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Ways to Bring Play into Your Life
1. roll around in the grass, and don't brush the grass off. 2. drive/walk a different way to work, or wherever you usually go. 3. wear glitter underneath your work clothes. 4. wear a bright orange tie. 5. smell a flower fully, and thank it for its beauty. 6. smile at stranger. 7. go thru the children's aisle in any store and imagine what toy you'd love to play with. 8. buy that toy. 9. do kart-wheels. 10. say yes when you would say no. 11. say no when you would say yes. 12. stand in front of the mirror and say " I am king/queen of the universe!" 13. call a friend and invite them over for play time 14. climb up the slide at a playground 15. turn the volume of your thoughts down 16. turn the volume of your heart up 17. stop. Breathe. Giggle. Look around you 18. remember that its never too late to be what you always wanted to be 19. take yourself out for a play date. 20. laugh at yourself as much as possible. 21. remember you are a child of god, you are loved 22. put stickers on your bills 23. learn something new, without judging if its right or wrong 24. erase good or bad from your dictionary 25. re-define responsible for yourself 26. selfish means- self ?fishing for love and honor of me. 27. eat whipped cream right out of the can-right in mouth 28. hug your family, friends and yourself with playful abandon 29. paint rocks and line your driveway 30. order the happy meal instead of the super size 31. drink with straws 32. receive with a playful heart 33. give with a playful heart 34. send someone a bucket of crayons for no reason 35. know that you are magnificent, AS is 36. there is nothing you have to DO 37. write a letter to someone who needs to play more, and tell them you want to be there! 38. buy stickers 39. make a picnic and go to your bedroom for a playful intimate picnic. 40. play with your hair, your friends hair, your partners hair? 41. be a super hero for a day. 42. stop. Jump up and down and yell. 43. find time to laugh at your self 44. remind a stranger of how awesome they are with your eyes 45. mow the lawn outside the lines 46. watch children 47. be messy. 48. name each star for your self 49. put marshmallows in everything you make for one day 50. hang poster board in your kitchen : write one thing you love about life on it in crayons everyday. 51. invite your roommate/family/partner to participate in writing on the board in crayon 52. be aware of perfectionism ..and with love?recreate a new way of looking at perfect 53. be confidently playful 54. celebrate your body?dance naked?take sea salt showers? 55. finger paint your to do list 56. erase SHOULD from your dictionary 57. watch lady bugs 58. watch a football game, and during commercial blast music and dance 59. order a banana split with an extra cherry 60. ask your children if they enjoy what they are up to- all ages apply 61. throw a temper tantrum if you don't get your way?c'mon its fun 62. finish this sentence I AM? 63. finish this sentence "roses are red?." 64. make pictures with your food 65. eat your meal with your hands without a napkin 66. pile all those you love in one bed and snuggle watching a playful movie Be you. Be love. Choose Play. Hug and Honor all those you love. GOT PLAY? About The Author Jenny Ward is the owner of PLAYWARD. PLAYWARDS mission is to celebrate the magnificence of being alive. Jenny is a licensed coach, speaker, author and PLAY ACTIVIST!
