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Are You Doing What You Love Each And Every Day?
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts to resolve, illness of loved ones, to name a few. Amidst all this, it is easy to for me to lose sight of why I do what I do - my purpose for being. I discovered my passion and my purpose over seven years ago. It was the catalyst for starting my business, The Center for Balanced Living in 1996. It is what led me to my purpose which is to empower you to live out your dreams with ease and abundance. Sometimes I get caught up in the external factors and forget to focus on what is really important. It is then that I must remind myself why I am here. It is a grounding place for me. I teach my clients to look to their life for their passions and purpose. That is certainly where mine came from and I have found it to be true for many others. A lot of different threads weave through my story, but the most obvious and first I can remember centered around my life while I was growing up, and most specifically my dad. I'd like to share that story with you now. I always had the impression my dad was unhappy. Actually, miserable is more the way I would describe him. He was mostly unhappy about his jobs . . . all of them that I can remember. I vividly remember my dad coming home from work, with his shoulders hunched over and his head hanging low. He would walk right past a mosaic picture of horses pulling a carriage through the snow. Looking exhausted and sad, he would sit down at the kitchen table and say to my mom, "Charlie (that's what he called her), I can't take it anymore. I want to quit my job!" And I can remember my mom, who was looking after our security and well-being in the best way she knew how, saying, "Just hang in there Mac. Stick it out! We need the money!" And I can remember thinking, 'Yeah! Hang in there! We need the money!' We didn't have much money in those days. This story repeated itself year after year, as my dad persevered. The last two years of his career were literally a countdown to retirement at age 65. My dad retired at age 65. Two years later, he did some introspective thinking at the prompting of his daughter. At age 67, my dad declared himself an artist. I can still remember the moment he told me. My eyes got teary as I recalled the beautiful, mosaic picture on their living-room wall. You see my dad made that mosaic picture, but I never saw him working on it. He created it before I was born. It was a beautiful mosaic, made of thousands of small hand-cut tiles. My dad had always been an artist but had suppressed that talent for most of his life while he strove to earn a living for his family. He worked in the garment industry in New York, and then the carpet industry in Florida. I often wonder what would have been possible if my dad had worked out a way to utilize his artistic abilities in his jobs. He had always been a good employee; he might have been a happy one too. For a while my dad was happier than I had ever seen him. He carved wood etchings and gave them away as gifts. He traveled to places he had never seen. He also made more money in his investments than he did at his jobs. I am glad he had that short time period when he was happy. Unfortunately, it wasn't too long before my dad's health started to decline. Eventually, he lost patience and could no longer focus on his artwork. His health began to deteriorate and he passed away on September 9, 2003. He was 76 years old. My dad waited until he retired to do what he loved. It was a small window in the whole continuum of his life. That is why, more than ever, I strongly urge people to move forward now -- don't wait until you retire to do what you love. We all tend to live as if we have forever, but really, who knows our time allotment? Are you doing what you love to do? If not, what is one action step you can take today to move you forward? Do you know your purpose in life? If so, take the time today to get re-grounded in it. If not, take the time to reflect on what you want to contribute in this lifetime. Consider hiring a coach to help you discover it. About The Author Stacey Mayo, aka The Dream Queen, founded the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 as a vehicle to carry out her life's work. Since that time she has assisted thousands of people to live our their dreams with amazing results. She is a Master Certified Coach and author of Is Your Ladder Leaning Against the Wrong Wall? Her next book, "I Can't Believe I Get Paid to Do This!" will be out later this year. For more info and to receive a free assessment entitled Healthy Success, visit www.balancedliving.com
