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Making Peace With Sloth: The Value of Natural Pace
Though his racing speed is a maximum 6 feet per minute, the sloth has won the race against time. It's not that he's immortal, it's just that he's efficient. While we micro manage time and monopolize our schedule, sloth simply is. In his just being he shows us the value of natural pace. We don't value this, certainly. Sloth is the only animal eponymous for a deadly sin. I do not know if sloth can translate our disdain. I do know that we are deaf to him. Sloth shows us a way to live that is gentle, creative, and ecologically friendly. And slow. We don't like slow. We hear engines and sirens. Silence is mute. We have many tired ways of looking at sloth, both as a creature and a philosophy. As a creature we define him very narrowly. This started a millenium ago. The word sloth began as Middle English for "slowthe" which means slow. Only 200 years passed and by the end of the 1300's slothful became synonymous with lazy and unproductive. Ha! The Illusion of Inactivity If sloth seems unproductive, it is only because the human concept of productivity is inconsistent with nature. Sloth is very productive. However, he moves at the speed of earth. This is rarely in step with our footprints. We hate the natural pace. We turn carpenters into factory workers and spin artists into obsolescence. We are the industrial revolution and our wheels are spinning faster than we can run. As most of humankind keep pace with an arbitrary hierarchy all of nature waves an invisible banner. Translated it says no. Bold letters. The spider continues to weave its singular web, and unless aided, flowers will not grow faster. All of earth reveals that some things survive and grow stronger by moving at a (gasp) natural pace. Including sloth. He sleeps lots, enjoys food, and refuses to exert any effort that isn't necessary. If a human did this we'd encourage them to get more pep. It doesn't matter if our excess energy is excessive. It doesn't matter if by spinning our wheels we erode the soil. In the culture of progress and process, runoff is unavoidable. Not for sloth. He is a model of efficiency. His lack of muscle means he requires few calories. Unlike us sloth expends only what he consumes. Imagine if we were to do this. Living beyond our means is universally destructive. Besides producing economic debt, it produces a fear-based scarcity mentality that our accumulating never satisfies. Giving with Grace In his slothful sloth way sloth never takes. Whatever he uses he replenishes. The food waste he creates is used as sustenance for the community of beetles, moths and ticks that reside on his rear. His stillness also creates a haven for algae and a sanctuary for bugs to grow. The sloth is, literally, a non-rolling stone that does indeed gather moss. Still our human cliches and biological calculations cannot measure the worth of symbiosis. In measuring worth we must define worth. Nature has no need for this. The sloth dominates nothing. He is still and sustainable. He takes little, which is a key feature in creation. The more we non-sloth's produce the more we consume. We are greedy wolves in designer sheep clothing. We look admirable as we sweat toward the finish line of consumerism yet the line is a mirage. The faster we move the further it gets because our expectations are endless and increasing. Everything is a means to an end. We have no time to nurture natural systems. Somewhere between fire being used for warmth and fire as a part of combustion, we've adapted toward destruction. In the process gardening became Clearcutting. Meanwhile the sloth's home tree thunders to the ground with sloth attached. If human, he would have the opportunity to extend his hands over head as the universal symbol of surrender. No chance. The noise of machinery is the battle cry of industrial values. Money from lumber precedes intrinsic value. Unfortunately, unless captured and sold for food the sloth is worthless. Appreciating Sloth Thankfully some still see the importance of sloth. I do. So do the members of The Sloth Club. One of their current objectives is to establish and coordinate a sloth sanctuary in Ecuador. Ecuador is a significant location for The Sloth Club's three founding members. While travelling through Ecuador, they encountered a captured sloth sitting on the floor of a cold concrete cage. He was waiting to be eaten. To Australian activist Anja Light, his frail helpless body reflected "all the injustice and suffering in the world." The friends bought and freed the sloth. From this experience they formed a reverent feeling not only for sloth, but also for his very essence. They declare: "We want to promote the concept of doing less, living simply, minimizing our destructive impact and finding joy in our life without consuming an endless chain of meaningless things. The three-toed sloth may be our greatest teacher in how to do this." We fear stillness. Stillness is yielding. Knowing ourselves the way we do means we do not have enough trust to, as the sloth does, expose our soft underbelly. Instead we are vigilant. Yet it is not some vague other we need to fear. It is our own self. Our planet is proof that we cannot trust our more is better and faster is God value system. This collective Judeo-Christian movement is made of individuals. We are conditioned to fuel this movement. Not leaving it is the closest we ever come to stillness. No wonder we are afraid. The sloth despising Judeo-Christian ethic despises inactivity. Yet it also advises rest. We don't. We fear that the hand of God will rain down wrath if we rest for more than one day a week. We keep this fear because it allows us to keep working towards more. And so it is our self-serving attitude, not God, at fault for our trampling of the planet. Genesis 1:28 advises us to "Be fruitful." This requires that we sew after reaping. Few of us do. Humankind has become the eighth deadly sin. Ironically, in sloth's symbiotic and replenishing lifestyle, he is a saint. Galina Pembroke is an internationally published writer and publisher and editor of New View Magazine online. For articles on self-help, spirituality, health, animal rights and more visit us at http://www.nuvunow.ca
