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The Opt-In Secret
Everyone knows that in order to be successful online you need build a large (quality) list through some type of Opt-In offer. You see them now on virtually every site you visit on the internet, some type of form, whether from a pop-up window or directly on the site itself, that is asking for your name and email address in exchange for some type of offer (newsletter, e-course, free chapter etc.) Unfortunately, many web site owners (yes, even the gurus) are not doing everything they can to maximize the number of people who opt-in from their website. In fact, many site's opt-ins may actually be hurting their sales. Here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do with your opt-in offer: ? You should definitely have a pop-up window with an opt-in form. While you may hate pop-ups, the fact is they work. There is even software available that makes it easy to create pop-ups that can not be blocked such as Armand Morin's POPOver Generator. (http://www.money-teacher.com/popovergenerator.htm) ? Of course, you also need to place your opt-in on your web page. However, where you place it is extremely important. Your opt-in should be on the first fold in the upper left hand corner of EVERY page on your site. ? Always give a strong special bonus for people who opt-in. For example, "Sign up for my Teaching Newsletter and receive a free special report: How to Increase Reading Comprehension in the Classroom" ? DO NOT offer a free chapter of your e-book or even a free e-course. You may actually lose sales this way. If you give away a free chapter of your e-book you are giving your customer the opportunity to not buy your book! Same is true with offering an e-course. In both cases you may actually be providing enough free information so that the customer doesn't actually have to buy your product. If nothing else, you are putting off the purchase which only gives the customer more time to not buy your product. Again, what you want to do is capture your customer's email address without giving them a reason to put off buying your product. ? DO offer something that compliments and is related to the product you are selling. For example, it is fairly easy to create a newsletter about your niche market. Your can start by offering a monthly newsletter on tips, articles, Q&As, book reviews, web sites reviews etc. related to your niche market. As you start to feel more comfortable, you can increase your delivery to bi-monthly, and eventually weekly. However, I would stay away from the daily newsletter. A daily newsletter is simply overkill and will decrease the value of the newsletter. Also, daily delivery will make broadcasts of special offers more difficult and less successful. Many will tell you that it doesn't matter too much what your opt-in is, so long as you capture the customer's name/email. That's utter nonsense. Basically, the newsletter gives you a chance to drop in on potential customers for as long as they subscribe to your newsletter without ever distracting the customer away from your product. However, if you are giving away a free chapter of your e-book, or even a 5-day e-course, after the initial follow-up email campaign is over (roughly 1 week), every email you send is simply advertising and your customers will see right through that (maybe even accuse you of spam). As a middle school social studies teacher, I created an e-book on teaching strategies. When I changed my original web site opt-in offer from a free e-book chapter to a free newsletter, I not only increased my list, but also greatly increased the sales of my e-book. Copyright 2004 Adam Waxler About The Author Adam Waxler owns and operates The Money Teacher web site and publishes The Money Teacher's Home Business Tips Newsletter teaching others how to reach online success. To get your free newsletter subscription send a blank email to: newsletter@money-teacher.com or visit our web site at http://www.money-teacher.com
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Email: When You Dont Get a Response The lack of an email response is an issue I have grappled with many times especially since I rely on email as a primary means of communication rather than the phone because of my hearing loss. What?s the Value of an E-mail Address? Although it may not be practical to put a dollar-sign value on an e-mail address there are many financially-savvy reasons to start collecting e-mail addresses if you haven't already begun. If you have, keep reading for a few more tips on e-mail address collection at the end of this article. Should You Be Writing A Newsletter As Part Of Your Online Business? Let's start at the beginning - why do you need a newsletter? Masterful E-mail Marketing There are more than 100 million e-mail users in the United States. Imagine how many of them might need YOUR services or products. