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Sunny Days Are Here To Stay
Yes, this is correct. Sunny Days are here to stay, that is, if you want them to be. What's that mean? Well, let me explainit this way. How do you feel when it's a "sunny day" outside? When you first awake and the sun is shining in your window doesn't that perk you up a bit? Now I realize there are days when you are not feeling well, maybe there's been a serious problem you are facing or there are any number of things that nay not be pleasant in your life. But overall with all those things happening to you doesn't a "sunny day" help you to feel at least somewhat better about life? Don't you feel much better then when it's a cloudy and rainy day outside? I started using this phrase "have a sunny day" many years ago in my greeting to people. It's even at the end of my voice mail message. I'll never forget the day when I was a salesmen and received a call on my voice mail from one of my customers to call him. When I finally called him back the first thing he said to me was, "Sonny are you crazy it's not a "sunny day" here it's pouring down rain outside". I said , "I know it is but you missed my point, you can have a "sunny day anytime you want because a "sunny day" starts in the mind". "Oh, he said, I never thought of it that way" Many times over the years that voice mail message always gets comments. One of my favorite motivational speakers, Jim Rohn, says you have got to decide on what your philosophy is about your life. You've got to decide what excites you about life. You've got to take responsibility for what happens in your life. You shouldn't just "fit in" to someone else's plan, design one of your own. He says you have to live a disciplined life and stay disciplined so you can get what you want. He goes on to say, It's true, we suffer one of two things. Either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. You've got to choose discipline versus regret because discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons. I believe that makes things rather clear in my mind. How about you? Whatever you want in your life you must discipline yourself enough to get it no matter what it takes. Now of course that means without harm to another person. Now to add to this, Robert Stuberg, of Success .com says "your thoughts control your life, your life is not controlled by random events, UNLESS you want them to be". " You are NOT a victim of others actions UNLESS you THINK you are" He goes on to say, "if you don't like something in your life, you have the POWER to change it" .... if you desire something in your life, it's in your POWER to change it" Then he emphasizes, "Change Your Thoughts And You Will Change Your Life" When you get right down to it, we all know life can be very challenging at times, life can deliver cruel punches, life can deal us some big problems sometimes. Usually our only defense is to build up a strong positive attitude to ward off these situations in our lives. We just need to get more "tough skinned". My wife and I live in a manufactured home community in Florida six months out of the year and we have made many new friends. One of those, however, is one of the most remarkable ones we have ever met. Angie is just amazing. Attractive, fun -loving, usually has a big smile. But Angie has a big and unusual health problem. I've never understood all the details of her illness but it was caused many years ago when she was diagnosed with polio. And it was before they had a cure for it. Over the years it's affected her whole body. She walks with a cane. One leg is shorter than the other one. One foot is smaller than the other foot. It's painful for her to walk, too. Consequently she's on very strong medication which has to be changed periodically because it loses it's effectiveness. Just recently she showed up at the weekly bingo with velcro braises on both arms. Despite all this she's a real "cut up" whenever you are around her. At home her husband says she really goes through some challenging times but she "bounces back" eventually. He says he don't know how she handles all the pain. He says she's "unbelieveable". I don't know about you but when I have some difficulties to face in my life I try to think just how fortunate I am to be fairly healthy. If you are not quite as fortunate as I I'm sure there is always someone else you know of that is worse off. Anyway remember what Jim Rohn And Robert Stuberg say and begin to do the necessary things to have a "sunny day" in your life everyday. Good Luck! Copyright © 2004 All Rights Reserved http://AbsolutelySenior.com Sonny Julius is a 74 year old retired sales supervisor, Prior to his sales career he spent 30 years in the family florist business. Becoming dissatisfied with that business he decided it was time to leave it and pursue a sales career. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens. The ebook is a guide for living the senior lifestyle. In addition he offers a Free 20-minute no obligation phone coaching session to anyone interested in enhancing his or her present lifestyle. Email for more information: mailto:sonnyj@absolutelysenior.com Sonny Julius, President of S A & Associates, is devoted to teaching senior citizens "How To Have The Time Of Their Life For The Rest Of Their Life" For more information go to: http://www.thesunnysenior.com
