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You Dont Need a Supernanny to Be an Active Parent
The hot new reality TV show "Nanny 911" has been joined by a similar nanny-to-the-rescue show called "Supernanny." These shows depict families in which the children are extremely out of control, rebellious, spoiled or otherwise quite a handful. The nannies come in for a week (from sunrise to bedtime each day), helping the family get back on track by teaching the parents effective parenting skills and modeling these skills firsthand with the children. I have to admit to having only seen one episode of "Nanny 911," but, speaking as a parenting educator, I was impressed. The nanny sent to the rescue knew her stuff. She taught the parents to set limits, how to discipline using logical consequences and how to be firm and calm at the same time. She was good enough--and here's a huge compliment coming--to have been an Active Parenting leader. In fact, at one point, as the passive father is learning to be more involved, these words appear on the screen: "Father is becoming a more active parent." Although I'm not a big reality TV fan in general, I think these two particular shows can be of real value to a lot of parents. They provide useful information and teach good parenting skills. Let's face it--if it works with these dysfunctional families, these skills will probably work for you, too! And here's the good news: you don't have to be on a reality show to learn effective parenting skills. Parenting classes are available all over the country. You can watch the videos, consult with a parent educator, and share ideas with other parents just like you. To find one in your community, check with your child's school guidance counselor. Many classes are also listed on our web site. But however you decide to improve your family life, please keep making the effort. Parenting is not the only influence on a child's life...but it's the one you can do the most about. Dr. Popkin is a former child and family therapist in Atlanta. He founded Active Parenting Publishers in 1983 to help parents raise responsible children who are able to face life's challenges. His free, online "What's Your Parenting Style?" quiz is a popular way for parents to spot the strengths and weaknesses of their style. http://www.activeparenting.com/parents.htm
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How To Teach Children Loyalty and Dependability Individualism is a common thing in today's modern society. Many people care more about themselves than others and do what they like with little consideration for people whom may be affected by their action. It is quite a sad thing. You can see that there are is a general lack of loyalty and commitment to people own belongings. For example, Top 25 Children Quotations "You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance."-- Franklin P. Adams Toxic Chemicals, Are Your Children Being Exposed? You do what you can to keep your little ones safe and healthy in this world we live in. You put your household cleaners out of reach and make sure the front door is securely locked. You tuck them in at night with a story and a kiss, wishing them sweet dreams. Unfortunately, your children are not safe! While they sleep, they are being exposed to toxic chemicals found in that crib or bed you so lovingly tucked them into. Teach Your Kids to Cook Well, Eliminating Excessive Health Care Needs in the Future We are all aware of the child obesity epidemic that has not only attacked the United States, but internationally as well. To keep our children healthy and keep health care costs down, we must examine even the simplest angles to prevent this problem. Nothing Like a Mothers Love Travel is a common theme in my life -- probably started with the family vacation we took every year when I was young. But in all my travels, I have seen another universal theme, a common symbol of unity, love and Peace. Playground Pettiness Recently I took my two children to a popular new park in the area. It's abeautiful new playground, all wood, divided into different areas of play fordifferent age groups. It's wonderful for me as well, as my children can playat age appropriate areas and I can see/interact with both of them at thesame time. This is what makes it our entire family's favorite playground, aswell that for many other families in the area. Drinking and Driving: Will Your Child Become a Statistic? Just two days ago, another 15-year old child was added to the overwhelming statistics of drunk-driving, related deaths. One minute, he's full of vitality and attending our local high school, the next his unsuspecting parents are identifying him in a local morgue. The harsh reality of this brutal scenerio is sometimes very difficult to comprehend. 