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? (Go ahead... dream big!) Use Autoresponders, to Build Relationships In Your Affiliate Marketing It's true that "content is king," but equally important to success in online marketing of any kind is contact. Not just the one time "flash in the pan" type either. You need to form relationships with your potential customers, and maintain it on a day to day basis. Remember, just as with content, good solid contact will get you good solid sales. Using A Simple Idea to Target Your Audience A wonderfully easy and free concept that many people seem to overlook during their online marketing career is the survey. If you are looking for programs to promote or ideas for articles, you really need not look much further than your own opt in list. How Email Etiquette Will Make You More Money through Loyal, Repeat Customers When it comes to gaining and keeping customers, every website is interested in doing everything they possibly can to make this happen. Fortunately, something as easy as e-mail etiquette can make your customers feel appreciated and as a result become loyal and repeat customers. However, there are some tips that you will need to follow in order to implement etiquette into your e-mails and make it work for you. Read the following suggestions and implement them in your e-mail campaign immediately. What is Email Marketing? There are many avenues available for marketing online products. Radios, TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and that big sign on the highway are examples of the traditional marketing approach. Yes, these approaches can work, but then after spending a lot of money it's tough to calculate return on marketing investment. Now these days, there are two effective and low-cost approaches, search engine marketing and Email Marketing. The Gold Is In Your Mailing List Let me ask you a question, "What is the most valuable asset to any Internet Business?" How to Start A Money Making Newsletter Writing and publishing a successful newsletter is perhaps the most competitive of all the different areas of mail order and direct marketing. Confessions Of An Info Junkie I love the Internet! Information about any topic thatpiques my curiosity is just a few clicks away. Ezines onalmost any topic are available to all. Use Permission Based E-Mail Marketing to Promote Your Home Based Business With all the negative Publicity that S.pam is Getting, Permission Based E-mail Marketing is frequently too often overlooked as the Misunderstood step Child of Internet Marketing. Unfortunately Many people confuse Permission Based Opt-In E-Mail Marketing with that Ugly 4 Letter S-Word S.Pam. Guideline to Hiring an Email Marketing Company A common practice in today's e-commerce environment is to use email marketing campaigns to launch advertising initiatives for products and services offered online. Since 2003, CAN-SPAM laws were enacted to protect consumers from abusive spammers and email marketing exploits have been harnessed. Once again, email campaigns are a viable marketing tool in the e-commerce world. Personalizing Your Emails? An Amazing Technique That Doubles Your Click Throughs And Profits Are you publishing an ezine or offering an email course? Are you talking with your subscriber through your ezine or email course? If so what are you calling them? Website Promotion Through Newsletters Website promotion is certainly a main focus of all business owners and their respective Web sites; however it is not something that happens overnight. This is because once you have a new Web site it takes a bit of time before search engines upload your URL and it becomes part of search results. Also, while your Web page might be returned in the results of free search engines, it will still not relate to the amount of traffic you want. As a result, there is one particular way to increase traffic to your Web site that is inexpensive, and that is web site promotion through newsletters. Why Autoresponders are an Absolute Must With autoresponders, you never have to lose money advertising again! That's right, every ad you place from now on can be a winner -- even when you lose money! Are Autoresponders An Important Asset To Your Business? Autoresponders are an important asset to an Internet Marketer. When I heard that statement, I said, "Okay ? great! What is it!" For all those new to the Internet arena, I'll try to explain what autoresponders are, how they can be used, and how it can benefit your online business. Realtors ? Is Your Newsletter Increasing Sales? If you are a REALTOR focused on residential sales who distributes a monthly email newsletter, ask yourself: "Is my distribution list growing?" And more importantly, "Is my newsletter accomplishing what I wish it to?" Why Use Permission-Based Email Marketing? The goal of all marketing is to attract interest in, build desire for, and generate sales of your products or services. Email marketing is a perfect medium to pick up where other marketing leaves off. Email marketing is still one of the most cost effective ways to contact prospects and customers. It's far cheaper than traditional bulk postage mail and in many cases can have a much larger impact on immediate sales and long-term relationship strength than traditional advertising. How To Use a Message Sequence to Increase Your Sales If there's one thing I've learnt in over 3 years ofweb marketing, it is this: you *must* follow up withyour visitors. ![]() |
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