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Parenting Information
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Parenting Your Teenager: 4 Traps to Avoid 4 traps to avoid Childhood Obesity & Parents Healthy Food Confusion Many parents struggle to know which foods are healthy for their children. When they are able to opt for healthy choices, about two-thirds struggle to get their children to eat healthily, a poll of nearly 800 parents found. Developing Patient Partnerships (DPP), which commissioned the survey, said that parents need more support to tackle the growing problem of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled in the past 20 years, official figures show. Ultimate Airplane Themed Games & Activities for your Childs Birthday Party Are you looking for the Ultimate Airplane Themed Party Games and Activities? Well stop looking because they are right here... The Effects of Televised Sexual Content on Adolescents According to a September 2004 study by the RAND Corporation,"Adolescents who watch large amounts of television containing sexualcontent are twice as likely to begin engaging in sexual intercourse inthe following year as their peers who watch little such TV." Inaddition, the National Institutes of Health-funded study found thatthese children's sexual behavior was akin to those adolescents who were9 to 17 months older, but who watched only average amounts of TV withsexual content. "Television habits predicted whetheradolescents went to 'second or third base,' as well as whether they hadsex for the first time," said Rebecca Collins, a RAND psychologist wholed the study. "The 12-year-olds who watched a lot of television withsexual content behaved like the 14- or 15-years-olds who watched theleast amount of sexual television. The advancement in sexual behavior wesaw among kids who watched a lot of sexual television was striking." This alarming trend occurs within the context of ever-increasingamounts of implicit and over sexual content on television. As reportedby the Parents Television Council, "In a sample of programming from the2001-2002 TV season, sexual content appeared in 64% of all TV programs.Those programs with sexually related material had an average of 4.4scenes per hour. Talk of sex is more frequent (61%) vs. overt portrayals(32%). One out of every 7 programs includes a portrayal of sexualintercourse." According to the RAND study, talk of sex had just as muchof an effect on adolescent sexual behavior as overt behaviors. Sexual behavior among U.S. teens is on the rise. According to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46% of all high schoolstudents have had sexual intercourse. The National Institutes of Healthhas found that, each year, one of every four sexual active teenscontracts a sexually transmitted disease. Teen pregnancy in the U.S. isalso the highest among industrialized nations. Now, more thanever, parents need to be concerned about what their children arewatching on television. The first step parents need to take is tomonitor the content of the shows their adolescents watch. According toRAND researcher Collins, "The impact of television viewing is so largethat even a moderate shift in the sexual content of adolescent TVwatching could have a substantial effect on their sexual behavior." Other important steps you can take to curb or mitigate yourchildren's exposure to sexual content on television include:Watch TV with your children and discuss your beliefs about sex and about the sexual behaviors portrayed on TV. Develop TV-watching guidelines for your children and enforce them. Limit the amount of time your children watch TV. Instead, use family movie reviews to rent movies with appropriate content. Encourage and reward your children for reading instead of watching TV. Encourage your children to find and develop non-television related hobbies and interests. By taking these simple steps, you can help to ensure that youradolescents' attitudes and beliefs about sex more closely mirror yourown, and that their sexual initiation is delayed. Parenting Your Teenager: Self-Decorating or Self-Harm - How to Tell the Difference Q. I need your help with a question about my teen-age daughter. Getting her ears pierced was no big deal, but then she wanted to get a belly button ring and a tongue ring. We let her get the belly button one but not the tongue one. Uniforms Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 31, 2004 Putting Your Child To Bed Are you glad for the chance to put your child to bed? Is this a great time for you and your kids or is it serious business? Is it a time in your day you look forward to, or do you have to grit your teeth to face the struggle? Bedtime is a terrific opportunity for us and our children. Spending just a few minutes with each of our children at bedtime can offer us the chance to really connect with them in ways that during the day, which is often hectic, it is much more difficult. Registering a Birth in Scotland The child's mother or father should register the birth within 21 days. However, a father who is not married to the child's mother can only register a birth and be named on the birth certificate as the father if: he jointly signs the register with the mother, or a court has declared that he is the father, or the mother and he jointly sign a declaration available from the Registrar. Quality Time? There's a phrase that's become popular over the past few years that fills me with wonder. That phrase is "quality time." We've all heard it, and we all seem to accept it as a real concept. But to the average country person, that phrase is difficult to comprehend. Honey I Can?t Afford The Kids Sex has a lot to answer for ? babies usually ? which then with time and much financial investment grow up to be beautiful mutations of their parents. Yet as the family absorbs more money as it grows, the need for financial planning and protection becomes more important. So, where do you start and how do you move your finances forward? Teacher Tips: Your Room Set-Up and ADHD Students Thank you to all of our professional educators who dedicate themselves to our children! We know how difficult it can be working with ADHD children, so here are your teacher tips for the week, brought to you by the ADHD Information Library and ADDinSchool.com. You can read over 500 classroom interventions at http://www.ADDinSchool.com. Building Self Confidence Several similar terms describe the central attribute of a character that decides on the strength of personality and the degree