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The Name Squeeze ? Should You? Shouldn?t You?
This is a little "beauty" of an idea if you want to grow a massive list QUICKLY! But some are wary of trying it. They worry it turns customers away. Well here is what I think of that, if the person was never prepared to give you their email address in the first place then chances are they were just a tyre pusher not looking to buy anything from you anyways. I have tested both methods in a few different niches I have running. This is the type of result I received from using no "name squeeze" and actually using a "name squeeze". I found that by using no name squeeze my sign up rate to my newsletter was around 20% when I started using a name squeeze I jumped up to 50%. Without a doubt this "name squeeze" begun to increase my sales dramatically. And not only through my emailing list but also from the initial "impulse buy". From making my site so exclusive that you must enter an email address has made an impact on the "importance" of the hidden information that's tucked away on the other page. When I saw these results I can assure you that any doubt I originally had of this "name squeeze" turning people off or turning them away quickly left my mind! If your not sure if the name squeeze for you, why don't you at least trial and test it for a week or two or even split test it! I doubt you'll be disappointed! © Joanne King - http://www.joesy.com Get your Free book on "Affiliate Marketing ? Quick Start Guide" by visiting http://www.joesy.com. You are welcome to reprint this article on your website or send to your mailing list however it may not be edited and the link in this bio must stay active. Cheers =)
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How To Use Email Autoresponders to Boost Customer Loyalty Your e-commerce website relies on its customers to become returning customers in order to develop a successful business. The question you might be wondering, however, is how to make your customers become loyal to you and return. There are plenty of ways you can increase customer loyalty, and the use of email autoresponders is but one. How to Develop the Email Marketing Mindset and Earn Thousands Every Month with Your Lists Any business today, be it online or off needs a solid foundation, without one a business will topple. Email Aesthetics- APPEARANCE is Everything! Email Aesthetics Why Use Permission-Based Email Marketing? The goal of all marketing is to attract interest in, build desire for, and generate sales of your products or services. Email marketing is a perfect medium to pick up where other marketing leaves off. Email marketing is still one of the most cost effective ways to contact prospects and customers. It's far cheaper than traditional bulk postage mail and in many cases can have a much larger impact on immediate sales and long-term relationship strength than traditional advertising. 7 Great Email Habits for the Beginning Internet Entrepreneur If you are just starting out as an Internet entrepreneur then you have a lot to learn about doing business online. One such thing you need to concentrate on is your e-mailing habits. E-mail is your way of communicating with people and potential customers, so developing good e-mail habits early on is very important. Choose The Right Business For You In Less Than 15 Minutes 3 Characteristics Of "The Right Business" Model Ten Tips for Email Marketers Here are the ten most important tips to ensure you're able to get the maximum return on your investment in permission-based email marketing. Do You Ponder the Automatic Responder? * The Automatic Responder is generally referred to as an Autoresponder. Lesson #3: Capitalize on Your Captures! One of the underlying benefits of smart autoresponders is that you can use your autoresponder for mailing list management. Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful Internet marketing gurus. This is all due to what is called an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an automatic method of responding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is an must for any Internet business. Time is money and answering emails personally take a lot of valuable time for both you and the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow you to spend the time elsewhere in your business, but it gives the customer access to the information almost immediately. Why Does Your Business Need An Autoresponder? Suppose you have a website with 500 visitors a day, and one in fifty of them requests information. That's ten e-mails you're going to have to send manually for the next few days or weeks. And tomorrow you get another ten, and the next day another ten... can you imagine how complicated managing this process could be? Email Advertising - How Ad Tracking Helped Create a Killer Ad I recently undertook an email advertising promotion, using a number of advertising media. The exercise involved a program of mine called the Magical Marketing system. Email Marketing Kung Fu Have you ever heard email described as, "the killer Internet Application?" Do you understand why email is the killer app for your business on the Internet, or how to make it that way if it isn't now? Six Tips for Nonprofit E-mail Success An opt-in e-newsletter is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use because it is fast, personal, and inexpensive. Many small businesses are using e-mail newsletters to introduce themselves to new customers and to communicate with existing ones. By sending useful information on a regular basis, you maintain continuous contact without being annoying. In addition, an e-mail newsletter can enhance your credibility and increase sales. 14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address 1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It's a good idea to also give them a freebie when they subscribe. Attract New Subscribers With Magnetic Ads One of the most effective methods of advertising your e-zine is placing ads in OTHER e-zines! Yes, Please Do Come In, But Better Watch Your Step! Why Email Marketing Matters According to a study by the Winterberry Group, email marketing brings in $15.50 per dollar spent. This is about 17% more than direct-mail campaigns and 73% more than telemarketing campaigns. In short, email marketing matters and if you're not sending out at least monthly email newsletters to your subscriber base, you should be. The true cost comes from acquiring the prospects and clients, not the three or four hours needed to create a monthly newsletter. Reach Out and Slap Someone I was working for a large Chicago bank in the 1980s, when they introduced an electronic message service for internal communications. The only electronic mail that seemed to flow for the longest time were all those official HR notification of vacation time policies, etc., and of course, the ALL CAPS messages from the executive floor. Email Etiquette: How To Send Emails People Will Read You may remember a time before there was email?a time when communications within most organisations were more formal and followed strict lines of protocol. Email has done wonders to break down some of the communication bureaucracy and hierarchy within organisations; today virtually anyone can speak to anyone (and everyone) within an organisation with the click of a mouse ? which can have both exciting and devastating implications! Email has brought with it a new informality to business communications and a new short-hand vocabulary and style of communication ? but it didn't come with instructions. Overtime, a generally unspoken email code of communication has emerged. Master email etiquette, and you'll not only be on safe ground but people will enjoy reading and responding to your emails. ![]() |
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