10 Steps to School Year Success Thriving As A Family When You Live In The Fast lane It is extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Change is now an entrenched way of life. Most of us don't blink when new piece of technology comes out. Just the other day I read about the death of the desktop computer. The big lump of plastic and glass that used to sit on my desk has been replaced by a laptop. Email is quickly making those twentieth communication icons, the telephone and the fax, redundant. The way we live, do business, even shop is undergoing rapid change. Top Ten Reasons to Hold Family Meetings 1. Make stronger connections among individuals and, therefore, creates a closer family. Bad Boys/Good Boys (Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Being An Insensitive Dad) I WAS AMAZED The Importance of Fathers There is no doubt that mothers play an all-important leading role in the lives of their children. They are the obvious heroes of child rearing. But what about a father's role? Just how important are the dads of the world compared to the almighty image of mother? My belief is that fathers play just as important a role as mothers. Different, yes. Possibly not as nurturing, not as all-sacrificing but just as important in the developmental and emotional well being of a child. How Public Schools Assault Parents Values Is there anything wrong with lying, cheating, stealing, shop-lifting, taking drugs, premarital sex, insulting your parents, pornography, irresponsibility, or getting pregnant in junior high school? Not according to the values taught to children in many public schools today. How To Live With Your Teenagers Untidy Room 'Whose room is it anyway?' A Good Preschool Idea The successful preschool idea behind many successful preschool learning centers is thorough all round planning and well-chosen staff members. Any preschool idea that does not begin with sound financial planning and in-depth budgeting knowledge will probably fail. Uniforms Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 31, 2004 Parents Dealing with Worry and Fear Dear Vijay, Teach Your Children How To Resolve Conflict Without Using Anger Or Power Teaching kids to deal with conflict effectively and peacefully is perhaps the biggest challenge facing adults today. Children's disagreements both at home and at school can be noisy, physical and psychologically hurtful. The approach to conflict resolution learned and practised in childhood often stays for life. The Effects of Televised Sexual Content on Adolescents According to a September 2004 study by the RAND Corporation,"Adolescents who watch large amounts of television containing sexualcontent are twice as likely to begin engaging in sexual intercourse inthe following year as their peers who watch little such TV." Inaddition, the National Institutes of Health-funded study found thatthese children's sexual behavior was akin to those adolescents who were9 to 17 months older, but who watched only average amounts of TV withsexual content. "Television habits predicted whetheradolescents went to 'second or third base,' as well as whether they hadsex for the first time," said Rebecca Collins, a RAND psychologist wholed the study. "The 12-year-olds who watched a lot of television withsexual content behaved like the 14- or 15-years-olds who watched theleast amount of sexual television. The advancement in sexual behavior wesaw among kids who watched a lot of sexual television was striking." This alarming trend occurs within the context of ever-increasingamounts of implicit and over sexual content on television. As reportedby the Parents Television Council, "In a sample of programming from the2001-2002 TV season, sexual content appeared in 64% of all TV programs.Those programs with sexually related material had an average of 4.4scenes per hour. Talk of sex is more frequent (61%) vs. overt portrayals(32%). One out of every 7 programs includes a portrayal of sexualintercourse." According to the RAND study, talk of sex had just as muchof an effect on adolescent sexual behavior as overt behaviors. Sexual behavior among U.S. teens is on the rise. According to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46% of all high schoolstudents have had sexual intercourse. The National Institutes of Healthhas found that, each year, one of every four sexual active teenscontracts a sexually transmitted disease. Teen pregnancy in the U.S. isalso the highest among industrialized nations. Now, more thanever, parents need to be concerned about what their children arewatching on television. The first step parents need to take is tomonitor the content of the shows their adolescents watch. According toRAND researcher Collins, "The impact of television viewing is so largethat even a moderate shift in the sexual content of adolescent TVwatching could have a substantial effect on their sexual behavior." Other important steps you can take to curb or mitigate yourchildren's exposure to sexual content on television include:Watch TV with your children and discuss your beliefs about sex and about the sexual behaviors portrayed on TV. Develop TV-watching guidelines for your children and enforce them. Limit the amount of time your children watch TV. Instead, use family movie reviews to rent movies with appropriate content. Encourage and reward your children for reading instead of watching TV. Encourage your children to find and develop non-television related hobbies and interests. By taking these simple steps, you can help to ensure that youradolescents' attitudes and beliefs about sex more closely mirror yourown, and that their sexual initiation is delayed. Top Ten Things My Six Year-Old Son Has Taught Me (So Far...) I've learned numerous, important lessons on life, motherhood and men by being the mommy of a little boy... ![]() |
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