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Reach Out and Slap Someone
I got my first email account way too many years ago. I was working for a large Chicago bank in the 1980s, when they introduced an electronic message service for internal communications. The only electronic mail that seemed to flow for the longest time were all those official HR notification of vacation time policies, etc., and of course, the ALL CAPS messages from the executive floor. It took a brave soul to send out the first?"so, where should we go for lunch on Friday?" message. It took a polite soul to create the first autoresponder message. It was nice of them to let people know that the reason their inquiry would not be answered immediately, and personally was because he (or she) was out of the office until XYZ date. I'm still trying to figure out where the the personal and polite parts of autoresponse messages went. Sometime between then and now, the person who wrote that message left the building, but forgot to turn the machines off. Today, too many autoresponse messages are anything but personal, polite or informative. If you've ever been tempted to believe that message sound bites strung together by bits of "if, then, else" coding logic might actually prove to be an asset to your business, you owe it to your business to look at how some of these have played out in the real world. Here's a brief list of some of my favorite offenders, along with a suggestion or two about what you can do if you find anything like them on your list of messages. "We'll return your message within 24 hours, or 12 hours?" Forgive me if I don't set my watch by that. Despite improvements in so many other areas, surveys still show that only 65% of companies EVER respond to their email, never mind responding within the time they've allowed themselves And just how credible are you when 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of silence have passed? "We usually respond within two business days?" . I think this variation is worse. If 48 hours pass and I haven't gotten a response, I'm not only going to think you can't deliver what you promised in any area of your business, but I might feel personally slighted. After all, if you "usually can," why did you choose not to help me? The lesson: Don't Make Promises Unless you're 100% Sure You Can Keep Them "Thanks for your message about broken website links (an obvious fill in the blank). Here is our FAQ list on how Widgets can change your life through better chemistry?" Do you remember when people got excited by the idea of artificial intelligence and wondered if we would one day need Asimov's Laws of Robotics to protect us. I think we can all breath easy for a little while yet. "Thank you. Your address has been permanently deleted from our database and you will never hear from us again?" The lesson: Don't presume to know why people are responding, or what they want from you. "You're receiving this because you downloaded a free report from my site 279 days ago, but still haven't bought anything?" and you still haven't gotten a clue. "I'm only sharing this secret information with a carefully chosen few like you, EAMIC, because you're such a good friend?" Really? Even though you're greeting me with a string of letters that isn't even close to my name. "Dear Friend?" Yes, I understand that software is a black and white kind of thing and that when it comes to personalization your choices are or , but do you understand that there is a third choice? Don't do it. The lesson: Repeat after me, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." It really is the golden rule of technology use. Personalization is a very powerful sales and marketing tool. When you personalize a business problem, identify a client need, or use it to demonstrate how your product or service will help that particular client's situation, you are using it correctly. Machine generated personalization, on the other hand, fits the very definition of an oxymoron. Email autoresponse messages were invented to apologize for a lack of an immediate personal, human response, not to take its place permanently. Unless all of your message is personal, no one is going to believe it really was written just for them. So why slap them in the face with the fact that it wasn't? The bottom line is this: if you find any messages like these in your current autoresponse setup, rewrite them if you can, or just get rid of them if you can't. Silence is better on your part. Your business reputation is at stake. And where your reputation is at stake, so are your profits. *************** Liz Micik has been an Ordinary Marketer for nearly 25 years, helping companies tell their story to the right people in the right way to sell their products and services. Visit www.ordinarymarketer.com to sign up for the Inside Edge, a free monthly multimedia newsletter, and find out how you can get extraordinary results from marketing you can live with.
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Email Marketing 2005?Do?s & Don?ts Email Marketing 2005?Do's & Don'ts 7 Key Items To Include In Your Email Signature File One of the most important and often overlooked methods of promoting your on line business or service is your email signature file (sometimes called a "sig"). There are two types of signature files, one is the more simple one at the close of each email, the other might be attached to writing or discussion group posts, etc. and is sometimes called a byline. What Is Wrong With Email Marketing? If you are active on the web promoting your products, affiliate programs or services, you probably sense where I'm going with the title of my article. We all put a lot of effort into our internet business. We all have the same hopes and dreams about where our internet business will go. Unfortunately we are all depended on too many variables that have to be just right at the right time. Tips to Bounce-Proof Your Email List Keeping your email lists fresh is critical to the success of your online marketing and e-commerce efforts. In the early days of the Internet, the novelty of web sites and free e-newsletters made acquiring customers online all too easy. With customers signing up in droves to hear your latest offers, there was no need to worry about email address attrition rates or errors during registration. Raid Your Autoresponder Attic For Content Why you need new website content. How To Improve Your Open Rates And Click-Thru Rates In Your Email Campaigns In this article I will give you several tips that can help you in improving your open and click-thru rates. Lesson #3: Capitalize on Your Captures! One of the underlying benefits of smart autoresponders is that you can use your autoresponder for mailing list management. Do You Ponder the Automatic Responder? * The Automatic Responder is generally referred to as an Autoresponder. How?s Your E-mail Etiquette In a fast moving global economy, e-mail offers you the convenience of being able to quickly get your message across to your colleagues or clients at any hour of the day or night. The Internet revolution has had the unintended effect of decreasing the use of oral communication and increasing the importance of text - particularly e-mails - as the primary means of business communication. Employees are no longer writing memos to each other; they are sending e-mails. The Opt-In Secret Everyone knows that in order to be successful online you need build a large (quality) list through some type of Opt-In offer. Three Phases to Email Sensitivity The neurophysiological dynamics of understanding each emailmessage are very complex. From that complexity, three basicphases float to the top that you will want to becomefamiliar with. I like to label these: (1) the associationphase, (2) the connection phase, and (3) the reaction phase.Let us look at each of these, and how the writer and readercan assume a more active role. 10 Tips for Effective Email Sales Letters 1. Write Your Objective - Before you write your sales letter, write down your marketing objective. Is it to generate inquiries about your products? Is it attract subscribers to your ezine? Is it to find a joint venture partner? Having an objective will help you focus your copy. Why Email Marketing Matters According to a study by the Winterberry Group, email marketing brings in $15.50 per dollar spent. This is about 17% more than direct-mail campaigns and 73% more than telemarketing campaigns. In short, email marketing matters and if you're not sending out at least monthly email newsletters to your subscriber base, you should be. The true cost comes from acquiring the prospects and clients, not the three or four hours needed to create a monthly newsletter. Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership. Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter? In my e-mail one day, I received the following message:"Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you." Analysing Autoresponders An autoresponder is an automatic or software-mailing program. Why would you want that? Because whoever you are, you don't have enough time, and an autoresponder will maximise your time potential. The Name Squeeze ? Should You? Shouldn?t You? This is a little "beauty" of an idea if you want to grow a massive list QUICKLY! But some are wary of trying it. They worry it turns customers away. Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program, and not all of them are compatible with the others, messages often ended up looking like nothing but jumbled pieces of nonsense. Besides that, they were boring. Writing Newsletters Online: How to Get it Right A strange thing has been happening to newsletters online. Email Marketing - Building A Mail List Millions of people use their computer everyday as a form of communicating with others by sending messages through email. ![]() |
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