness to solve it.
Happiness-Marriage-Love-Divorce-Suicide-Peace Within-college
Too many of us seem to think that there should be 24-7 happiness in our life, so when there is problems in a marriage the temptation for affairs and divorce is there.
How Good Are You?
The demands of being a good person can sometimes mean sacrificing your own happiness.
Finding Your Life Purpose
You have a purpose in life. You have a unique gift or special talent. By using this to gift to benefit others you raise your spirit to it?s highest. This is the ultimate? the dream of all dreams and the point where you can all live a life with abundant happiness.
Creating Better Relationships
The most important achievements you can ever have in this life is your own happiness.
Our Feelings and Attitudes Around Happily Ever After
Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different? Does one cause the other to happen? Which one has more power over how we respond? Does the person experiencing them have any choice in the matter? What if they are in conflict?
Simple Pleasures: Ingredients to Feed Your Spirit.
"When we do something we love, again and again, our life comes to hold the fragrance of that thing. ~ Wayne Mullen
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The American Dream ? At What Cost?
When people are asked, "How many of you are content and happy with what you have?" the reply of an overwhelming majority of people is "Not me." And when they are asked what do they want most out of life, the typical reply is "I want to be happy," as if happy is some kind of a place, like Disneyland or Happy Land. But happiness is not a destination. It's a process. In fact, happiness is not even so much a sentiment (contrary to popular culture reinforced by the media) but more of a state of being and an attitude if you will. It comes from feeling connected with everything and everyone. It is the level of our awareness that makes the difference between living "happily" or unhappily.
Choose Happiness
It's a beautiful spring day in Beverly Hills, California. I'm looking out my window at elm trees in full leaf and roses in full bloom, and thinking about the people who helped me get where I am today.
Change 1 Thing Per Month - Making it Great One Step at a Time
So you're stuck in a rut, bored with how your life is, and you can't think of how to get through this period. Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So stop being insane?and try something new.
Many Blessings
"Reflect on your present blessings of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens
Creating Better Relationships
The most important achievements you can ever have in this life is your own happiness.
Being Together
When it comes to happiness, togetherness is probably the most common cause of such feelings.
4 Steps to Use Fears as Friends: Don?t be a Thunder Dog!
Imagine humungous, bulbous, billowing alto-cumulus clouds building higher and higher in the sky. They are as black as tar at the bottom and snowy white at the top. It looks as if we're in for a storm.
Creating Happiness
Whatever we want in life, a partner, more money, good health, a fulfilling career, or enlightenment, it all comes down to the same thing: behind all the wishes, behind all the desires, and beyond every symbol, we want to feel happy. After all, if we feel completely happy, what more do we need? And if we don't feel happy, there is not a relationship or career that can satisfy us.
Ways to Bring Play into Your Life
1. roll around in the grass, and don't brush the grass off.
Like enough of the noise awready! Geesh, people?
Self Identity: Who Are You?
Self-identity? Who are you really? We identify with many things, but this is just a process in our minds. In fact, this identification causes us to suffer.
Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way
If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle.
Free Tips To Improve Self Confidence
Joy Is Sexy
Joy is sexy because in embracing our joy, we embrace our positive energy and power. Joy is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. It is the bridge between living life by default and embracing life by positive design. Get sexy this week and remember that no one can tell us what to think or feel. Events and other people cannot steal our access to personal joy unless we decide to give up our personal power.
Who Is More Likely To Be Happy?
Here's a multiple choice question for you. Who is more likely to be happy?
Live Happily Ever After!
So many people overwork themselves literary in the quest for happiness. Many claim that they will truly be happy when they become famous, earn a degree, become rich etc? However, what happens when the desire goal is attain? Nothing! They get excited for a second or two and go back to living miserably until, something good happens again and who knows how long that will take.
Things To Do To Beat The Blues
As moms we all tend to get the blues, we are always running here and running there. It is very important to take time for you!
There is a Cure for the Summertime Blues
I have never lived anywhere else where when you walk outside in the summer you not only feel like you have walked into a sauna, you also want to change your shirt after just walking from your car to your office (Tallahassee).
Red Balloon of Happiness
Just when you think you know it all, some 17-month old child comes along and teaches you another valuable life lesson.
Helping Happiness Along
Happiness is worth helping along.