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How?s Your E-mail Etiquette
In a fast moving global economy, e-mail offers you the convenience of being able to quickly get your message across to your colleagues or clients at any hour of the day or night. The Internet revolution has had the unintended effect of decreasing the use of oral communication and increasing the importance of text - particularly e-mails - as the primary means of business communication. Employees are no longer writing memos to each other; they are sending e-mails. But are we taking e-mails as seriously as our other business correspondence? Remember, your correspondence says a lot about you, and E-mail etiquette (also called netiquette) not only makes for effective professional communication, but also helps you build a good professional image within your organisation and with clients. Mind Your Manners Be conversant with the fact that there are some people who are very sensitive to being addressed by their first names. When in doubt, use Mr., Ms., Sir, Madam or Dr. (if appropriate). When you are replying to an e-mail and the sender of the original message has used his or her first name only, then you could safely assume it's all right to use that person's first name as well. Next, there are three words in the dictionary that are very important to netiquette. People may not notice these words when they're there, but if you forget to use them, you'll come across looking disrespectful and ungrateful. These very powerful words are "Please" and "Thank You". Don't Use That Tone With Me Tone is a difficult thing to explain. Remember when your parents would say "Don't use that tone of voice with me, young lady (or young man)?" Your feelings come across by the way you say something. It is easy to change your tone when you're speaking. When you're writing it's very hard to do so. Whenever you write an e-mail, you should read your message over several times before you hit send. Make sure that you come across as respectful, friendly, and approachable. And don't sound curt or demanding. Sometimes just rearranging your paragraphs will help. If you're writing to someone you've communicated with before, you might want to begin by saying "I hope you are well." E-mail writers often use emoticons to convey a certain tone. For those of you who don't know what these are, emoticons are little faces made up by arranging parentheses, colons, and semi-colons. Use good judgement here. If you are writing to someone frequently and share an informal relationship, then emoticons are okay. If you're writing to a prospective client or your boss, stick to words only. Avoid writing your message using all uppercase letters. It looks like you're shouting. And Your Point Would Be...? When possible, don't ramble. Be concise and get to your point as quickly as you can. However, don't leave out necessary details. If providing a lot of background information will help the recipient answer your query, by all means, include it. You may even want to apologize for being so verbose at the beginning of the message. Plz Don't Abbrvt. Never ever use U instead of you, 2 instead of to or too, plz instead of please, and thanx instead of thanks. It's fine for personal e-mails. Business e-mails should be more formal. Of course, frequently used abbreviations such as Mr. and Ms., FYI (for your information), inc., and etc. are fine. Spelling Counts... Grammar Too Use your spell checker. That's what it's for. Don't rely entirely on the spell checker though. If you're using the wrong spelling for a particular use of a word, i.e. two vs. to vs. too, the spell checker won't pick it up. A minor typographical error in a lengthy e-mail will generally go unnoticed, but a series of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors will indicate a lack of professionalism and has the potential to cost you business or maybe even your job. Use A Descriptive Subject Line Always use a subject line in your e-mails. Make sure the subject line is brief, but descriptive. Make an effort to keep your subject line to six or fewer words. The subject line is supposed to be brief and summarize the message, and not become the whole e-mail content. You can summarize the action item of e-mail in the subject line e.g., "Tues. meeting canceled." Keep Check On Numbers Be conservative about who you send your e-mails to. Only send it to those who are directly affected by the issue in question. Ask yourself, is this information useful to this person? Is this level of detail appropriate for this person, or should I send them a summary when everyone's input is gathered and we have come to a conclusion? Send the e-mail "To" the person or people that you are asking for an answer or action, and be specific about what you are asking of whom. Send a courtesy copy (cc) to those who need to be aware of the request but are not asked to act upon it or respond to it. Double check that you have properly attached documents to avoid sending a second message. Check messages frequently - at least three times a day. Immediately respond, delete, forward, or save to a folder as appropriate. The more you leave messages sitting in your Inbox, the bigger the chore to gain control again. It is also easy to lose track of an important action item, or message, if you do not keep it organised. Just like any other type of written message, be aware that it could be forwarded to others or saved indefinitely. Be prudent in what you decide to write in an e-mail. Include a signature of no more than four lines. Your signature should provide the recipient with a means to contact you other than e-mail, and should mention your designation, company name etc. For internal communication, it is not necessary to always produce highly organised and precisely worded e-mails. However, etiquette is not totally abandoned in internal communication, particularly when it comes to professional courtesy. Make A Good First Impression Though e-mails are less intrusive than a phone call and faster than a letter, first impressions are as important here as any other business communication tool. An e-mail may be your introduction to someone you never met before like a prospective client or new boss or colleague or even a prospective employer. Take your time putting together a well-written message. Once you hit the send button you won't have another chance. Rajat Rajwansh
