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10 Easy Ways You Can Feel Happier, Be Healthier and Live Longer Starting NOW!
Let's just say? first thing when you popped out of bed this morning, you woke up and found a little yellow post-it note stuck on the bathroom mirror that could transform your life. You smiled, instantly recognizing this very familiar word. And on the back were instructions on how to incorporate more of it in your life so you'd feel less stress, pain and tension? more carefree, fun and energetic. Even without the handy-dandy instructions (you think to yourself)? adding a little more is no big thing. After all, you've done it every single day of your life without even thinking about it. It comes as natural to you as blinking. It's as much fun as a long overdue chat with one of your dearest friends, as cheap as an afternoon daydream, as good for you as a 15 minute workout, yet as vital as the air you breathe. You glance again? it says L-A-U-G-H-T-E-R. Laughter is the no cost, no effort, super simple, fabulously fun, overnight solution to happier, healthier, better living. American scientific and medical journals have cited the medical and psychological benefits of laughter. This is no laughing matter. Laughter can heal your pain? reduce your stress? help you sleep like a baby? diffuse tense in difficult situations? boost your immunity? foster creativity? multiply your productivity? extend your life? expand your point of view? bond you to others? increase your charm and charisma? make you feel happier? and help you live in the moment. With so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose, are you ready to take these 10 tips to heart so you can giggle a little, snicker some, chuckle boisterously, cackle raucously, snort unexpectedly and hoot and holler through happy tears of joy? Wrap yourself in a humorous perspective and laugh your way to a seriously healthy, happy and upbeat life! Here are 10 easy ways to grab more giggles and exercise your funny bone? 1. Get a Funny Buddy. Unite yourself with a laughing partner, friend, buddy or companion that you always know you can turn to for a laugh. Make a laughing agreement and shake on it, then surround yourself with more funny people. Make an effort to be around these lighthearted folks every chance you get. 2. Lose your wits. Be super silly for 10 seconds and let your brilliant foolish kid out to play. 3. Be a Silly Spectator. Stand back and scope out the outlandish, outrageous and crazy hilarity of humans. You will thank me the next time you are trying to ward off feelings of frustration and boredom in line at the DMV, out shopping or in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Take it up a notch and bring your entertainment home with you and imitate their quirks, qualities or peculiarities that made you snicker earlier in the day. 4. Make Over the Ordinary. Recount your everyday experiences in a fun way and relive them! People laugh at the stuff they can relate to. It's the ordinary, everyday, run of the mill things we find funny. Some of the best sitcoms and funniest comedians (Seinfeld is a perfect example) create material out of the everyday perils of life. It's their passion and strong point of view that strikes an emotional cord in us and makes us burst out with laughter. Go for it and liven your stories up with attitudes, opinions, voices and dialects. Be spontaneous and let it fly! 5. Give Your Stories a Pay Off! The best stories have a punchy point, a profound lesson or a great big finish. Start with the end in mind. Give your friends a payoff for their attention. When you get close to the end, stop, take a deep breath and give the story a moment of silence. Let 'em dangle in anticipation before you end with a big bang! Adding more energy, impact and volume will give your story meaning, closure and give you the rewards of laughter. 6. Make it Big! Describe something gigantic. On your morning commute to work (of course while navigating your vehicle with the utmost in attentive care and caution), describe something humongous. Maybe it's the biggest cell phone, coffee maker or Fourth of July sparkler ever to be seen at the World's Fair. 7. Demand Door to Door Comedic Entertainment. Rent your favorite classic comedy flicks or a few of the new ones you've been meaning to get around to. What some may consider the demise of America, I argue could be the comedic cure. Blockbuster now offers unlimited door to door delivery service with your favorite DVDs without any pesky late fees or due dates. No kidding! You're in for some serious first rate livin' when you think about the movies, laughs and life entertainment that will be waiting for you on your doorstep. 8. Fake a Roll or Take a Part. Play Scarlet O'Hara or just ham it up for the day and walk through life with a particular point of view, strong opinion, clever persona, funny accent or problem that you must solve. Juice it up and have a dinner party where everyone has to maintain a character for the night. I've got a New York City cowgirl (don't call me an urban buckle bunny) persona in my hip pocket just waiting to come out. "This girl just ain't sure how she's gonna lasso herself up a ride on one of them quick four wheeled, yellow stallions." 