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How to Be Happy!
How would you like to have at least an extra hour in your day just for yourself so that you can have more fun? Well you can you know, you just have to do the following consistently and you'll free up your time so that you can enjoy more of your life. Look After Yourself First Exercise regularly and eat healthily. Do the right thing by yourself and you'll have heaps of energy, be motivated,more productive and happier. Surround Yourself with Positivity Circulate with positive people, read motivational books and listen to motivational tapes/cds while driving, commuting, waiting for appointments. Avoid negative people like the plague. They will drain your energy Clean out the Clutter You will save yourself heaps of time, energy and money if you clear out your work and home environment?paperwork, books, old equipment etc. regularly. You'll be able to find things, save money because you won't have to buy what you already have hidden somewhere, plus you'll be less stressed. You'll feel better which will make you happier. Jazz Up Your Environment If you work and live in a pleasant environment, you'll naturally feel better and happier. A clean, uncluttered home or workplace makes you feel good and happy to be there. Dress for Success When you look good, you feel good , when you feel good you are happier. Have an image makeover. Plan Time For Fun With so much to organise in your busy life you need to record your appointments, things to do and goals somewhere. Use a paper diary or digital organiser that you can take everywhere. This is the most effective way to get things done, plan your work and your life. Learn to say "No" To dramatically improve your productivity and do more of the things you want in your life, you have to be firm with others and let them know if you cannot, will not or are unavailable to fulfil their requests. If you constantly say "yes" to everyone else's requests you will never have the time to do what you really want to. Book yourself into a self-assertiveness course to learn these skills if you feel you need to. Do What You Do Best and Delegate the Rest At work see if there are ways you can delegate tasks which would suit someone else's talents. Many office and home based workers are spending heaps of time on mundane secretarial tasks which would take a person who is trained in that area a quarter of the time to undertake. At home hire a gardener and cleaner to take care of the basic household chores. It's worth investing the extra dollars if you can have more free time to do what you want to. Compliment Someone Every Day How do you feel when you receive a compliment? Make someone's day?give before you get because what goes around, comes around. The Final Word By following these simple yet very effective ideas you'll feel good, look good and have more time to enjoy your life? and when you're enjoying life, you're happy! About The Author Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life. lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
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Letting Go of Anger and Awaken to Lifes Grand Aventures Anger can make us feel good and enlivened for a little while. When we are angry we are often feeling self-righteous, critical, judgemental and we have someone to blame for our own problems. Happiness What is happiness? If we mean by it a state of fulfillment, when everything is going our way, in terms of results as well as efforts (which requires a providential combination of pluck and luck), then it cannot simply be willed; it is partly, if not largely, a gift of fate. Authentic Happiness EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - how to build positive emotions for extraordinary and happy life. Making Peace With Sloth: The Value of Natural Pace Though his racing speed is a maximum 6 feet per minute, the sloth has won the race against time. It's not that he's immortal, it's just that he's efficient. While we micro manage time and monopolize our schedule, sloth simply is. In his just being he shows us the value of natural pace. 7 Surprising Keys to Happiness Have you ever had one of those days where you just wish youwere in a better mood? Perhaps you tried to shift your stateof mind to something better but struggled to achieve it. The Art Of Happy Living What do you think about happiness? A philosophical approach to life; an intellectual activity or an academical pursuit. No, not at all, nothing of the sort. How To Be Outrageously Happy You can be as happy as you want whenever you want. Zen masters have proven this - all you have to do is just "be" with whatever you have right now. Yeah, I know. Sitting on the floor contemplating your blank space may not be what you're after. Highly successful people are outrageously happy because they have fulfilling ways to meet their values. What are values? Well I'm not talking about Dan Quayle and Murphy Brown, or Limp Bizkit's recent family values tour. Values are simply what is most important to you. Your Perfect Partner A woman we'll call "Jane" thought she was a great "catch"and a "perfect partner" but she wondered why herrelationships always seemed to fail. Give a Hug for Happiness Hugs have a long and honorable tradition, going back to the day the caveman first squeezed his wife and discovered that no ketchup squeezed out. Since then, he found that his wife makes an awesome teddy bear, and he can always squeeze a rhinoceros when he wants ketchup for his hotdog (which gave him the necessary motivation to go hunting when his wife asked him to). Looking In The Eyes Of Happiness From what you see around you in your daily lives, happiness may appear an illusory state