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Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. Happiness Versus Pleasure We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness and joy elude so many people. A Great Life? How to Score Your Life Is your life really the life you want? 7 Gifts that Multiply Happiness Did you know that there are gifts that will multiply your happiness when you give them away? Here are seven of those gifts. Giving these gifts will allow you to share with others your most unique treasure: your authentic self. Each gift will return to you many times. Getting Out Of Dodge The freeway was relatively clear. It was early in the morning as we rushed in south-southwest direction out of town. The lights of the city were still burning brightly at this early hour of the morning, but they became smaller and farther away as we raced off in our chosen direction....to freedom!! The American Dream ? At What Cost? When people are asked, "How many of you are content and happy with what you have?" the reply of an overwhelming majority of people is "Not me." And when they are asked what do they want most out of life, the typical reply is "I want to be happy," as if happy is some kind of a place, like Disneyland or Happy Land. But happiness is not a destination. It's a process. In fact, happiness is not even so much a sentiment (contrary to popular culture reinforced by the media) but more of a state of being and an attitude if you will. It comes from feeling connected with everything and everyone. It is the level of our awareness that makes the difference between living "happily" or unhappily. Happy Talk and 3 Simple Secrets to Happiness What is the one thing you want more than anything else for the people you love the most? If you had a magic wand what would you grant your family and friends? What is it that everyone wants? The Key To A Problem-Free Life What comes to your mind when you see someone who has a perpetual smile on her face and always looks at things on the bright side? Do you wish you could strangle that person or do you wonder how she accomplishes looking peaceful and without a care in the world. Well, I'd hope that once you get past the wanting to strangle the person, you'd ask yourself what it is that makes that person tick the way she does? I'd venture to guess that the person leads a problem-free life! Am I saying that this person doesn't face challenges and obstacles? Absolutely not! It's all about how she perceives these challenges and the thought process she applies. Have I sparked your interest?! 10 Easy Ways You Can Feel Happier, Be Healthier and Live Longer Starting NOW! Let's just say? first thing when you popped out of bed this morning, you woke up and found a little yellow post-it note stuck on the bathroom mirror that could transform your life. You smiled, instantly recognizing this very familiar word. OBSCURED (Angel) Being raised in a household without a mother or a father can be traumatic for a young girl. If no one cares enough about you to come into your life to "finish" or offer guidance where your parent(s) left off, you are a lost soul. Life Management Skills for Greater Happiness "Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise." -Samuel Lover Divining Your Karmic Number Your karmic number interpretation tells you what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life. Lifes Like that It is now 5 years since I passed out of college and started working. Ilove working. I am not a workaholic but I love working. There is a lotof pressure in the work we all do. This era is all about speed.Everything around us moves at the speed of thought. And the wiseguys from the big B-Schools would tell you to be there at the righttime or else you'll loose the next big opportunity. All of us try tosearch for the next big opportunity so that we are not left of out inthis race. We travel from place to place in search for that hiddentreasure, success, happiness or whatever one may like to call it. I have closely interacted with hundreds of people in these years andone of my favorites activity is studying people and humanbehavior. In the beginning I used to get surprised (sometimes evenlaugh) when I hear a new kid out of college and starting his lifesay that he feels burnt out. But then if you look at it closely, thekid is right. He is burnt out before he even starts because he isalways expected to perform beyond what his mind and body can take.There is always this sense of urgency within all of us that usuallykeeps us unhappy no matter what we achieve. I too was in this rat race till my mother taught me the most importantlesson of my life and that is about being in the present and enjoyingevery moment of it. Sadly though I had lost my mother by then. I stillremember that day on 18th December 2002 when I was thinking about mymother in the back of my mind but yet I stayed in the office as we had this requirement to get the ISDN up in our office. I was scaredthat if the leased lines goes down we'll not have an alternative. So Isat with the providers and did not listen to my heart. As a result bythe time I went to see my mom it was too late. I wish I had followed myheart instead. That is when I realized that the ISDNconnection had no real significance in my life and yet I gave it anunwanted priority. Here are some rules I live by now which I hope would help all of you.They say that it is best to learn from others mistakes. 