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Why You Need Run Survey
Do you have a list of e-mail addresses of your customers or prospects? Do you have a list of e-zine subscribers? If you have their permission, send them an e-mail survey to conduct market research. See if customers are satisfied with your products or services, or see if they enjoyed their visit at your web site. You can learn things you didn't know about your business by surveying. Maybe your customers buy your main product just to get the free gifts. Your visitors may think it's to hard to navigate through your web site. You may find out that most of your customers make over $100,000 a year. By knowing this type of important information you can improve your web site, products/services, advertising, and marketing. 3 Popular Types Online Business Surveys Customer Satisfaction Surveys - what did you like or dislike about our product or service, what can we improve or add, how satisfied are you with our customer service, etc. Web Site Feedback Surveys - did you find it to easy navigate through our site, did you find the information you wanted, what did you like or dislike about the site, how did you find our site, etc. Demographic Surveys - what's your gender, age, income, occupation, marital status, etc. Sometimes people don't want to take the time to fill out a survey. To encourage them to fill out the survey offer them a freebie if they fill it out. Some ideas are free ebooks, free advertising, free reports, free internet services or a free e-zine. Hold a free online contest or sweepstakes and ask visitors to fill out a survey before they enter. If you don't yet have an e-mail address list you could post your survey on appropriate newsgroups, forums and e-mail discussion lists. You could also upload survey software to your web site or use a free survey service on the internet. To find such services just type in the keyword "survey" in your search engine of choice. ---------------------------------------------------------
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Does Punctuation Really Matter in Email? So much depends on choosing the correct mark of punctuation at the correct time. Each little period, each hyphen, each dash conveys meaning to the reader. And when the conventions of punctuation are ignored, readers tend to become confused. As I teach every single one of my clients, the point of all business writing is clarity. If a document--whether email, letter, memo, or report--isn't clear, no business is going to get done. Period. How to Deal With Rude E-mailers Rude and crass e-mail seems to be at an all time high. E-mails blurting out demands or questions without the courtesy of a decent subject field or a thank you to follow. Questions or requests that are demanding a reply without the courtesy of a hello, or a closing that notes their name. What A Newsletter Can Do For Your Business Newsletters are often thought of as easy, do-it-yourself communications projects. The reality is different?and that can be discouraging. What?s the Value of an E-mail Address? Although it may not be practical to put a dollar-sign value on an e-mail address there are many financially-savvy reasons to start collecting e-mail addresses if you haven't already begun. If you have, keep reading for a few more tips on e-mail address collection at the end of this article. Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter? In my e-mail one day, I received the following message:"Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you." Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership. Summary of Adestras Presentation on Best Practice EZines at the July NEPA Conference At the recent Online Marketing Show, Adestra ran an email clinic. Attendees spent time with an Adestra expert who provided feedback and useful advice about how they could improve their campaigns. Top 10 Business E-Mail Basics When it comes to your business e-mail communications, you need to make an impression that can lend to the determination that you are someone that will be a pleasure to do business with. Are Opt-in Email Lists Still Valuable in this SPAM Age? One of the things that the introduction of blogs has done is to cause an exodus of sorts from email newsletters or ezines to online publishers simply publishing the information on their blogs. The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis. Unless you continually follow up with clients and prospects, they'll soon forget about you. But imagine calling or writing each and every one of your clients and prospects every week! That would be nearly impossible to pull off. Well, an e-zine achieves the same goal - keeping you on their "radar screens," but in an unobtrusive way. This constant contact makes these folks more likely to think of YOU - not someone they heard about yesterday - when they need to hire a coach. An e-zine allows you to effortlessly SPREAD THE WORD about you and your business. If you write a decent e-zine, your readers will be very likely to pass it on to friends and colleagues. Remember that old shampoo commercial that went, "And I told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on..."