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Choose To Integrate Body, Mind, & Soul
Our bodies were made in such a way that everything is integrated. Themind appears to control everything. When something happens to thebody whether good or bad, it registers in the brain and the brain thendictates the bodies response. Scientists has found that it also worksthat way within the body. Biofeedback has shown that the mind candirect the immune system to fight various infections in the body includ-ing the dreaded strains of cancer. For the average person this is a wonderful idea, but biofeedback costs money and besides noteveryone has a life threatening problem. Imagine being able to do thisfor yourself in the comfort of your own home, office or anywhere elseyou can go to be alone for a few minutes! There are another kind ofscience that is telling us that the body listens when we talk. Thinkabout that for a minute. When we talk we are saying what the mind isthinking; we are just saying it outloud. So, it follows we can do ourown biofeedback anywhere we want. A very simple illustration of thiswill prove this to you. Hold your arms out in front of you extendingyour two index fingers. Shut your eyes and repeat our loud, "fingerscome together". Think it and say it and within two minutes your fingersdo come together. When I first tried this it was very exciting to methat it worked because for me it opened possibilities in my mind! Sincethen I have become a talker to myself! A self whisperer if you will. Italk to my body and to my sub conscious even and I have gotten amazing results. This is one thing that I think will work for everyonebecause this is one of the functions of the body, mind and soul thatwas part of the design, just as blood running through everyone's bodyis the same. But, you must have an open mind! Your mind acceptsthat blood runs through the body in a specific manner and so it must accept that the body, mind and soul will listen when it is spoken to, no matter who is speaking, yourself or someone else. In the morning when you first wake up, lie still, calm your breatheing, still your mind, and have a talk with yourself. Tell yourself what kind of day you are going to have. Keep everything positive! Tell yourself thatyou are happy and that you are going to be happy all day and that you are going to smile all day. Tell yourself what you are going to accomplish during the day. Tell yourself you will be relaxed and feel good about yourself. Tell yourself that you are a good person and thatyou have a lot to offer others. You will be surprised at how well your day will go. Always be honest with yourself! If you are a person that has low self esteem, spend some time telling yourself what areas youexcel in, list your good qualities. When you are caught in traffic on theway home from work you can tell yourself what a good day it has been,list your accomplishments, tell yourself you are going to have a nicerelaxed evening. Tell yourself you will be kind to your mate and yourchildren. Talking to yourself in this manner can change your life! I challenge youto try it! www.naturallivingbychoice.com I am a health conscious individual that spends a lot of time researchingdifferent ways of thinking. It is important to me to think outside the box or the matrix if you will! I do not believe and accept everything I see, read, or hear. Some things I have found to be truths for my own life and those things I pass on to you. My maxims are "think for yourself" and "listen to your whole self, body, mind and soul!" I have found that if I do those two things I am always happy! The goal of myweb site is to supply those of you that have made the choice to go natural with quality products! http://www.naturallivingbychoice.com
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See for Yourself : 12 Step Tools Can Bring Happy, Joyous and Free into Everyones Life We are all familiar with or have heard of the many Twelve Step programs and communities. The reason the 12 Steps are so effective in helping people create happy, joyous and free lives is because it is a program of solution based on principles written so simply that anyone can use them in their daily lives. As partly a Sober Living Coach, agapelegacycoach.com I team up with clients who already have a strong recovery foundation to transition from recovery into enhanced Sober Living. I also coach those who wish to craft and design Legacies of Excellence in all areas of their lives who are not familiar with 12 Step Living. In my coaching career, all of my clients have shared many successes by allowing me to bring them some of the indispensable tools I have come to live by as a proud member of the 12 Step Community myself. Here are some proven effective 12 Step Community tools to add to your toolbox: Develop a Guiding Philosophy for Happiness Groundedness is one of the most important components of a satisfied life. Being grounded means having a guiding philosophy - a foundation of personalintegrity that outside influences cannot disturb. Choosing Happiness Did you know that it's up to you? The Personal Cost of