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Esoteric Sexual Secrets
AN ARISTOCRATIC UPBRINGING: There are many people who write about sex slaves on the plantation and it surely did exist but it was also the norm in Europe for many centuries. The Polos were not the first who went off to get the prized Tartar women who fetched a large multiple over ordinary men slaves. The Church was full of reprobates using concubines and producing children that sometimes were harvested for their useful ritualistic ingredients. Josephine (Rose per the next author) had a family with a long history of such things. "More concrete were the queries about the paternity of many of the mulatto women who worked in the house, like Rose's nurse, Marion. Was she fathered by Blanque, the overseer? Grandfather de Sannois? Joseph? {Her father.} Or some other white man from some other plantation? There was little doubt about the paternal identity of the pretty mulatto slave Euphémie, who eventually accompanied Rose to Paris: it was widely accepted that she was the illegitimate daughter of Joseph de La Pagerie." (3) There is little doubt as to the fact of Josephine having been 'apolitically' inclined and yet her having been doing the networking that spies must do. The 'apolitical' nature of the Physiocrats headed by Pierre Dupont de Nemours in the political arena is not truly 'apolitical' at all but it is expressed in their slogan 'the government that governs best is the one that governs least'. This Royal intrigue had been started with John Locke and Adam Smith with the backing of the Stuart (Hibernian) Royal Society whose membership often provided the leadership for Paris's Priory of Sion. Some of those leaders include Sir Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle and Robert Fludd. It is easy to demonstrate the need for this Enlightenment did exist in all areas of science and society but the secrecy has been maintained beyond its usefulness as I see it. Let us return to our Stuart biographer and contemplate a time when Josephine's husband was a General in the Revolutionary Army. "During this frightening period, Rose spent much of her time, according to her friend Mme. de Rémusat, 'busying herself with helping as many people as possible and although her reputation for conduct is questionable, that of her sweetness, her grace and the gentleness of her manner is not'. She had learned to be a skilful networker. Through her husband she had gained access to revolutionary circles, and her own background as both a Creole and an aristocrat gave her access to their {Whose enemies?}enemies. {We must not forget that her half-sister was with her as a slave and the freedom France gave slaves during this period would have made her half-sister a valuable source as well.} Armed with her own distinctive physical charms and her opportunistically apolitical attitude, she was able to navigate the maze of radical revolutionaries, Bourbon spies, foreign visitors, financiers and Caribbean lobbyists, picking up friends, flirtations and useful contacts along the way." (4) Voudou Influences: The practice of Voudou or Voodoo is derivative of the Orisha worship of the Yoruba pantheon of spirits founded in Africa. It had been part of the Ptolemaic knowledge before they came to America with Juba II during early Roman Empire days. African people had been coming to the Americas for at least the 60,000 years shown by archaeology in South America. In fact it is possible that this started about 2,000,000 years ago and the lice research that shows a divergence around 1,800,000 years ago fits with that. The Dream Dancer's art of Africa can still be seen in a lot of locales. It is easy to imagine this ecstatic art has not changed a great deal since man started to walk upright if not before that. The Catholic Church adapted and allowed people of the Caribbean to call themselves Santerian Catholics even though there was little actual belief or ritual changes in their daily life. Josephine clearly had a lot of Voudou influence. What might she have used this to achieve in the beguiling arts? Some of the great success she is said to have had with men can be attributed to the use of esoteric techniques for certain. Here are some of the things I think she would have been ale to do. Possess a person astrally, this could be a simple attunement or viewing and it could even include psychic sex. The use of drugs to prolong erection is obvious but it would have made her a most successful confidante and courtesan. It is best given without the knowledge of the recipient in their tea. We know that all the young women she would have been in school with were highly sought after and yet she apparently was even more adept. Perhaps her father taught her. He is an acknowledged rake or sexual expert as were others in her ancestry. Gurdjieff was able to breath a specific way and project an energy to a woman he had never been introduced to and cause them to wish to have sex to the point of losing self control. I have had some experience with these arts and there are others that would also have made her most appealing. One of the 'flat bottom girls' of the Creole region of Louisiana that I knew had total sensory recall. For men who are into enjoying giving pleasure this is a powerful attribute for a woman to have. It would be surprising to me if Marie-Rose (Josephine) did not have this tool or La Petite Mort. George Hamilton talks about playing a woman like a violin and I certainly played the whole orchestra with this lady. I would have her remember or recall the previous tryst when I might have brought her to orgasm through sucking on the psychic