9. Let Off Some Silly Steam. Before things get too heated up think of something quirky, cool, comical or witty. Have a few funny incidents lined up in your head that you can flash to before you disagree, bicker or complain. Even the slightest smile will ease ill feelings and spread goodwill throughout the land. The absolute worst situations still have a silver lining? you are getting some really great comedic material for later. Focus on the amusing or just plain weird moments that you'll want to recap with your friends and laugh about later. 10. Hunt Down the Funnies. Look for humor everywhere you go. Stalk it, pursue it and chase it down 'til you fall over with laughter. Think about what makes you laugh, the ironies of life that amuse you, the comedians you adore, the books that make you laugh aloud and which funny shows you refuse to miss. Read, watch or do all of the above as often as you can. With adults laughing on average 15 times a day and children laughing about 450? we've got some serious work to do. Try a tip, grab a giggle and go. Track your laughs the fun and funky way. The free 'Laughin' Log' is yours at www.shesite.com. Who knew at the end of the day you could add up 100 laughs (the equivalent to 15 minutes on an exercise bike) and fit in to your skinny jeans?!! Exercise your sense of humor so you can trim your body, increase your joy and be a magnetic force that attracts others to you. Let your fun, gregarious side shine and give gushing benefits of laughter to everyone around you. CAUTION: Laughs have been known to be contagious. So watch out, you might even infect the grumpy, irritable and cantankerous folks in your life who always seem to have something to complain about. Julie Hunt is a female icon and founder of SHE, the foremost inspiration and personal development resource for women who want to live brilliant, happy, successful lives. Marketing consultant, sales expert, copywriting guru, improvisational actress, yoga instructor, author and just plain cool chick? she's an inspiration to oodles of women who land on her free teleclass series 'The Essentials.' Don't miss out! She's on a mission to scream, skip, advise and acquaint with women around the globe who want live a vivacious life busting at the seams!
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How To Live Happily Ever After In life, many of us simply plunge ahead, only to realize later that some of the things we did, we wish we hadn't, and some of the things we didn't do, we wish we had. How do you keep yourself on the right track, the right path? And how can you live happily ever after? Here's how. Here's one simple easy-to-do thing that can help keep you on the right track and help you live happily ever after ... The Science of Laughter The title I chose for this article makes me smile. The science of laughter? Laughter, one of the things we used to take for granted, is now the subject of scientific study. In some ways it's quite surprising what has been discovered, but in other ways, it's probably not surprising at all. After all, we know intuitively that it is good for us. Sweeten Up Your Life Sometimes life experiences can be like a lemon-flavored Tootsie Roll Pop. Hard and sour on the outside. Soft and sweet on the inside. Take getting dumped in a relationship for instance. Facing life alone can be tough for many people. Yet, there are behind-the-scenes benefits to every predicament! There's even a sweet treat hidden within the experience of losing a lover. 14 Habits For A Happier You and I Many people exercise, play sports, or know someone who does. Having done so almost my entire life, I have a few pearls of wisdom. To gain an advantage, focus on a full body workout. In sports your base (waist down) are more important than your upper body except the mind and heart. It will bring more life to your conversations and rejuvenate your outlook. Breaking the Cycle Breaking the cycle is a term we have all heard. Especially if we come from a family (and these days who doesn't) that has a history of some type of violence and/or drug abuse whereas this phrase is told to us over and over. "Yes, you have had a bad hand in life. Life is not fair. But the best thing you can do is raise your head and break the cycle of violence in your life". Stop Sickies and Make People Happy At Work If you're an employer or a manager then work place absenceis costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting yourcustomers. And as we all know, not all days taken off workare due to genuine sickness. Many employees "take a sickie"because their morale is low and they just don't like orcan't do their work. Dont Let Life Happen to You Don't Let Life Happen To You It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. - Marcus Aurelius (121-80 AD, Roman Emperor, Philosopher) Where do we Find True and Lasting Happiness? For the longest time I was convinced that I was not happy