? That principle - clients passing on the word about your product or service - is called "viral marketing" these days. Most publishers begin with only a few dozen subscribers who are their clients and associates. But after several months, you can have thousands of readers on your list - thanks to viral marketing mixed with some promotional legwork. An e-zine is a CREDIBLE and SUBTLE way to promote your services or products. Instead of simply *saying* how great your business is, an e-zine lets you *show* how great you are by sharing your expertise through tips or client stories. (As my old journalism professor used to say, "Show me, don't just tell me!") You're avoiding simple bragging, and are instead offering useful information that demonstrates your knowledge. Bravo! Publishing an e-zine positions you as an EXPERT in your field. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you're likely to attract more and better clients. And by sharing what you know well, you're saying, "Hey, I know my stuff! I'm an expert." If you make a living by providing a service, you're an expert in your own right. If you're still uncomfortable with that term, try on the word resource." (Okay, feel better?) An e-zine is the ideal way to CAPTURE the e-mail addresses of your WEB VISITORS. If I visit your site today but aren't ready to buy from you today, you've likely lost me forever when I click away. BUT if you invite me to sign up for your free newsletter that features helpful information on the topic at hand, I'll be happy to sign up. NOW you've got me to market to, over and over, as long as you continue to give me the practical content you promised. This is especially powerful because statistics show that consumers don't usually purchase a product or service until after they've seen multiple messages about it. An e-zine is CHEAP and EASY to publish - especially compared with a print newsletter. If you were to produce and mail a snazzy-looking *printed* newsletter, you could easily spend thousands of dollars each year. But an e-zine is essentially FREE to put together and publish - it just takes a bit of your time. And you can make it as long or short as you'd like. (Some of the best e-zines I get feature only one tip per issue and are less than one computer screen long.) For best results, keep it simple! Its In The List! Thats Where It Is! Have you noticed the marketing frenzy? Have you felt thegrowing pains? Everyone who has an online business seems tobe getting in the marketing fray, making it a busy and verycompetitive field. If you're one of them, you're probablyon a whirlwind ride. Marketers are looking high and low forthe most profitable ways to spend their hard earned moneyto keep their online business in the red. A Little Secret That Produces BIG Results What if I told you that with each passing day, you are losing dozens of subscribers to your newsletter? As you read this, you are probably losing potential customers, and taking money right out of your own pocket. Spam Check Your Newsletter for FREE Spam is a bigger and bigger problem nowadays. Recently Ralph Wilson, Paul Myers, and other Internet marketing gurus have written about the problems that spam is causing honest, hard working Internet marketers. Automatic Responder - The Secret of Super Affiliates Success Congratulations, you just made a sale! To Get Your Email To Stand Out From All The Junk We know that email marketing is a cheap method to reach our customers, prospects and subscribers. However, the increasing amount of unsolicited commercial email is clogging up the inboxes of everyone. Dirty Secrets Of Co-Registration Email Lists Years ago, I listened to Internet marketing "gurus" share that they had lists in the hundreds of thousands, and I wasall ears. Up to that point, I had not managed to get my listsabove 60,000 (after many years of consistently working at it). Viral Marketing with Your Signature File Computer viruses are usually a bad thing. They can compromise your security, delete necessary files, and give your PC trouble. Viruses reak havoc quickly often because they are forwarded via email and eventually reach thousands of computers. Converting More Free Downloads to Paid Customers Do you give web site visitors the opportunity to download a free trial of your product or service with the intention that they will come back and purchase? How are you following up with these visitors? Asking them to fill out a form and immediately giving them the download on the next page is not the best way to generate a quality opt-in list. Collecting accurate opt-in information from these visitors is essential to follow up education and making the sale. Email: When You Dont Get a Response The lack of an email response is an issue I have grappled with many times especially since I rely on email as a primary means of communication rather than the phone because of my hearing loss. The 12 Most Common Newsletter Design Mistakes Your newsletter's success depends on its design. An attractive, easy to read newsletter encourages readers to pay attention to your message. However, cluttered, hard to read newsletters discourage readership ? no matter how good the ideas contained inside. ![]() |
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