point on the upper arm while I was working the nether regions of her female anatomy. I could switch places and work four or five areas while achieving 'withholds' and heightening of experience in all of her 'spots' and it was doubled by her memory of the time I had worked the lesser erotic points working with knowledge from acupuncture and shiatsu or reflexology. MATA HARI WAS NOT AS GOOD: "The advice was written at the end of the Second World War by one of MI5's most successful agent runners, Maxwell Knight, the real-life model for the spy chief M in Fleming's James Bond novels. During the war, Knight headed MI5's M/S section, which was involved in recruiting agents to infiltrate Nazi spy rings operating in Britain. And like his fictional counterpart, he did not approve of 007-style tendencies in combining the serious business of espionage with liaisons of a more amorous kind - especially where women were concerned. 'It is important to stress that I am no believer in what might be described as Mata Hari methods," he wrote, in a reference to the First World War spy, better known for her many lovers than any feat of spycraft. I am convinced that more information has been obtained by women agents by keeping out of the arms of the man, then {sic} was ever obtained by sinking too willingly into them. For it is unfortunately the case that if a man is physically but casually interested in a woman, he will very speedily lose interest in her once his immediate object is attained; whereas, if he can come to rely upon the woman more for her qualities of companionship and sympathy, than merely those of physical satisfaction, the enterprise will last longer.'" (5) Maxwell is not too 'smart' methinks. I am sorry for the pun on Maxwell Smart of the series I Spy. Actually I am sure this is another case of journalism not being capable of asking the right questions. Yes, it is important not to merely flaunt one's beauty to all comers as Socrates made clear a long time ago in reference to Sophists. That does not mean that the spy agencies of the Merovingian/Templar/Rothschild and elites who became the nations we now have are not always able to hypnotize and that they do not also train their agents to counteract such techniques. Ian Fleming was a member of MI 6's Anti-Hitler Psychic Squad as I have demonstrated in great detail in other books. Many of his movies (And La Femme Nikita.) show clear evidence of this training. Cleopatra Was Better: One of the esoteric arts I did not mention above is a mesmeric voice. I have studied this well. Enemies of Cleopatra are on record as saying she had this gift and there are many who appreciated the rest of her 'gifts'. She was an alchemist and the definitive book on her by Lucy Hughes-Hallett makes this clear even though that author does not explain what an alchemist really is. In fact many ministers of various religions and adepthoods use a form of hypnosis to entrance their sexual conquests or as part of what they call healing. Sai Baba of Hindu fame is currently under attack for just this kind of thing. I also know Cleopatra wrote extensive treatises on cosmetics and other alchemical techniques just as Miriam (Mery-taten or the sister of Moses/Akhenaten) of the Bible wrote an extent piece on 'the whitening of the Stone'. LA PETITE MORT: This is a small explanation of one of the greatest techniques or gifts you can have. It is about a woman who became my second wife. Barbi was studying the Tarot and had demonstrated a great 'gift' for it. Her Empathic qualities are probably related to the early life place where she went to escape from her sexually abusive grandfather mentioned in the poem Life is a Fantasy. When we made LOVE she regularly 'blacked out' during orgasm and would 'come to' having an orgasm still. I would sometimes go with her consciously and often would change positions. This unusual sexual 'attunement' is called La Petite Mort or 'the little death'. I heard a sex 'expert' on TV say it was only experienced by one out of a million people. She was not able to consciously recollect her experience while 'blacked out' and I would have to help her sense what it was. This also helped her with her self-esteem issues. She later joined 'The Builders of the Adytium' correspondence course on the Tarot partially because of something else that happened this day. The 'Builders' are one of the feeder organizations in the Rosicrucian hierarchy. This hierarchy is still the subject of research for me, but at that time I already knew they aspired to be alchemists and were a Christian mystery school. Empathy is much more than the kind of listening technique covered by Steven Covey in Seven Steps or even walking a mile in another's moccasins. It is part of how people can heal each other. 2) http://www.famousamericans.net/josesilveriojorrin/ 3) The Rose of Martinique, op. cit., pg. 15. 4) Ibid, pg. 120. 5) http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=587&id=577672004 Author of many books including Diverse Druids, Columnist for many Ezines, Guest 'expert' and alchemist for World-Mysteries.com