of existence. Do you see true happiness in the lives of those who pass through your world each day? Do you see, and feel, true happiness in your own life, and the lives of your immediate family? Or in your work colleagues, or fellow commuters? Happiness - Cause and Effect Your reaction to the events around you determines how you feel and how you affect those you come into contact with. Consider the following example: Are You Doing What You Love Each And Every Day? It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts to resolve, illness of loved ones, to name a few. Amidst all this, it is easy to for me to lose sight of why I do what I do - my purpose for being. I discovered my passion and my purpose over seven years ago. It was the catalyst for starting my business, The Center for Balanced Living in 1996. It is what led me to my purpose which is to empower you to live out your dreams with ease and abundance. Sometimes I get caught up in the external factors and forget to focus on what is really important. It is then that I must remind myself why I am here. It is a grounding place for me. Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy? Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? Joy Is Sexy Joy is sexy because in embracing our joy, we embrace our positive energy and power. Joy is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. It is the bridge between living life by default and embracing life by positive design. Get sexy this week and remember that no one can tell us what to think or feel. Events and other people cannot steal our access to personal joy unless we decide to give up our personal power. 10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life My life always appears to be so hectic. It's as if I purposely overload myself with more things than I could possibly ever accomplish. As I'm going to sleep I think about all the things I need to get done And when I'm awake during the day I think about all the things that need to get done. Take a shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, go to work, etc... It's almost as if at the end of the day I can truly ask myself, "where did the day go?" Enough of these and I can ask myself the same questions in weeks, months, or even years! About Happiness and Fulfillment During a FULFILLMENT seminar, at the University of Arizona for the Affiliated Women's Clubs, a charming and successful woman unintentionally made our point about success, satisfaction and happiness. Catherine Hendricks spoke about several major problems that are caused by living too secular a life-style in this period of swift, destabilizing and often disconcerting change. Catherine lamented; Being Happy How can one be happy? Is it a tough question? To some it may be but not to all of us. Choose To Integrate Body, Mind, & Soul Our bodies were made in such a way that everything is integrated. Themind appears to control everything. When something happens to thebody whether good or bad, it registers in the brain and the brain thendictates the bodies response. Scientists has found that it also worksthat way within the body. Biofeedback has shown that the mind candirect the immune system to fight various infections in the body includ-ing the dreaded strains of cancer. For the average person this is a wonderful idea, but biofeedback costs money and besides noteveryone has a life threatening problem. Imagine being able to do thisfor yourself in the comfort of your own home, office or anywhere elseyou can go to be alone for a few minutes! There are another kind ofscience that is telling us that the body listens when we talk. Thinkabout that for a minute. When we talk we are saying what the mind isthinking; we are just saying it outloud. So, it follows we can do ourown biofeedback anywhere we want. A very simple illustration of thiswill prove this to you. Hold your arms out in front of you extendingyour two index fingers. Shut your eyes and repeat our loud, "fingerscome together". Think it and say it and within two minutes your fingersdo come together. When I first tried this it was very exciting to methat it worked because for me it opened possibilities in my mind! Sincethen I have become a talker to myself! A self whisperer if you will. Italk to my body and to my sub conscious even and I have gotten amazing results. This is one thing that I think will work for everyonebecause this is one of the functions of the body, mind and soul thatwas part of the design, just as blood running through everyone's bodyis the same. But, you must have an open mind! Your mind acceptsthat blood runs through the body in a specific manner and so it must accept that the body, mind and soul will listen when it is spoken to, no matter who is speaking, yourself or someone else. Having Fun with Life It was just a few degrees shy of swimming weather a few weeks ago at the beach. I walked along the shore in my jeans and a red tankini top, the salt air refreshing against my skin but not quite cold. My two sisters and some friends and I were taking a brief hike down the beach. Up ahead, a small freshwater creek came out of the pine forest along the beach and cut across our path. The water of the creek was a ribbon of earthy red crossing the white sandy beach. As we approached, I said to my sister Audra, "let's jump it!" It was a shallow creek, and only about seven feet wide, easily fordable. But something within me wanted to run, to leap, to risk splashing down in the cold water. Carefully wading across just wasn't going to do it for me. I wanted to jump the creek ? for no reason other than the fun of it. Health and Happiness - Self Test First of all, examine yourself outwardly. ![]() |
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