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Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy?
Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? Moving to Mexico did not make me happy. To explain this I am going to have to get all Dr. Phil on you. If you are from America, you know exactly who that is and what he is all about. The man had an impact on my life I must confess. You should read his books. They might have an impact on your life too. If you were an unhappy person living in America, you will more than likely be an unhappy person living in Mexico. If you have lived a life of reacting to circumstances with depression, rage, whining, crying, complaining, stress, anger or whatever, chances are you react the same way in Mexico. Moving here is not going to change that. Circumstances or situations in our lives are nothing more than information. When the dog pees on the carpet, when the teenaged son wrecks the car, when the boss fires you, when you lose money in the stock market, all that is in your life is information or a stimulus. How you react to that information or stimulus is your choice. Think about this for a moment. There is nothing in the examples I mentioned that has any power over you. These are just circumstances. They are "things" that happened. They have no power to control your feelings. The teenaged son wrecking the car is just a situation. It isn't good but it is just a situation. This situation cannot hold a gun to your head and say, "Ok, now I demand you feel rage and scream and hit your kid." If you do indeed react irresponsibly in that situation, it is because it is something you chose. No one, nothing is making you do anything. Do you get this? This is a hard concept for the victim mentality of someone coming from the American culture of victimization. It is what we have been led to believe. Someone or something is always at fault for "making us mad!" How many times have you said to someone, "You make me so mad!" That phrase and the ideology that undergirds it, is programmed into Americans' thinking. It is as though we are on autopilot and say it without thinking. If you have lived a life of rage, depression, anger, or whatever in America; that, dear reader, is a good indicator about how you will live in Mexico. Let me assure you there are going to be plenty of circumstances or stimuli in Mexico to which you are going to be tempted to react in the identical way you did to stimuli in America. I cannot overemphasize this enough. Mexico will not change you. All it will do is provide you with a new set of circumstances, situations, information, or stimuli to which you will react in the same way you did in America. If you believe moving to Mexico will change you then you are in for a big surprise and a heartbreaking disappointment. If you are of the mind-set that someone or something else is responsible for your happiness, then you are not expatriation material so don't waste your time and money.Now, let me turn on a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I believe it is possible for someone to change. I think one can learn to choose better behavior. If you've lived your life with an anger control problem or whatever, then get some help before expatriating to Mexico. Trust me when I say that Mexico has plenty of circumstances, situations, information, or stimuli in life that she will throw your way. Doug Bower is a freelance writer and book author. His most recent writing credits include The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Houston Chronicle, and The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Transitions Abroad. He lives with his wife in Guanajuato, Mexico. His new book, Mexican Living: Blogging it from a Third World Country, can be seen at http://www.lulu.com/content/126241
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Self-Worthiness Worthiness-word origin. Worth and worship both come from Old English weorth, worth value. Worship is composed of this word weorth, worth, + ship (a suffix meaning condition, office, etc. as in friendship and sportsmanship), hence worship was originally the condition or office of being worthy, worthiness, dignity. This use is still found in the title worship, as in Will your worship take tea now? From this use worship then came to mean homage, as given a deity. Although, it is foolhardy to expect people to worship you, it is a nice concept to remember. You are worthy of being worshipped-for the most part it isn't plausible. Great Relationship Problem Solving Technique This is one of my all time favourite problem solving techniques, and I use it on a regular basis with clients who find it hard to get along with other people. But really, the technique can be applied to any problem at all, not just the ones that are about relationships. If you're going around in circles with a relationship problem, it can really help to step back and break the problem down into groups. Here's how to do it: How To Focus On The Positive Qualities Of Your Relationship The quality of your life has a strong connection with how healthy your relationship with other people is. Do you struggle to make other people see things your way? Well stop trying, because you can't manipulate others. Why? Well, just like you, they are operating from their own map of the world. What you CAN do is develop a habit of paying attention to the positive aspects of your relationship. Happiness is Yours for the Taking Happiness. The pursuit of so many. In fact, we are known in America as those who live for "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' You Can?t See Your Own Eyes My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on. 14 Habits For A Happier You and I Many people exercise, play sports, or know someone who does. Having done so almost my entire life, I have a few pearls of wisdom. To gain an advantage, focus on a full body workout. In sports your base (waist down) are more important than your upper body except the mind and heart. It will bring more life to your conversations and rejuvenate your outlook. Love is All You Need Boiled down to all of our essence, all we really want is to be loved...by our spouses, by our family, by the people we work with, by everyone. The key to being loved by all of these people is actually quite simple: love yourself first! 5 Keys to Understanding Why Your Life (probably) Sucks! #2 In Key Reason #1 we looked at how you are working withoutdated beliefs. Reason # 2 gives a clue as to why thatmight be so. How to Be Happy! How would you like to have at least an extra hour in your day just for yourself so that you can have more fun? Are You Doing What You Love? Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. --Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965) Happiness Versus Pleasure We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness and joy elude so many people. Poetic Romance Romance is conveyed in so many different ways. Happiness - Cause and Effect Your reaction to the events around you determines how you feel and how you affect those you come into contact with. Consider the following example: Keys to Happiness "Happiness is the whole aim and end of human existence" - Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Things To Do To Beat The Blues As moms we all tend to get the blues, we are always running here and running there. It is very important to take time for you! Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. Happiness. Its Between Our Ears! Happiness is something we all seek, yet few of us find Find Shortcuts To Happiness If someone said you could feel inner peace and joy by just deciding to do it, would you believe them? Well, we're telling you just that! Anyone can choose inner comfort, ease or a feeling of well-being by learning simple tools that will teach you how to make these decisions. Here's a taste of one of the 6 Shortcuts To Happiness we teach at The Option Institute and how you can begin to use it now: Why Laughter Is Good For You How Laughter Can Reduce Stress and Improve Your Health Stop Sickies and Make People Happy At Work If you're an employer or a manager then work place absenceis costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting yourcustomers. And as we all know, not all days taken off workare due to genuine sickness. Many employees "take a sickie"because their morale is low and they just don't like orcan't do their work. ![]() |
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