6 basic rulesthat we must all follow to be happy - Live in the present - Most good books on better living talk about being in the present. You cannotafford to think and live in the past. Neither can you think about thefuture all the time. You do not know what would happen in the future.You do not have control over it. This does not mean that we should notplan. It just means that we do not need to over stress ourselvesthinking about what would happen in the future. Let me explain with a simple example. You want to go for avacation. You need to plan and buy the tickets in time. But it does notmean that when you are in the train or aircraft you start runninginside it. You'll not reach any faster than all the other passengerswho are traveling with you. However, do remember that you must learn from your past and improveuponit. The food from Pizza Hut is fattening. This means that it wouldremain the same, unless they do some major changes to the way pizzasare made. So saying that I cannot think about the past and I shouldkeep going over and over again to Pizza Hut does no make sense. Also another important point is that you must learn to visualize aboutthe future. When I was kid our swimming coach used to talk a lot aboutthe power of visualization. He used to say that if you going for acompetition tomorrow, the previous night one should visualize theentire event. It goes like this - Ifeel light and energetic. The weather is great for swimming. I am goingto get the best place. My start is perfect. I have a perfect dive inthe water. The water is not too hot neither is it too cool. It is justright for me. My breathing is perfect and my strokes are perfect andcoordinated. I am the winner... Simulate the same situation when you are facing a client or an ISOauditor. Another aspect I'll like to point out here is that some people get intothe urgency because they feel insecure about the future. They think "IfI die my wife or family would face alot of problems... " In the process they start taking insurancepoliciesleft and right, try to buy a house etc.. In many cases they are notable to keep up with all the liabilities and in that tension many doreally die. One must plan and have a secure future butnever over do anything. Take commitments only when it is possible tolive up to the commitment. In short it all boils down to one thing. Be happy and live in themoment. Enjoy every moment of it. Because the present will become thepast tomorrow and you need to cherish it then. Never have any anger - Thereare times we are unhappy because we have anger against somebody. Thatreally does not help. All it does is make us sad. In no way does iteffect the person who has angered you. As in my case I was angry withthe providers for having given us a good for nothing ISDN modem. What Ilost in return was a lot more. It is not possible for us to not getangry because the reason why one gets angry is when things do not workthe way we want it to. When people do not behave the way we want themto. And this would continue to happen. The best we can do is focus onsomething else in such situations. That makes us more relaxed. Also, begrateful for what you have and do not think about what you do not have.There are many in this world who are lessfortunate than we are. Never have an ego -Most of us have a big ego which makes us all worse than what we think we are. Weare nobody to judge another person. We are nobody to justify ouractions on others because of what they did to us. In most cases when wedo something against a person it would due to some false ego we haveinside us. "How could he do this tome. I'll show him who I am".... Like I said a little while ago.I am nobody. If somebody treats you bad it is his fault and there noneed for you to teach him a lesson. He needs to have self realizationabout it. Most of our epics is about teaching a lesson to the otherperson. I remember as a kid watching Mahabharat and Ramayana on TV,most of times somebody would be testing somebody else's ego. When I do talk about ego, I feel it is necessary to talk about self esteemtoo..Both these are very different. We all must have a level of self esteemand dignity. But we must not allow somebody else to treat us as a doormat. If you do notlike what the other person did to you. Cut off the relation orremove the expectations. Take pride in who you are- SOLD! Again! Contrast Can Work FOR You Have you ever had an experience where everything you wanted had come to you and THEN you discovered something that seemed to spoil the entire event? What Is Happiness? What is it that everyone is seeking? Happiness with no sorrow. A continuous happiness with no taint whatsoever of sorrow.~Lester Levenson Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness Author Tristine Rainer wrote "Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life than with the way you experience the process of living." Because a diary mirrors how you perceive and deal with events, it can be used for developing the capacity to more fully experience joy. Reframing with NLP For Enhanced Happiness I used to work for the Independent National Newspaper in Canary Wharf, London. I can remember in the build up to Christmas, my department was having a large & expensive new computer system installed because the newspaper was being relaunched, it was when Andrew Marr and Rosie Boycott were becoming joint editors, I digress?. The system was being put in just before Christmas, but it was a massive task, with numerous issues & overruns. As Christmas approached, there were still a number of teething problems, which led to stretched relations between the system supplier & the newspaper staff. Ten Ways to Eliminate Guilt From Your Life 1. Say "Yes" Only When You Want To Health, Wealth, and Love What is happiness? The dictionary defines it as "a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy." How To Be Happy Happiness is a state of mind, so your state of mind at this moment makes all the difference. ![]() |
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