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Parenting Information

Surprising Fun Solution to Kids Moods and Attitudes

As a parent, are you at your wits end? Does your child control you? Does your child act up in public? Does your child ignore you, whine, argue, show disrespect, have "moods" or "attitudes", throw tantrums, and drive you crazy? If this sounds familiar, you aren't alone. Parents across the country face the same problems. And, teachers tell us over and over that kids are often disrespectful. Education can take a back seat because so much time and energy is spent on discipline. Are your children often out of control?

My Best Buddy

My son, Dakota is now 7 yrs old. He is so smart for his age.I recently had a conference with his 1st grade teacher and was surprised to find out that he was having a hard time in school.I guess I was surprised because at home he was perfectly fine. She seems to believe that his problem lies with his inability to pay attention in school. She says it isn?t that he is disruptive but that he can?t seem to keep his attention on one thing for long at a time.

They Call it Puppy Love

My son is 6 yrs old.He came home the other day from school and stated that he had two girlfriends.I asked him who they were.And he said one was in his class and the other was in the other Kindergarten class.He said one of them asked him to be her boyfriend, and the other he just liked, so she was his girlfriend too.He liked her so he assumed she was his girlfriend too.

Child ADHD - Deciding Where to Draw the Line

The wonderful adaptability of children in dealing with the challenges of this ever-changing and unpredictable world is really amazing. Their growth from a state of familial security and dependence through progressive stages of self-direction and personal autonomy requires enormous and almost anti-gravitational efforts on their part. Children must integrate a continuous changing picture of themselves with a world characterized more and more by conflict, competition and change.

Go Ahead - Make Dads Day

Throughout the year, many days of celebration are tucked capriciously into the calendar. So much so, it is hard to find any day of the year where something or someone is not being observed, which has benefited the greeting card company, you can be sure. I'm not positive, but I think they've had a great deal to do with designating these days.

Children - Blessing or Curse

You?re trying to catch up on some sleep on a quiet Saturday morning when you hear the shrill scream of a child, who seems upset with the fact that another child is pointing at him or her, and has done so for the past three minutes. You turn over and hope that they will resolve it without your intervention?but that?s unlikely, given their past.

Parents Complaints --- Arrogant Public Schools Turn a Deaf Ear

School authorities continually claim that they want more parent cooperation and participation in their children?s education. They complain when parents don?t show up for parent-teacher conferences or push their children to do their homework.

Top Ten Things Parents Must Know About State Academic Standards (What Your Child s/b Learning)

Public education in the United States has never been equal for all students. It appears that those school districts located in wealthy communities have a bit more resources than those in poorer communities. Today more than ever, parents need to step up to the plate and learn how the educational system works. It is imperative that parents no longer leave the decisions made around the education of children solely in the hands of bureaucrats who likely have no children in the school district and/or may not even live in the community.

The Top 5 Reasons Why Unwed-Parents Must Establish Paternity

?It takes a village to raise a child? is more than an African proverb, and when the village is small and one parent is missing the task becomes even more challenging. Fortunately, being proactive and understanding your rights as a parent will help alleviate any issues that might arise as you take on the role of single parent. Every child has the right to a parent-child relationship with both parents, and all three deserve an opportunity to develop, enjoy and grow in the relationship.

Public School Sex-Education Classes --- Bad News For Parents and Children

One of parents? most important duties is to protect their children from harmful sexual values and behaviors. Yet many public schools force potentially harmful, sometimes shockingly explicit sex education on their students.

Americas Public School System --- Brutal and Spartan

The public school system in America has become a dismal failure. But education in many other times and cultures has been quite successful. The ancient Greeks, whose civilization was at its height around 500 B.C., founded Western civilization as we know it. The Athenian Greeks invented or perfected logic, drama, science, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, literature, and much more. Yet ancient Greece had no compulsory schools.

Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson Never Went To Public School

Most of our Founding Fathers, including Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, like most average colonial Americans, spent few years, if any, in formal grammar schools of the day, yet they knew how to read and write well.

Guide to Choosing LEGO Toys for Children

If you?re looking for toys that are both fun to play with and educational for your child, LEGO toys are a very good option.

Public-school Teachers Know Best --- They Send Their Kids To Private Schools

A study done by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found that nationwide, public-school teachers are almost twice as likely as other parents to send their children to a private school. The study also found that more than one in five public-school teachers send their kids to private schools.

Encourage Your Children Potential By Your Modeling

All responsible parents would want to support their children, find ways to encourage their potential, help them be more, discover their hidden gifts and help them reach for the stars.

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