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Parenting Information
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Am I Really A Stroller-Monger? I was reading "A Modern Infant Armada", a humor column in Maclean's Magazine written by a fellow humor columnist. Writing about it now is a bit like a painter painting another painter or a singer singing about another singer (but it not like a cook cooking another cook.). Keeping Your Children Safe The purpose of this article is to address some of the key points parents need to know in order to keep their children safe. Back to School Success Tips Q. With the school year just beginning, what can we do as parents to help make this a successful year for our teen-ager and our family? You Dont Need a Supernanny to Be an Active Parent The hot new reality TV show "Nanny 911" has been joined by a similar nanny-to-the-rescue show called "Supernanny." These shows depict families in which the children are extremely out of control, rebellious, spoiled or otherwise quite a handful. The nannies come in for a week (from sunrise to bedtime each day), helping the family get back on track by teaching the parents effective parenting skills and modeling these skills firsthand with the children. Is Your Behavioural Change Strategy Working? 'How can I start getting my children to help out at home?' Preventing Obesity in Young Children Do you have a young child whose weight or eating habits are out of control? Need some real world help with 'taming the cookie monster'? Here are some things that worked for our family. Teach Your Children How To Resolve Conflict Without Using Anger Or Power Teaching kids to deal with conflict effectively and peacefully is perhaps the biggest challenge facing adults today. Children's disagreements both at home and at school can be noisy, physical and psychologically hurtful. The approach to conflict resolution learned and practised in childhood often stays for life. How Public Schools Assault Parents Values Is there anything wrong with lying, cheating, stealing, shop-lifting, taking drugs, premarital sex, insulting your parents, pornography, irresponsibility, or getting pregnant in junior high school? Not according to the values taught to children in many public schools today. So, My Child Has Been Recommended for Testing - What Do I Do Now? You've just received a call from your child's teacher. As your blood pounds in your ears, you hear her explain how she has noticed your child having difficulty with some academic subject in school. Your child is not understanding math or reading the way the other children do. So she would like your permission to proceed with testing to find out what exactly is causing the problem. Bad Boys/Good Boys (Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Being An Insensitive Dad) I WAS AMAZED Picky Eaters - Successful Strategies Part 1 What is in a name? Pregnancy and Excercising - 6 Reasons to Excercise During Pregnancy Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy. Educational Toys And Childrens Books - A Must For Optimal Childhood Development The brightly colored plastic mobile dangles lazily overhead in the infant's crib. The baby coos as its tiny arms swing a rattle back and forth. In another room a pre-school youngster is busy assembling the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and upstairs a teen is conquering worlds on a computerized video game. What do all of these activities have in common? They are examples of children playing with educational toys. Discipline Without Damage If your parenting methods include abuse of any kind; physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, please get help to stop as soon as possible. Adults are supposed to safeguard and protect the young among us. You may be repeating patterns learned in your family of origin or not know any other methods of parenting. Develop Your Childs Genius: One Step Farther When is a person brilliant? When does a person show his genius? When he goes beyond the usual, beyond the obvious. When he goes one step farther in his thinking, understanding and creativity. For example, when you play chess, you plan ahead. You study the moves that are optional to you, and then the moves your opponent can make. You go a few steps deep. My son's chess teacher once said: "Usual players plan 2 to 3 moves ahead. A grandmaster can plan 6 to 7 moves deep, and that makes grandmasters - grandmasters". The teacher suggested to my son to look at the chess board, analyze the moves ahead, and then - put a conscious effort into analyzing one more move. Put conscious effort into going one step farther. 7 Ways Busy Families Can Volunteer Volunteering together is a fantastic way to spend time as a family. Volunteering Is Your Child Learning Nothing? You send your child to school and the teachers teach them. If that is what you think, you could be way wrong !While most teachers are good at presenting information to a class, learning happens ONLY if kids actually want to learn. Teachers may have little time for individual work, and you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.And in many schoolrooms today a majority of the class see learning as not cool, with kids trying hard to not learn !You may think that the school will tell you if your child is not learning, but you will probably be way wrong there.School funding generally depends on the school saying how good they are at teaching children, so often they will say that all kids are doing fine even when many are learning nothing.You may think that school inspectors will ensure that kids are learning well, but NO their job is only to ensure that teachers are teaching well.So is your child learning nothing ? Well many parents today find out by setting their children their own school tests - as by using Math Sheets that come with the answers. It can be made an easy fun 5-minute daily game "let's play our 'my school test' game".Not only will you then know that your child is learning, but you should find that you showing a little regular interest in their learning will increase their learning motivation strongly.You can stick to maths sheets only, or can vary your mini-school-test to science or other subjects using questions from their schoolbooks. Just keep it brief so it does not become a chore for them.If you show a little regular interest in your child's learning then they will want to learn, and will not follow anti-learning classmates.Then when the school says that your child is doing fine, it will happen to actually be the truth! 10 Things You Can Do To Help A Shy Child There are a few points about shyness in children which will help you better understand the best approach in dealing with your child. You will need to identify the nature of your child's shyness. Children are shy in different ways for different reasons. Understanding the nature of your child's shyness will help you develop a program geared towards your child's specific needs. Here are some tips to help you get started. Gifted Children - Getting the Balance Right One of the challenges for parents with a gifted child is to encourage them to develop a range of interest outside the academic sphere that not only rounds them out but stops them from being isolated from their peersGifted children are a diverse group of kids who are talented in specific areas such as mathematics, language, sport or music. Some gifted kids are mutli-talented excelling in a variety of areas. Life Stuck In Fast Forward the woes of being a parent of an ADHD child..... ![]() |
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