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5 Keys to Understanding Why Your Life (probably) Sucks! #2 In Key Reason #1 we looked at how you are working withoutdated beliefs. Reason # 2 gives a clue as to why thatmight be so. Find Shortcuts To Happiness If someone said you could feel inner peace and joy by just deciding to do it, would you believe them? Well, we're telling you just that! Anyone can choose inner comfort, ease or a feeling of well-being by learning simple tools that will teach you how to make these decisions. Here's a taste of one of the 6 Shortcuts To Happiness we teach at The Option Institute and how you can begin to use it now: 4 Steps to Use Fears as Friends: Don?t be a Thunder Dog! Imagine humungous, bulbous, billowing alto-cumulus clouds building higher and higher in the sky. They are as black as tar at the bottom and snowy white at the top. It looks as if we're in for a storm. About Happiness and Fulfillment During a FULFILLMENT seminar, at the University of Arizona for the Affiliated Women's Clubs, a charming and successful woman unintentionally made our point about success, satisfaction and happiness. Catherine Hendricks spoke about several major problems that are caused by living too secular a life-style in this period of swift, destabilizing and often disconcerting change. Catherine lamented; Are You Getting in the Way? Getting out of our busy mode and into our heart occasionally, I'm certain that many of us would find at least one moment during our day where we could pause, reflect on a situation, and see something that we can do to make a difference in someone else's life. Develop a Guiding Philosophy for Happiness Groundedness is one of the most important components of a satisfied life. Being grounded means having a guiding philosophy - a foundation of personalintegrity that outside influences cannot disturb. Be Happy, Join The Wednesday Worry Club Of all the people who know me, no one would say I am afflicted with worryitis. They may say other things about me, which may or may not be true, but that's another story. The Underestimated Power of Kindness It was a bright Saturday morning in the late fall. I had stopped at a cafe' to enjoy a cup of coffee and scan the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, "Hey Steve! How ya doin'?" Why We Have Problems? A Coach Debates As a coach, I often ask myself the question why human beings have problems. With the exception of terminal diseases, serious illnesses that are REALLY life-threatening situations and serious stuff, we do have problems for a number of reasons I will present below. But first of all, allow me, I will have to replace the word problem by "challenge" or "barrier" as used in the coaching jargon. Problems do not exist in the coaching world! However, changing the word, does not change the concept so a challenge, barrier or problem is pretty much the same thing. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life A friend once said to me, "There is no meaning in life, except what we create". At the time, I thought she was nuts. Now, I understand. Ode to Chocolate Chocolate delays reality. When I am eating chocolate, everything is on hold: anxiety, panic, frustrations, and insecurity. Chocolate offers a profound richness, a sweetness of life, a euphoric sensation of luxury. I love chocolate in many forms, from M&M's, to imported Lindt balls, to dark fudge frosting in a pop-top can, to Hershey's dark chocolate bite-sized morsels. 10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life My life always appears to be so hectic. It's as if I purposely overload myself with more things than I could possibly ever accomplish. As I'm going to sleep I think about all the things I need to get done And when I'm awake during the day I think about all the things that need to get done. Take a shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, go to work, etc... It's almost as if at the end of the day I can truly ask myself, "where did the day go?" Enough of these and I can ask myself the same questions in weeks, months, or even years! Discover the 10 Golden Rules on How To Conquer Your Fear We all want happiness and peace of mind. In thesearch for these blessings, millions of peopletake "happy pills" which they hope will relievetheir tensions and make them feel more cheerful. 10 Steps to Happily Ever After Do you know what all happy and healthy marriages have in common? In every one of them you will find two people committed to making each other happy. You will find a man who cherishes his wife and puts her needs above his own, and you will find a wife who respects and trusts her man. We live in very selfish times. Pop-psychology messages are everywhere in the media encouraging us to love ourselves, do right by ourselves, and generally please ourselves first. If you really want a happy marriage, don't buy into that type of self-centered thinking. Instead, try these 10 time-tested techniques and experience the happiness, peace, and tranquility of a healthy marriage. How To Focus On The Positive Qualities Of Your Relationship The quality of your life has a strong connection with how healthy your relationship with other people is. Do you struggle to make other people see things your way? Well stop trying, because you can't manipulate others. Why? Well, just like you, they are operating from their own map of the world. What you CAN do is develop a habit of paying attention to the positive aspects of your relationship. Three Inspirations for Happiness The following three inspirations were adapted from A Daily Dose of Happiness, and they represent three key ways to increase our happiness. Living a Balanced Life - The Real Juggling Act I just read an installment from another self-improvement course that states that celebrities are unhappy because they don't have gratitude for what they have. I disagree. Discover a Momentary Miracle Each moment is filled with miracles - very special treasures to discover. All we need to do to see miracles is look with a spirit of gratitude. Joy Is Sexy Joy is sexy because in embracing our joy, we embrace our positive energy and power. Joy is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. It is the bridge between living life by default and embracing life by positive design. Get sexy this week and remember that no one can tell us what to think or feel. Events and other people cannot steal our access to personal joy unless we decide to give up our personal power. Eleven Keys to Success and Happiness 1. Mend a quarrelSeek out a forgotten friend and tell them how much you enjoyed them once and that you wish them peace. ![]() |
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