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Email Marketing Information
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How to Do an E-mail Interview in 9 Easy Steps Need a fresh idea for your e-zine content? Do an interview! 3 Important Tips to Write Money-Making Autoresponder Messages Sending autoresponder messages is one of the most powerful email marketing strategy. The most important benefit of this technique, is that you can automate 95% of the process. Here are some autoresponder message sample ideas to help you write money-making email messages. Internet Tip of the Week: Mistakes Count Against You Before the advent of email most of us, other than sending out cards for special occasions, would write very few letters. If we did write a letter, it was carefully prepared, and considerable thought went into it. Today, with computer access available to most people, we have tremendously increased our amount of written communication, and sometimes fall into a trap. There are seven words that will serve as our guide and help us to communicate more effectively. Raid Your Autoresponder Attic For Content Why you need new website content. The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis. Unless you continually follow up with clients and prospects, they'll soon forget about you. But imagine calling or writing each and every one of your clients and prospects every week! That would be nearly impossible to pull off. Well, an e-zine achieves the same goal - keeping you on their "radar screens," but in an unobtrusive way. This constant contact makes these folks more likely to think of YOU - not someone they heard about yesterday - when they need to hire a coach. An e-zine allows you to effortlessly SPREAD THE WORD about you and your business. If you write a decent e-zine, your readers will be very likely to pass it on to friends and colleagues. Remember that old shampoo commercial that went, "And I told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on..."? That principle - clients passing on the word about your product or service - is called "viral marketing" these days. Most publishers begin with only a few dozen subscribers who are their clients and associates. But after several months, you can have thousands of readers on your list - thanks to viral marketing mixed with some promotional legwork. An e-zine is a CREDIBLE and SUBTLE way to promote your services or products. Instead of simply *saying* how great your business is, an e-zine lets you *show* how great you are by sharing your expertise through tips or client stories. (As my old journalism professor used to say, "Show me, don't just tell me!") You're avoiding simple bragging, and are instead offering useful information that demonstrates your knowledge. Bravo! Publishing an e-zine positions you as an EXPERT in your field. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you're likely to attract more and better clients. And by sharing what you know well, you're saying, "Hey, I know my stuff! I'm an expert." If you make a living by providing a service, you're an expert in your own right. If you're still uncomfortable with that term, try on the word resource." (Okay, feel better?) An e-zine is the ideal way to CAPTURE the e-mail addresses of your WEB VISITORS. If I visit your site today but aren't ready to buy from you today, you've likely lost me forever when I click away. BUT if you invite me to sign up for your free newsletter that features helpful information on the topic at hand, I'll be happy to sign up. NOW you've got me to market to, over and over, as long as you continue to give me the practical content you promised. This is especially powerful because statistics show that consumers don't usually purchase a product or service until after they've seen multiple messages about it. An e-zine is CHEAP and EASY to publish - especially compared with a print newsletter. If you were to produce and mail a snazzy-looking *printed* newsletter, you could easily spend thousands of dollars each year. But an e-zine is essentially FREE to put together and publish - it just takes a bit of your time. And you can make it as long or short as you'd like. (Some of the best e-zines I get feature only one tip per issue and are less than one computer screen long.) For best results, keep it simple! Autoresponder Tips An autoresponder is useful for, well, responding to people who send you inquiries through email. They are actually more than just merely useful - they are an essential tool in any webmaster's toolbox. Used properly, they can enhance your visitors experience and virtually guarantee that they will come back time after time. Used improperly, they annoy people and push them away from ever coming back. Do Your Autoresponders Drive Your Customers Crazy? A chained auto-responder is a sequence of emails that gets delivered automatically when someone subscribes to this autoresponder. 4 Tips On Taming Your Email I remember when I was first introduced to email. I was working in a big corporation at the time. I thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. I hit a button and the message is sent instantaneously. What could be better? Since then, my feelings towards email are somewhat modified. I still think the technology is great, but I have witnessed too many people getting stressed out by the sheer volume of communications via this medium to know that for some it can sometimes be a curse instead of a blessing. Since none of us is expecting a reduction in the volume of email we will receive, you may find the following tips helpful in helping gain control over your email. Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful Internet marketing gurus. This is all due to what is called an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an automatic method of responding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is an must for any Internet business. Time is money and answering emails personally take a lot of valuable time for both you and the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow you to spend the time elsewhere in your business, but it gives the customer access to the information almost immediately. An Aspirin or an Autoresponder! Tired of silly old email enquiries? Say hello to autoresponders! Lesson #2: Different (and Profitable!) Ways to Use Smart Autoresponders So, autoresponders allow you to automate the process of instantly replying to someone who either 1) asked for more information or 2) did something (such as buying from you). 10 Netiquette New Years Resolutions Happy New Year! New attitude? New habits? How about 10 Little New Year's Netiquette Resolutions? 10 Reasons to Outsouce Your Next Email Marketing Campaign So, why would you want to send your campaigns out using an email service provider(ESP) rather than your standard email program (SEP)? Here are some points to consider?? Three Steps To Building A 50K Email List In Less Than 90 Days One major asset that every internet or affiliate marketer needs is a big email list. There is a saying in the marketing world that states that "the money is in the list". This is very true because the bigger the list, the greater the potential income. But a common concern amongst many people marketing online is: Improve Newsletter Delivery with an Autoresponder Service Another powerful reason for making the switch from using the unlimited autoresponders that come free with your web hosting account to paying a monthly fee for an autoresponder service is improved deliverability of newsletters and other e-mails. Email Etiquette IV Further to my previous issues this subject continues - part IV. This month I'll share on Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field and the use of backgrounds for your emails. The use of Bad language in emails will also be mentioned. Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page? The point of all this? By taking extra care with your new signups, you lay the foundation for a long and profitable relationship with your readers. The Name Squeeze ? Should You? Shouldn?t You? This is a little "beauty" of an idea if you want to grow a massive list QUICKLY! But some are wary of trying it. They worry it turns customers away. What is Gmail? Like most other prime search engines, the ability to freely giveaway an email account is a positive tool that signals to the user community that this search engine is here to stay! Google is no different in this approach. Recently, Google has been beta testing Gmail. Google's very own email services repository. Best of all, it's free! Well, it's going to be free, its currently available only in Beta mode, if you are lucky enough to have received an invitation to sign up for a complimentary account you currently enjoy the benefits of ubiquitous Gmail. Free Mailing Lists: Good Or Bad? Advantages of the free mailing lists ![]() |
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