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You are Where You are Because You Decided to be There The decisions we make everyday have a big impact on where we are in life, both spiritually and physically. Often these decisions are the 'safe' choices. People don't often venture too far off from familiar paths or too far out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. As Aristotle the great Greek philosopher said, "Man perpetuates the familiar," and especially teens. The obvious reason not wanting to appear different than their friends. They are afraid of being teased or ostracized from their peer group if they venture too far. They rather let opportunities pass them by than be shunned by the group that helpes define them. Why Laughter Is Good For You How Laughter Can Reduce Stress and Improve Your Health Health and Medical Advice on the Internet: Use it Wisely to Overcome Illness and Find More Happiness I've got a bit of a problem with depression and anxiety. I've been tackling these problems for several years without the use of modern medicine. Tai Chi, meditation, martial arts (exercise), and positive interaction with other people seem to keep a lid on my illnesses most of the time. I don't like the idea of medication's side effects, and I don't believe the answers in life are often found in the easy path (E.G. taking a pill), but rather on the hard path of effort and determination. This is not to say that I don't feel medicine is not effective, not at all, I just feel all the options should be looked at before making big decisions to do with one's health. Creating Better Relationships The most important achievements you can ever have in this life is your own happiness. A Bad Hairdresser Day "Hey everybody!" Hairdresser Lady called out. "It's The Happy Guy." Are You Doing What You Love? Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. --Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965) Being Together When it comes to happiness, togetherness is probably the most common cause of such feelings. Your Perfect Partner A woman we'll call "Jane" thought she was a great "catch"and a "perfect partner" but she wondered why herrelationships always seemed to fail. Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. Colors: How Do They Make You Feel? One of the most important colors in advertising is the color blue. Calm, comforting, soothing, and peaceful are all feelings evoked from this color. The color blue is also often used in a smooth way, many night clubs and upscale stores will use this color to provide a sense of an icy ambiance and a cool feeling. When you touch blue you can feel the calmness yet smooth and cool feeling that it gives. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. This color is also the color of water when advertisers want to place a visual for something that is technically clear. Pepsi, Aquafina, and several other drink makers rely heavily on this color for their advertising. This color can also be used to promote cleanliness as well as air and sky related products. Blue is also often used in high-tech product companies such as IBM and INTEL. Ode to Chocolate Chocolate delays reality. When I am eating chocolate, everything is on hold: anxiety, panic, frustrations, and insecurity. Chocolate offers a profound richness, a sweetness of life, a euphoric sensation of luxury. I love chocolate in many forms, from M&M's, to imported Lindt balls, to dark fudge frosting in a pop-top can, to Hershey's dark chocolate bite-sized morsels. The Most Beautiful Flowers The most beautiful flowers, in conjunction with their design and color schemes, create feelings that enhance our mood. They are a simple and sincere way to lift our spirits. Flowers Truly Reach Your Soul Flowers are a simple, sincere and unobtrusive way to lift our spirits. They can bring a smile to a tired face or brighten up a room for someone who is under the weather. Create a Balanced Lifestyle and Begin Living a Happier, Healthier and Enriched Life Are you living a balanced life? Sweeten Up Your Life Sometimes life experiences can be like a lemon-flavored Tootsie Roll Pop. Hard and sour on the outside. Soft and sweet on the inside. Take getting dumped in a relationship for instance. Facing life alone can be tough for many people. Yet, there are behind-the-scenes benefits to every predicament! There's even a sweet treat hidden within the experience of losing a lover. Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. The ABCs Of A Great Life: J Is For Joviality Laughter, humor, a lighthearted sense of being - all of these are an important part of a well-balanced breakfast, er, life. Without humor, there is no hope. Without laughter, no love. And with a heavy heart, we live only a life of sadness and despair. Our ability to laugh at our foibles and laugh with our friends is a key indicator for predicting how readily we'll bounce back from difficulties and how well we'll handle the curveballs that life throws our way, and a quick smile is always the best defense in a situation that's hit a sour note. Living a Balanced Life - The Real Juggling Act I just read an installment from another self-improvement course that states that celebrities are unhappy because they don't have gratitude for what they have. I disagree. The Science of Laughter The title I chose for this article makes me smile. The science of laughter? Laughter, one of the things we used to take for granted, is now the subject of scientific study. In some ways it's quite surprising what has been discovered, but in other ways, it's probably not surprising at all. After all, we know intuitively that it is good for us. Laughter and Your Health Did you know that according to research, children laugh about 400 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times a day? Some how we lost the ability to laugh, as we got older. Could it be that putting more humour and laughter into our day will improve our health and wellbeing? ![]() |
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