unless I had a partner to share my life with. I just knew that having someone to share glorious sunrises and romantic sunsets would make me happy. I even came close to marrying someone who made me feel as if I was the happiest person on the face of the earth only to find out that it was not actually him that made me happy. This is the mistake most all of us make when we are dating and even more so when we have been married and have become accustomed to having someone around all the time then suddenly we are thrust back into this crazy dating world that has changed so much since we were gone that we need to go to Dating College to get educated and learn the lingo not to mention the new rules to even be a player in the game. OK, so you think you know the answers, what makes you happy, what will keep you happy and that special something that will attract you and keep you attracted? I think you are going to be surprised at what I have to say. Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy? Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? Eleven Keys to Success and Happiness 1. Mend a quarrelSeek out a forgotten friend and tell them how much you enjoyed them once and that you wish them peace. Creating Happiness Whatever we want in life, a partner, more money, good health, a fulfilling career, or enlightenment, it all comes down to the same thing: behind all the wishes, behind all the desires, and beyond every symbol, we want to feel happy. After all, if we feel completely happy, what more do we need? And if we don't feel happy, there is not a relationship or career that can satisfy us. True Happiness Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappiness or frustration. After all, wouldn't life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would simply do things the way we want them to or do what we think is best for them? Actually, this is the kind of thinking that perpetuates the misery! Life Management Skills for Greater Happiness "Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise." -Samuel Lover Our Feelings and Attitudes Around Happily Ever After Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different? Does one cause the other to happen? Which one has more power over how we respond? Does the person experiencing them have any choice in the matter? What if they are in conflict? Norman Rockwell ? The Man Who Created His Own Reality In preparation for a class I taught today, I spent some time this week studying the life and works of American artist Norman Rockwell. His idealistic paintings, portraying the innocence of a simpler time, were featured for decades in publications such as The Saturday Evening Post and Boy's Life. They were and still are beloved by millions. His critics in the art world, however, are many and outspoken. Body, Mind, and Soul Being in tune with your mind, body, and soul and how they work is theone most important thing you can do for yourself. We know now that,the three work together. If the body is ill, the mind and soul are affected as well. If the mind becomes ill the body and soul show thestress of that. But, I think the strongest combination showing themost illness is when the soul becomes stressed. That seems to makethe body and mind crumble the quickest. I, myself, have learned thatfirst hand! But, it also works in the reverse! When the body is healthy,the mind is sound and the soul is happy. Keeping these three in balance is a life long task. So, learning how to do it and then maintaining it with little effort is very important. We do have other things in life to accomplish! However, the other things we are accomplishing will beenhanced and go much easier if we take the time to be in tune with ourselves. Suffering and Happiness The one feature that sets life on Earth apart from a paradise is suffering. It poses a problem for humanity and calls for a solution. This problem relates to human desires, the satisfaction of which is often difficult and uncertain, if not impossible, and always transient, in need of renewal; it is doomed to end sooner or later in death. The Great Opportunity I assume you want to be happier. Searching for greater happiness is a wonderful thing whatever level of happiness you are currently at. It could be that you are already enjoying life and just searching for a new idea, or it could be that you have felt negative towards life or the experiences life has dealt you. If you feel in anyway negative about life I would like to share something with you. How To Focus On The Positive Qualities Of Your Relationship The quality of your life has a strong connection with how healthy your relationship with other people is. Do you struggle to make other people see things your way? Well stop trying, because you can't manipulate others. Why? Well, just like you, they are operating from their own map of the world. What you CAN do is develop a habit of paying attention to the positive aspects of your relationship. Health and Happiness - Self Test First of all, examine yourself outwardly. ![]() |
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