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Parenting Information
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Poker Parenting: 4 Ways Poker Skills Produce Parenting Thrills Even as a busy parent, I'm sure you've seen a poker show on TV or at least heard your friends or relatives talking about it. You might even be someone who's caught up in the poker craze of the past two years, riding the wave of a steep learning curve. As an avid poker player and father of two, I realize more each day how my poker skills help me raise my kids. Want to know how? Here are four ways to turn your poker skills into parenting thrills: Reading, Writing, Rithmetic -- and Recess! Recess has begun disappearing in states all around the country. The reason is the increasing emphasis on "academics" and the mistaken belief that recess detracts from time that could be better spent studying. According to some estimates, 40% of schools have already eliminated recess or are considering the idea. Some cities have abolished recess completely and are building new elementary schools without playgrounds! The Reticular Activating System, and its Role in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In our last article about the neurology of ADHD we began to introduce the reader to the system in the brain known as the Reticular Activating System. The Reticular Activating System is the "attention center" in the brain. It is the key to "turning on your brain," and seems to be the center of motivation. Parents/Teens and Money ? 5 Ideas for Keeping the Peace Children and teenagers are relentlessly bombarded with merchandise that entices. It can be difficult to find contentment when a newer, better, faster gizmo of the moment hits the market every day. What's a parent to do? Parenting Failure? It May Not Be All It Seems! I'll never forget my first lesson in a glider. What Are Your Children Really Watching? Saturday mornings. Cold cereal and Scooby Doo. How many parents started out our childhood weekends with this simple ritual? The trick was to wake up early enough to see all of the Saturday morning cartoons because after about 10 am, the children's programming was over until Sunday night's Wonderful World of Disney show came on. The POWER of Reading Reading to your child at a young age is one of the most effective tools for expanding his mind and instilling a lifelong love of learning. Reading a good book allows your child to travel to places she has never been, to meet people she has never met, and to develop an understanding of how to deal with a variety of physical and emotional situations. Encourage Your Children Potential By Your Modeling All responsible parents would want to support their children, find ways to encourage their potential, help them be more, discover their hidden gifts and help them reach for the stars. Parenting Your Teenager: The Power Struggle Q: My husband and I are at a loss as to what to do with our two teenagers. They have been great kids and all of a sudden it seems like we are in teenage hell! We keep fighting to see the kids we once knew, and they keep fighting to get their own way. We have been considering family counseling, and really would like to know what goes on in counseling. Can you give us some help with our kids and what to expect in counseling? Children?s Birthday Party Planning: When and When Not to Have a Big Party Age 1: Invite only family members and close friends only because this birthday is more for the parents than for the child. At age 1, a child doesn't understand the concept of "Birthday Party." He or she is getting a lot of attention---which is all a 1-year-old wants or understands anyway. You should not go overboard on presents because too much could scare or confuse a child. You should consider getting specialty items such as a plate that says "First Birthday," a 1-year-old candle, and possible a table cover that everyone could sign with fabric paint to have as keepsakes that can someday be shown (or given to) to your grown child. Powerful Tips for Increasing Your Childs Self-Esteem Here is a list of ways to convey the message "You are worthwhile" to your children. This list could fill a hundred newsletters, since the ways to raise responsible, happy children are limited only by our imaginations. Here are some places to begin. How Effective is Attend in Helping Children with Attention Disorders? In 1996-97 we were contracted by VAXA International of Tampa, FL to provide clinical, "real world" information on the effectiveness of their product called "Attend." Their product was a homeopathic nutraceutical medicine, meaning that it contains homeopathic medicines, plus nutritional medicines. The product has over 70 selected ingredients including specific amino acid combinations, essential fatty acids, phospholipid complexes, vitamins, minerals, and more. Five Ways To Build Super-Strong Relationships With Your Children One of the questions I ask in parenting presentations is "How do you show your children you love them?" Clean Kid Syndrome - Does Your Child Suffer from it? The learning and development of Australian kids is under threat because they're not playing outdoors, engaging in constructive, creative play. Aquini Potty Training Dolls - A Great Tool For Potty Training! Corolle Paul or Emma Drink-and-Wet SET potty dolls Raise Your Child to Be a Leader Not a Follower Your child's leadership skills begin at the family dinner table. In this day of working moms and fast food eating, sitting down together for dinner is sometimes neglected. However, it is often the foundation of family life and should become a treasured tradition. Babys First Month at a Glance Congratulations on your new baby! You have just brought yourbaby home and are pretty excited about everything. Perhapsyou don't even mind the fact that getting a good night'ssleep is getting tougher by the day. Parenting Your Teenager: Back to School Blues Q: Our son has been in honors classes all through school up until his junior year last year, when his grades took a dive. What could be going on and what can we do about it? Tracking Your Child Progress As a parent, you can learn a lot about your child's learningand watch for signs of possible problems. Here are somethings to look for and to discuss with his teacher: Film Industry and Our Youth In the first premise, some films and video tapes which are released into the world market are doing more harm to the society than good. These films are full of various modes and systems of corruptions. Imagine a film in which a small boy abused and insulted the age mate of his parents for almost one and half hours and was punished in the film for only five minutes,much emphasis is laid on the insult and abuse than the punishment inherent in the social malady. When other children watch such a movie, they think withing them that it is no harm to do such a thing to ones parent or other elders, then they imitate such act and started to abuse their elders in the public. These children do not know that real life situations are not two or three hours journey, but journey of many years before and ahead. ![]() |
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