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Serenity Listen to the sound of silence. Enjoy the peaceand quiet.Listen to the wind, minimize the clutterin your mind. Feel the deafening sound of silence. Standing in the Gap I'm weary of saying No to my children. Not just the everyday No's. Don't hit your brother and No, you cannot have 5 pieces of candy. I am weary of the No I am continually saying to our culture. The world is bound and determined to take away my children's innocence. They want my children to grow up way too fast. They want my little girl to dress like an adult. They want my little boy to know things he is way too young to know. I'm weary of saying you can't go to that movie, because it is not appropriate for your age. No, you can't wear what everyone else is wearing, because it is not appropriate. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when my son walked in while I was watching the news. He asked me, "Mommy is it true that men can marry men and women can marry women?" "Mom, if two women marry can they have a baby?" My son is 6. I don't want to be discussing sexuality with him much less homosexuality. So, I told him that no men can't marry men and women can't marry women (for now anyway) and that women with women cannot have a baby. (Don't get me started on explaining how they can). I should not be having these discussions with my children, but I'm being forced too. What happened to childhood innocence? What are Angels? Angelic Guidance Explained Angels are making their presence felt everywhere. Once I started opening myself up to the draw of the angelic realms little reminders are catching my eye along the way. Creating With Words "In the sixth century of the sixth millennium, the gates of supernal [heavenly] wisdom will be opened, as will the wellsprings of earthly wisdom, preparing the world to be elevated in the seventh millennium." The Zohar (a source text of Kabbalah) Angel Connection ? How the Angelic Realm is Interacting with Humanity at this Historic Time Angels, those divine beings of love and light, are here at this time in greater numbers than ever, to assist mankind in their evolution. Expect the Best and Get It The famous prayer of Jabez, where Jabez prayed for prosperity, is a model of expectant thinking that we can all benefit from. "And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain." So God granted him what he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:10. Attachment - Bondage or Moha - Their Role in Gaining Enlightenment Attachment... Bondage... Moha... state as we may but the meaning of all three words remains the same. Christians call it water, Hindus Jala and the followers of Islamic dharma as Paani... the intent and meaning of all the three is the same. Releasing the Yoke When the Bible makes reference to a "yoke" it is referring to a heavy piece of wood shaped to fit around the neck and fasten to a pole. It was primarily used to tie oxen together (usually two); the older ox had its yoke and the younger had its yoke. But the younger ox's yoke was bigger and stronger because it was developed so that the older ox could guide the younger. How to be Led by the Spirit of God The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives. The Success of Servanthood "Who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." Philippians 2: 6-7, NIV Abandon Religion Why Abandon Religion? Prophetic Ministry: How to See in the Spirit and Begin Prophetic Words A Nathan type prophet sees with his eyes. A Samuel type prophet sees with all 5 senses. Gods Name... Creation and Undoing! Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and research, information and answers come to the surface that are most astounding. I have come to understand things differently than I was taught in years of Catholic schooling. Although, I still believe in the "bigger picture" and "something greater", it has taken on a different tone and context. It has turned from a fearful system of faith to a confident system of knowledge and thought. 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." 40 Days and 40 Nights I am beginning a journey starting tomorrow. I have decided that doing some serious soul searching is in order for me. I have been getting messages so to speak that make me realize I am changing into someone I don't particularly like right now. I feel ashamed and unworthy as a spiritual person and I need this chance to prove my worth not only to my self but to the One who created me. I am making some promises on this day, that I intend to take seriously and to heart, not just to heart though. I need to take this into my soul. 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit As you will see I the Scripture verse I will give you in this article - there is one very special incredible verse that will tell you that God the Father wants to transmit 9 specific fruits of the Holy Spirit up into our personalities. Stress & Spirituality, Part 1 Stress & Spirituality ? How Spirituality Affects Stress Levels Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work? THE PREMISE All One; All Different -- Addressing Spiritual Reductionism "We're one, but we are not the same."-Bono, U2 Shamanism Is it really possible that Don Juan could command the movement of Carlos' attention point or time reference point to another dimension that he calls the Nagual and the sorcerer's perspective? Can the adeptness of one person rise to know you better than you know yourself even at the level of the body conscious focus on the material world? Is INFINITY like the multi-dimensional soul which at some point is harmonized in ethics so much that it laughs at the stupidity of the soulful entities exploring the naive denial and rationalizing games our personalities playas we avoid the purpose of our soul? Could Don Juan shape-shift his alter egos and other dimension energy to become the reflection or mirror of the inner character of the student seeking to label something he knows so little about, in an "elaborate" construct that would be akin to a crook yet academically sound? Did he command this laughter response in another that easily? ![]() |
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