of inner freedom: Eating Disorders in Children If I had a dollar for every time I persuaded a girl of 8 or 9 that they were not, in fact, fat, I'd be considerably richer. When my older daughter was about that age, their mothers were putting a lot of her friends on diets. It drove me absolutely crazy to see these poor little girls, worrying about their "tummies" or "fat" that wasn't even evident, except to a mother who was hoping for a super model-skinny pre-pubescent child, which is ridiculous. When they were at my house, they ate well, I wouldn't allow them to drink or eat anything diet and I encouraged them to eat healthy food that would strengthen their bodies and bones. I also tried to assure them that they were not fat; that they would grow into their bodies and they were absolutely beautiful just the way they were. With that came some nutritional education about eating a healthy combination of foods that would not make them fat, but strong and naturally slender. Life Lessons in a Glass of Beer It was blisteringly hot last Saturday. As I took that first sip of a cold quality beer I knew it was sure to ease my thirst. However, I never expected that in that same frosted mug were also lessons on how to be a better Dad. Empty Nest Syndrome Paula's last child had just gone off to college and Paula was struggling with a deep inner emptiness. While she knew this day was coming, she was not really prepared for the intense hollowness that welled up within. After all, she had a life of her own. Her work as an occupational therapist, which she had gone back to after all her three children were in school, was fulfilling to her. She was fortunate in having been able to schedule her time to be home when her children came home from school so she could take them to their various activities. Paula had been a loving and devoted mother and was very proud of her children. She had been looking forward to this time for herself and her husband, but now that it was here, Paula felt lost. When Your Childs Adoption Story Changes: Nothing But the Facts or is It Nothing are the Facts? Elana, born in Russia, was told "We really don't know why your birth family couldn't care for you."" How Effective Are Ritalin and Dexedrine in Treating the Symptoms of ADHD? Many research studies have shown the overall effectiveness of stimulant medication, such as Ritalin and Dexedrine in their various forms, in treating the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders in children, teens, and adults. Even though stimulants are not the only effective option in the treatment of the disorder, stimulants may be a good choice, and their use should be discussed with your physician. If your child is being bullied - 20 top tips for parents Keith is now in the fourth grade and he dislikes school. For a fourthgrader, this does not sound right. The reason Keith dislikes school thoughdoes not have anything to do with academics. Keith is being bullied beforeschool, at school, and on the school bus. Who can blame him for not wantingto go into that environment? The basic definition of bullying is when someone keeps doing or sayingthings to have power over another person. Bullying involves crossing intoone's space without permission. Isn't bullying just something that happens to all children and we're justmaking a fuss over this? The children will get over it, right? Shouldn't wetell Keith to grow up and handle it? Wrong. Bullying happens to far too many children and adults shouldn't be ignoring it. WHAT CAN A PARENT DO? If Keith is being bullied and he is not reporting it to his parents thenthere are some very important questions to address.· Why wouldn't he tell his parents?· What message have Keith's parents sent to him about bullies?· Does Keith's parents have a history of dismissing what he says?· Possibly Keith's parents have had a habit of getting too involved insolving his problems. Tips for parents:· Encourage your child to report any bullying incidents to you.· Validate your child's feelings. It is normal for your child to feelhurt, sad, and angry.· Ask your child how he/she has tried to stop the bullying. Askingquestions is a wonderful way to have your child do the thinking.· Ask how is he/she going to solve this. We want the child to do thethinking before we jump in. See how many options he can come up with.· Coach your child in alternatives. Ideally the best solution is having your child solve this without anyone interfering. Most of the time unfortunately, this isn't possible. Share these strategies: avoidance is often an excellentstrategy, playing in a different place, play a different game, stay near asupervisor, look for new friends, join social activities outside of school.· Talk with your child's teacher. Make sure they are aware of what isgoing on.· Encourage your child to seek help from other school personnel.· Volunteer to help supervise activities at school.· Do not ignore your child's reports. Ignoring them sends the wrongmessage.· Do not confront the bully or the bullies' family.· Teach your child how to defend him or herself.· Teach self-respect.· Give numerous positive comments to your child.· Avoid labeling or name-calling.· Let your child know it is okay to express their anger. There arepositive and negative ways to express anger, we want to teach and model thepositive ways.· Let your children stand up to you now and then. It makes it morelikely they will stand up to a bully.· Stress the importance of body language.· Teach your child to use 'I' statements.· Teach positive self-talk.· Teach how to use humor, 'out crazy' them. For example, if the bullysays to Keith, "Hey, boy you're ugly." Keith can respond in a coupledifferent ways:"Thanks for sharing""Yes, I know, I always have been""Yes, today's lunch was disgusting" then walk away. There is many other aspects of bullying to look at: Why your child is the victim, whypeople bully, what you child can do if he/she is bullied, signs your child is beingbullied, what the schools should be doing, handling the school bus issues. Allof these are addressed in The Shameful Epidemic, How to protect your child from bullies and school violence.Visit www.stoppingschoolviolence.com to learn what is possible. There are solutions. Top Three Reasons To Get Involved At Your Childs School You may think once your child has gone off to school full-time (officially a First-Grader) that he/she no longer needs you... My Dads Secrets From the book Spider's Night on the Boom ![]() |
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