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Parenting Information
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Books Around the House Make A Difference in Literacy Rates We need a grass roots campaign targeted towards parents to have books around the house. Reading times where TV is turned off and kids are reading. The parents can read what ever they want, the newspaper, a novel, picture book, magazine, perhaps mix it up a little something different each night. With plenty of reading material around the house. There should be public service announcements in the Media and the Media should also be involved along with the TV and Movie industry. Child Separation Anxiety: Does Your Child Have It? If you are a parent, then more than likely you may face the common problem of separation anxiety in your child. What exactly is child separation anxiety? In a nutshell, this is the type of anxiety or stress your child may encounter when you leave him/her alone and they get upset or cry due to the separation involved. The reason they get upset or cry is because the child learns to remember objects or specific people, and when those objects or people become absent, anxiety sets in. Parenting Skills - Five Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Confidence The 'phone conversation had nothing at all to do withparenting - but it made me think . . . Say No to Mealtime Mayhem: Eating Out With Your Baby or Toddler Many parenting books advise against eating out with young children. Their short attention span and need to be involved in everything will mean a nightmare for you, they say. They're wrong. We eat out regularly with our two year old and have a wonderful time. Here are a few tips to make sure that you can do it too. Helping Your Child Make and Keep Friends What Children Look for in a Friend? Powerful Tips for Increasing Your Childs Self-Esteem Here is a list of ways to convey the message "You are worthwhile" to your children. This list could fill a hundred newsletters, since the ways to raise responsible, happy children are limited only by our imaginations. Here are some places to begin. How Useful Are Bed Wetting Alarms Whenever parents discuss how to deal with bed wetting, the topicof alarms inevitably gets raised. Bed wetting alarms can be usefuldevices, but in spite of the popularity with which they getdiscussed, they should not really be considered a first line option.Bed wetting alarms are highly useful, but they are probably onlyworthwhile once you have tried a few other methods. Im a Father, Doesnt Anyone Care? The snow was getting heavier with each lift of the shovel. My back ached, and I was chilled to the bone. Five Ways To Build Super-Strong Relationships With Your Children One of the questions I ask in parenting presentations is "How do you show your children you love them?" Frequently Asked Questions About Reading To Your Child Are you worried about your child's reading habits? Perhaps you feel he or she should be starting to read, but they have no interest in books whatsoever? I had the same problem with my son. Gosh, he would rather chew on 'The Big Book of Nursery Rhymes' than read a word from it! Here's a short list of questions which I find very relevant if you're concerned about your kids' reading habits. Breastfeed a Toddler - Why? Is your baby approaching his or her first birthday and you're considering weaning? Motivation - The Key to Your Childs Educational Success For the first year or two of life outside the womb, our brains are in the most impressionable state they will ever be in. A baby's brain is immediately shaped by interacting with their environment. As a parent, one can have a large influence on their newborns first encounters with learning. Five Easy Steps to Picking the Perfect Baby Name One of the few decisions you'll make during pregnancy thatwill, in fact, last throughout your child's lifetime is thechoice of your baby's name. (Unlike, for example, yourchoice of stroller or whether to use Lamaze or hypnosis toease labor pains.) To choose the best name for your baby,follow these simple tips: Ten Tips for a Great First Day of School! Many children are jittery on the first day of school. Listed are ways to prepare your child for the big day! Teach Your Kids to Cook Well, Eliminating Excessive Health Care Needs in the Future We are all aware of the child obesity epidemic that has not only attacked the United States, but internationally as well. To keep our children healthy and keep health care costs down, we must examine even the simplest angles to prevent this problem. A Chart for Everything For every season, check, check, check,There is a chart, check, check, check, And a chart can replace some of your nagging. A chart for chores,A chart for grades.A chart for homework,A chart for hygiene.A chart for tracking tv.A chart for everything....I used to spend all of my seasons nagging. The song at our home used to sound like this:"Ron, did you brush your teeth? Joe, is your snack in your bookbag? Mike, are your gymclothes ready? Ash, have you done your reading log? Ron, did you finish your math? Ron, did you vacuum the living room? Joe, did you do your social studies? Joe, is the trash at the street? Mike, did you clean the bathroom? Ash, are the dishes put away? Ron, did you brush your teeth..."We had no time of silence and no time of peace. The constant sound of my voice annoyed ME, and I know it annoyed my kids. Multiply four kids, eight daily responsibilities, about three reminders per task, and I was averaging close to 100 nags per day. Since we posted the chart, I only have to ask, "Is your chart done?" Even on bad days, nagging is only a fraction of what it was before.During school, we have chores for daily work and charts for weekend work. In the summer we have a chore chart and a very popular television spreadsheet. The boys make their own charts for homework and grades. I also have charts for me; keeping up with what is required of me is hard to remember.Charts can be prepared on a spreadsheet or word document with chores and tasks written. Visual learners may benefit from charts generated using pictures. Whatever the method, charts can provide a tangible reminder that will make the difference between a task being completed, left hanging, or forgotten.Give every season a chart, and you may discover that it will help you find more time, including a time to speak of something besides chores and homework! We have an Excel spreadsheet with examples of different types of charts that I'd be happy to send you. Send an email to goaskmom AT goaskmom.com and request this free resource. Teaching Respect And Values In Todays Society The girl's jaw dropped in horror as the police officer spokethese words: Things To Teach Your Teenage Driver Is it hard to communicate with your teenager about issues in his or her life? Regardless of the communication problems, there are two issues you need to discuss with them: driving and insurance. The following are four things to teach your teenage driver. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Ritalin is a good medication with a bad reputation. Its name causes more fear in the hearts of parents than any other medication. It is the topic of radio talk shows, protests by the Church of Scientology, and negative newspaper articles. And yet, I wonder, if it is so very bad, why is it so "over-prescribed" as the critics claim? Let's explore the issue further, and give some information to parents who might want to know more about the medication. Authoritarian Parenting, Permissive Parenting, or Loving Parenting Angie was brought up by rigid, authoritarian parents who kept her on a tight leash. They rarely considered her feelings about anything, showing a complete lack of empathy and compassion for her feelings and desires. If she came home five minutes late from school or from an activity, she was punished. Yelling and hitting were their favorite forms of punishment. ![]() |
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