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Sunny Days Are Here To Stay Yes, this is correct. Sunny Days are here to stay, that is, if you want them to be. What's that mean? Well, let me explainit this way. Happiness-Marriage-Love-Divorce-Suicide-Peace Within-college Too many of us seem to think that there should be 24-7 happiness in our life, so when there is problems in a marriage the temptation for affairs and divorce is there. SOLD! Again! Contrast Can Work FOR You Have you ever had an experience where everything you wanted had come to you and THEN you discovered something that seemed to spoil the entire event? How to Stop Attracting Negative People to Your Life Placing your attention, energy and focus on the negative aspects of some people in your life brings you more of the same. Simply put, that's the Law of Attraction at work. Change 1 Thing Per Month - Making it Great One Step at a Time So you're stuck in a rut, bored with how your life is, and you can't think of how to get through this period. Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So stop being insane?and try something new. 7 Keys to a Happy Life 1. Do not act in order to receive a payoff. Conversational Negative Self-Talk Most people don't even know they're doing it. Throughout the course of normal conversation, they bombard themselves with negative self-talk. Even people who are aware of the power of their words seem to miss some of the most commonly used derogatory comments that are made towards ourselves in the course of normal conversation. While plotting out goals and dreams we remember to stop ourselves from saying statements like "I can't," "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never be able to pull this off." However, it's the subtle little things that we say while on conversational autopilot that eats away at our self-confidence. Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. Do You Still Have This Type of Dreams? Jesus says in Matthew 13:25 See for Yourself : 12 Step Tools Can Bring Happy, Joyous and Free into Everyones Life We are all familiar with or have heard of the many Twelve Step programs and communities. The reason the 12 Steps are so effective in helping people create happy, joyous and free lives is because it is a program of solution based on principles written so simply that anyone can use them in their daily lives. As partly a Sober Living Coach, agapelegacycoach.com I team up with clients who already have a strong recovery foundation to transition from recovery into enhanced Sober Living. I also coach those who wish to craft and design Legacies of Excellence in all areas of their lives who are not familiar with 12 Step Living. In my coaching career, all of my clients have shared many successes by allowing me to bring them some of the indispensable tools I have come to live by as a proud member of the 12 Step Community myself. Here are some proven effective 12 Step Community tools to add to your toolbox: Personal Alchemy, Turn Your Suffering into Gold I am sure it is safe to say that each of us has had times in our lives when we had hopes, anticipation, expectations and events where we desired a certain outcome. It Costs Nothing To Smile I like to be around positive people, people who tend to be happy, who look on the bright side of life. Far too many people walk around in what seems like a depressed state. Come on people, it costs nothing to smile. A Bad Hairdresser Day "Hey everybody!" Hairdresser Lady called out. "It's The Happy Guy." Happiness Versus Pleasure We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness and joy elude so many people. Creating Better Relationships The most important achievements you can ever have in this life is your own happiness. Develop a Guiding Philosophy for Happiness Groundedness is one of the most important components of a satisfied life. Being grounded means having a guiding philosophy - a foundation of personalintegrity that outside influences cannot disturb. Inevitable Changes and Changeless Connections Sometimes change is pleasant. A child is born. A new career begins. A goal is accomplished. At other times, a difficult transition brings tough but necessary growing pains. What NOT To Do To Feel Good About Yourself - 10 Tips From the moment we wake in the morning our heads start to fill with all sorts of thoughts. What will you give the kids for breakfast? Will you get the time to iron your blouse before you leave for work? What will you do if you miss the bus? And so it goes on. You Can?t See Your Own Eyes My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on. Health and Medical Advice on the Internet: Use it Wisely to Overcome Illness and Find More Happiness I've got a bit of a problem with depression and anxiety. I've been tackling these problems for several years without the use of modern medicine. Tai Chi, meditation, martial arts (exercise), and positive interaction with other people seem to keep a lid on my illnesses most of the time. I don't like the idea of medication's side effects, and I don't believe the answers in life are often found in the easy path (E.G. taking a pill), but rather on the hard path of effort and determination. This is not to say that I don't feel medicine is not effective, not at all, I just feel all the options should be looked at before making big decisions to do with one's health. ![]() |
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