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Releasing the Yoke
When the Bible makes reference to a "yoke" it is referring to a heavy piece of wood shaped to fit around the neck and fasten to a pole. It was primarily used to tie oxen together (usually two); the older ox had its yoke and the younger had its yoke. But the younger ox's yoke was bigger and stronger because it was developed so that the older ox could guide the younger. In the Bible "yoke" is used most often metaphorically to designate a burden, slavery, or obligation. In other words, yoke means any attitude, habit, lifestyle, and way of thinking that keeps you from living in the freedom God wants you to live. Thus, if you have low self esteem ? you may not have ever seen a yoke, but you are wearing one. If you self-loathe, if you despise your ethnicity, if you find yourself in financial bondage because you are addicted to spending, you are wearing a yoke. All cocaine, marijuana, heroin, nicotine, caffeine, is a yoke. Everybody in life has to fight and deal with the yokes that society and self tries to put on us. Racism, sexism, and classism are all yokes. We all encounter people with the yoke of bad attitudes, yoke of gossip, backstabbing and backbiting yokes. People wear yokes of bad relationships and yokes of ignorance. God gives us an alternative. We do not have to live under the oppression; live with a yoke around our necks. God offers us an alternative lifestyle. It is joy and blessings and help when you need it. If you have ever had your yoke broken, you know that He gives you a new attitude, a new way of walking and a new way of talking. He gives you an 800 number so you can call Him at anytime and at any place. He gives you an alternative to sadness and helplessness. So the question is how do we break the yoke? Well, God has instilled in us the power to break free from our yokes. You already have the power and the strength to break the yoke that is weighing you down. It doesn't matter what kind of yoke it is ? you can break free of it. It may be a yoke of a bad childhood that continues to plague you. It may be the lingering effects of a bad marriage. It may be your tendency to enslave yourself with negativism. It may be your fears and nervous anxieties about the future. Whatever the yoke, you can break it because God has supplied you with what you need. Access it and be free! Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available in July.
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Praying in Secret "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." --Matthew 6:6 The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. Living Between Two Worlds! We are all here on this plane, thinking to ourselves "who am I and what am I doing here?" I believe this question is bouncing around in the heads of many people! Some of us then go in search of our answers by asking people whom we think know more than ourselves for help! We seek guidance from our mediums and psychics, from religions and other groups that we think we might find an answer and in most cases we are still left wondering. Have we ever stopped to question why? Have we asked ourselves why we are not convinced by the answers we get from other people? Horse Racing and Seabiscut -- A Hope, A Prayer, and A Horse! Even though our lives progressively moves forwardon occasion it has a way of working what seems tobe in a backwards motion, yet in the end achievesthe same results. I remember years ago when Istarted my bodybuilding career, I had no self-confidence, poor self-esteem, and an introvertedpersonality. I couldn't fathom doing what othersbelieved I could accomplish in such an unusualsport that went totally against my nature.However, at first I thought, "I didn't want to letthem down and what if they're right? What if Icould accomplish something if I set my mind to it,I asked? What if by believing in something biggerthan myself would allow me to be a better person,develop confidence and be more outgoing?" Thenover a period of time the belief others hadstarted to rub off in me, combined with my workethic the rest became history. Tarot Spreads: The Planetary Spread, for Insights into a Personality The Planetary Spread is an excellent layout to use when you want insight into a personality. As Above, SO Below The 'As Above, So Below' law that is the combination of micro and macrocosmic reality likely comes from Hermes Trismegistus, a Babylonian who became a Pharaoh of Egypt according to the Arab Encyclopedia. Barrett is probably right about him being a legendary amalgam of people, but so what? This kind of semantic, pedantic, academic, squabbling just confuses the issue and people get to the point where they take one side or another, rather than integrate and see the effect of the power-mongers. In the time of Shakespeare the cosmogony relating the alchemic Dictum of Hermes was known as the Harmony of the Spheres. This Dictum is pictured on the back of Barrett's book Secret Societies as taken from 'Macoy's Cyclopedia' of things Masonic. But I cannot rehash all these things again, too much. I find many debunkers are agents of deceit like Barrett. I also wonder how Michel de Notredame's book escaped being on the Inquisitional Codex until the De Medici's had lost their influence centuries after his Prophecies were printed. Tarot Basics A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images. The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent, most often come somewhat larger than ordinary playing cards and make an impressive display when ritually laid out. This deck of special cards can be used by a trained "reader" for glimpsing into his or her own future or that of another person for whom the cards are read. The Tarot deck, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, contains 22 symbolic cards and 56 suit cards ? wands, swords, cups, and pentacles ? interestingly also called "pip" cards. Answering a Soul Call Is life challenging you to take a bigger leap? Are you restlesswith the status quo of your daily routine? Do you feel you areflying blind with an invisible co-pilot? How Psychic Are You? To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions. Small Things When my dad was nearing the end of his life he began searching his heart to see if there was anything left undone - some unconfessed sin, a misdeed, anything at all he needed to make right before he faced God. He constantly prayed that the Holy Spirit would bring to his remembrance anything he needed to make right with his fellowman. It was during this time that he came across a rusty old garden tiller at the edge of his garden. It belonged to a farmer down the road who had sold it to Dad, but, when it didn't work, the farmer returned his money to him and told Dad just to bring it back any time. We Fall Down -- But We Get Up When I first heard Donnie McClurkin's song, "We Fall Down (But We Get Up), I got goosebumps. The second time I heard it I loved it even more. There is a Gospel House remix of the song that is simply off the hook. Heal Emotional Difficulties With Your Imagination How did an artist accidently learn healing visualizations and improve his life? How can you do the same? Read on. Where Do You Cast? "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. Why Worry The possibility of almost 400 Old Testament prophesies coming to fulfillment in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, apart from God's sovereign control of history, staggers the imagination. The certainty that God planned the coming of His son into the world can offer stabilizing support to our faith in our Lord. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. What Is Your Relationship To Time? Have you ever thought about how your orientation to time profoundly affects the way you are in the world? Each culture has its own unique way of relating to the concept of "time". Some cultures perceive time as a room that is lived in. The "room" of time is a constant that stays the same, as we change during the course of our lives. American culture seems to more and more think of time as a commodity there is never enough of. When time is "wasted" a person misses out on an opportunity that may never present itself again. Still other cultures experience time as being circular, without a beginning or an end, and with no clear markers as to past, present, and future. No matter how we think about it, our relationship to time has a profound impact on what we believe is possible. Here is a story to illustrate what I mean. Believe-Dont Doubt; Give Thanks-and Receive! Does this ever happen to you? You ask God for something but you don't believe that you will receive an answer to your prayer. God Versus the Gods Aristotle referred to happiness as the most we can achieve. Demons and gods were interchangeable in the time of Homer when people had far less institutionalized manipulation of their thoughts and soulful understandings. What is the 'anima' referred to by Aristotle and other sages? 5 Steps to Passing Life Exams An exam is a test that is given at the end of a class to assess what knowledge was obtained by the student during the duration of the class. Depending on whether or not adequate knowledge was gained the student will pass or fail the test. If the student passes the test he moves on to the next level. If he fails, he must take the class and the exam again, yet he still has the opportunity to pass! Gods and Energy An interesting question that frequently comes up is "Which Gods do you follow or worship?" ![]() |
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