Shyness Has someone nearby been sending you emails rather than calling or meeting you face-to-face? When you do get together, does she or he stand back, avoid holding eye contact, or speaking up? You Can?t See Your Own Eyes My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on. Why We Have Problems? A Coach Debates As a coach, I often ask myself the question why human beings have problems. With the exception of terminal diseases, serious illnesses that are REALLY life-threatening situations and serious stuff, we do have problems for a number of reasons I will present below. But first of all, allow me, I will have to replace the word problem by "challenge" or "barrier" as used in the coaching jargon. Problems do not exist in the coaching world! However, changing the word, does not change the concept so a challenge, barrier or problem is pretty much the same thing. The Voiceless WE count the broken lyres that restWhere the sweet wailing singers slumber,But o'er their silent sister's breastThe wild-flowers who will stoop to number?A few can touch the magic string,And noisy Fame is proud to win them:Alas for those that never sing,But die with all their music in them! Why Do We Feel Happiness? Although many for us strive for happiness in our daily lives to think of it as only a goal is I feel missing the true power of this very important emotion. Happiness. Its Between Our Ears! Happiness is something we all seek, yet few of us find Smile How do we smile at each other? Is there a message communicated between us as we smile? Does it convey the depth of our feelings we have for each other? Take note of how our smiles deepen in feeling toward each other as our relationship grows and time passes. Note how our smiles reflect our joy as we pass time together without insignificant complaints. Getting Connected "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet." -James Oppenheim Happiness is Yours for the Taking Happiness. The pursuit of so many. In fact, we are known in America as those who live for "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' The Key To A Problem-Free Life What comes to your mind when you see someone who has a perpetual smile on her face and always looks at things on the bright side? Do you wish you could strangle that person or do you wonder how she accomplishes looking peaceful and without a care in the world. Well, I'd hope that once you get past the wanting to strangle the person, you'd ask yourself what it is that makes that person tick the way she does? I'd venture to guess that the person leads a problem-free life! Am I saying that this person doesn't face challenges and obstacles? Absolutely not! It's all about how she perceives these challenges and the thought process she applies. Have I sparked your interest?! What NOT To Do To Feel Good About Yourself - 10 Tips From the moment we wake in the morning our heads start to fill with all sorts of thoughts. What will you give the kids for breakfast? Will you get the time to iron your blouse before you leave for work? What will you do if you miss the bus? And so it goes on. Norman Rockwell ? The Man Who Created His Own Reality In preparation for a class I taught today, I spent some time this week studying the life and works of American artist Norman Rockwell. His idealistic paintings, portraying the innocence of a simpler time, were featured for decades in publications such as The Saturday Evening Post and Boy's Life. They were and still are beloved by millions. His critics in the art world, however, are many and outspoken. Wisdom What is wisdom? But first, what are the conditions that render it desirable, if not necessary, and what is its essential purpose? Can Existential Therapy Give You a Sense of Wellbeing? My journey to becoming a therapist began with a desire to develop greater significance in my life and improve the quality of my relationships. Having worked as an organisational psychologist for many years, my work increasingly involved coaching senior managers in the art of managing their organisations. These sessions revealed that, contrary to my expectations, the help they required was related to more personal aspects of their livesoutside of work. Get Right! Make a Difference Want to make a difference? What can one person do? The answer is everything! In its finest sense, the behavior of every one of us is central to the peace of the world. For the individual, the best thing we can all do is to practice Right Action, with all of its many implications. I have farmed some of them here for you from the book "Looking for a Better World." How To Experience A Richer, Deeper, And Fuller Life When we choose to move beyond the boundaries of the ego, we choose to step into a different world. We find ourselves above the matrix of conceived causality, alive on a unique plane of experience. Here, much to our amazement, everything happens by itself. Grace, or effortless effort, now define our actions. Suffering Since wisdom is the art of coping with suffering, it starts with a willingness to tackle it head-on: ![]() |
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