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8 Tips to Increase Response in Email Opt in email marketing is no different than normal direct marketing in that small simple changes will increase your response and success. These tips will help with both plain text and html email: The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis. Unless you continually follow up with clients and prospects, they'll soon forget about you. But imagine calling or writing each and every one of your clients and prospects every week! That would be nearly impossible to pull off. Well, an e-zine achieves the same goal - keeping you on their "radar screens," but in an unobtrusive way. This constant contact makes these folks more likely to think of YOU - not someone they heard about yesterday - when they need to hire a coach. An e-zine allows you to effortlessly SPREAD THE WORD about you and your business. If you write a decent e-zine, your readers will be very likely to pass it on to friends and colleagues. Remember that old shampoo commercial that went, "And I told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on..."? That principle - clients passing on the word about your product or service - is called "viral marketing" these days. Most publishers begin with only a few dozen subscribers who are their clients and associates. But after several months, you can have thousands of readers on your list - thanks to viral marketing mixed with some promotional legwork. An e-zine is a CREDIBLE and SUBTLE way to promote your services or products. Instead of simply *saying* how great your business is, an e-zine lets you *show* how great you are by sharing your expertise through tips or client stories. (As my old journalism professor used to say, "Show me, don't just tell me!") You're avoiding simple bragging, and are instead offering useful information that demonstrates your knowledge. Bravo! Publishing an e-zine positions you as an EXPERT in your field. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you're likely to attract more and better clients. And by sharing what you know well, you're saying, "Hey, I know my stuff! I'm an expert." If you make a living by providing a service, you're an expert in your own right. If you're still uncomfortable with that term, try on the word resource." (Okay, feel better?) An e-zine is the ideal way to CAPTURE the e-mail addresses of your WEB VISITORS. If I visit your site today but aren't ready to buy from you today, you've likely lost me forever when I click away. BUT if you invite me to sign up for your free newsletter that features helpful information on the topic at hand, I'll be happy to sign up. NOW you've got me to market to, over and over, as long as you continue to give me the practical content you promised. This is especially powerful because statistics show that consumers don't usually purchase a product or service until after they've seen multiple messages about it. An e-zine is CHEAP and EASY to publish - especially compared with a print newsletter. If you were to produce and mail a snazzy-looking *printed* newsletter, you could easily spend thousands of dollars each year. But an e-zine is essentially FREE to put together and publish - it just takes a bit of your time. And you can make it as long or short as you'd like. (Some of the best e-zines I get feature only one tip per issue and are less than one computer screen long.) For best results, keep it simple! The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs Ever wondered what it would be like to have a goose that laysgolden eggs? Well, if you thought such stuff happens only infairy tales, think again! Autoresponder Services Improve Your Profits Perhaps you, like me, have web hosting that includes, freeof any extra charge, unlimited autoresponders. That beingthe case, you might be inclined to balk at any suggestion to start paying for them. Heres Why You Dont NEED a Blog The word "blog" seems to be everywhere, and what an ugly word it is! Why Are People Cheesed Off With the Internet? Having been connected to the "net" now for about eight years I can't help but notice the amount of deception that goes on. And it seems to be getting worse. It has got to the point where almost everything you read has to be viewed with a healthy degree of suspicion. Masterful E-mail Marketing There are more than 100 million e-mail users in the United States. Imagine how many of them might need YOUR services or products. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? (Go ahead... dream big!) Writing Newsletters Online: How to Get it Right A strange thing has been happening to newsletters online. Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership. 4 Steps To 1,000.. 2,000..3,000 Subscribers In Days! Everyone who has been marketing online for sometime already know the value of an email list. An email list, filled with targeted subscribers who opt in, is the most valuable asset for anyone with an online business. If you are not building an email list, then you need to start building one right now. How to Start A Money Making Newsletter Writing and publishing a successful newsletter is perhaps the most competitive of all the different areas of mail order and direct marketing. Choose The Right Business For You In Less Than 15 Minutes 3 Characteristics Of "The Right Business" Model The Magic Of Email These days email is taken for granted and used perhapswithout fully appreciating its power. 7 Ways Email Can End Your Business Relationships Before They Start Too often, people forget they're anonymous in the internet world. Your friends and colleagues might know you as being a tireless worker, a great friend and loving parent, but I don't know that. To me, you're just a font. You're a font in an email, or in a forum post. If you give me access to your website, then you're whatever impression the website creates. But largely, you're anonymous. So if you want to establish trust in your internet business dealings, make it your goal to paint a professional image via email. Six Tips for Nonprofit E-mail Success An opt-in e-newsletter is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use because it is fast, personal, and inexpensive. Many small businesses are using e-mail newsletters to introduce themselves to new customers and to communicate with existing ones. By sending useful information on a regular basis, you maintain continuous contact without being annoying. In addition, an e-mail newsletter can enhance your credibility and increase sales. How Autoresonders Can Put Your Business On Autopilot Owning your own online business is a lot of work.Don't let anyone tell you that it's not. NCOA for Email - Is Your Email Address List Clean and Up-To-Date? Introduction How To Create Gold With Email Promotions - Part 1 First make sure that the people you are sending your offer to are actually interested in what you are offering. The Power of a Referral Script The key to the success of e-commerce is in the combination of the power of viral marketing, permission marketing and one to one marketing. Using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) For Email Privacy Need for Privacy ![]() |
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