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Article Writing Information

So You Want to Be an Author - These Are the Easiest Types of Articles in the World to Write

Being an Internet Article Author is far and away the best way to get noticed quickly by the Big 3 Search Engines. Anyone can Create Enumerated List Articles. Here are 7 Steps explaining how to create an Enumerated List Article.

Every Writers Dilemma: How Do You Decide What to Write About?

The sources of inspiration are all around us, in the headlines of the daily newspaper, in conversations, and listening to what questions people are asking. But how do you find those little inspirations that cause the flood gates of creativity to open wide?

Article Marketing Keyword Parrots and Linking Fanatics in Web Content

It's stunning sometimes how far article marketing has comeover the last few years as an effective means of promotingbusiness through educational articles. But precisely becauseit is so useful to online business, it is getting perverted byoverzealous marketers. Some are using software that "Blastsyour Article to 10,000 ezine publishers!" and others are simplySEO copywriters who write horrible so-called articlesdisguised as keyword lists parroting repetitive keywordphrases 15 to 20 times in a 700 word article. Some submittheir article perversions for their clients or even to benefittheir own Adsense filled sites.

Promoting Your Affiliate Programs with Articles

If you are not creating articles for your website and your affiliate programs, you should. Why? Even though it may seem like a lot of work, and it may take you time to build -- articles add a valuable commodity to your site -- content. And my friend, the search engines and people alike are always on the lookout for good content.

Four Article Marketing Secrets to Boost Your Internet Home Business Profits

Many internet home business owners today have learnt that one of the best ways to promote an internet home business today is through writing and submission of articles online. This is because your articles get placed on high traffic websites and in turn people click your link in your signature line to your internet home business website.

Branding, Control, and Results - Submit Articles in Your Own Name

Article distribution is currently booming on the internet.Authors do it for a number of reasons: It is a good way to be picked up by the search engines.The backlinks from your resource box can help your searchengine position.You have the possibility of secondary traffic if yourarticle is picked up by a popular website or ezine.Various products and services have become available thathelp you distribute your articles to the 100s of articledirectories and mailing lists.

Re-fresh, Re-hash, Re-write

You are running out of ideas, you sit down in front of your computer and stareat the blank screen with a blank mind.

Resource Box Rules: Winning Tactics

Lets face it people use articles to send traffic to theirwebsites. But if their resource box is lousy and not wordedright they will get minimal, if any traffic. Thats a fact."So," you ask, "what kind of resource box do I need?"You need a resource box that is attention grabbing, heartstopping, world jolting.... Okay, so maybe thats a wee bit of anexaggeration!What you really need is a resource box that is short and snappy thatasks or tells your prospective customer to take action.You shouldn't make your resource box (also called an Author's Bio,About The Author, etc...) very long. You don't want to bore yourreader with all the details of your writing career.Sorry to sound so harsh but on the internet people want to beentertained and enlightened. They will only read whatinterests them.If your article is informative and page scrolling (as opposed to pageturning) then you will get a lot of people to read it, but if youlose them at the start or halfway through your resource box, youwon't be able to convert them into traffic or buyers. Why??Simply because they will never reach any link you provide them with,they will close the page and go on to read a different article.You can't afford to let this happen!So here's what you do about it. You keep your resource box ata maximum of 5 lines long. You tell them to visit your site for moreinformation on that subject or to opt in for their free newsletter orreport.You give them an action to take. Because as surely as you aren'tspecific about what it is that you want them to do next, theydefinitely won't do what you want them to.So unless your resource box grabs them with the same intensity asyour article you can kiss those prospective buyers goodbye!Another common mistake made by newbie writers is to not make theirwebsite link an active one. This can happen when you just, instead of putting, or whateverthe full address is.In most cases people are not going to bother to take the time to copyand paste an inactive link to visit your site.So again make sure as much as you can that your link is working. It'strue that some article databases don't provide this feature, but themajority of the article databases do.Try going to the article site you posted your article on, as abrowser instead of logging into your writer's account. Find yourarticle and test the link in your resource box to see if itworks.In conclusion I guess the best way to show you what I mean is to givean example. So be sure to read my resource box below ;-)

8 Sources To Research Awesome Article Topics

Writing articles is by far the most effective online promotion strategy I?ve come across. If you can write good, readable, original content, you can easily put yourself far ahead of the pack in your field of interest.

Six Whys of Writing

You pick a pen, grab a piece of paper and scribble?or, nowadays, turn on your PC, go to MSWord, exhaust your fingers on the keyboard?and you?re done?instant article! That easy, and you?re an instant celebrity.

9 Top Ways To Get Ideas For Your Next High Quality Article

Thanks to recent information that leaked by Google within their US Patent Application 20050071741, we now know that quality content and incoming links are essential to the survival of your website within the search engines.

Do Free Articles Work?

Take a look around the Web and you?ll find thousands upon thousand of articles, every one of them appearing on any number of websites. These are known as ?free re-print articles?. Free articles are used to promote business, whether the writer?s own business, or the business of the website on which they?re used.

8 Surefire Methods to Create an Article Title That Will Get Your Article Read More Often

Often all the Web Surfer will see is your title, Your Title will determine if your article gets read or not. You can use these techniques together or in combination to get your articles read.

Why Article Writing is Increasingly Important in This SPAM Era

There is no doubt that Spam has affected online business in a very big and negative way. So serious is the Spam problem today that many ISP filters will routinely reject and filter out messages you need from clients and business associates. Many times even email sites are trying to control ever rising Spam volumes. Many times this makes even genuine communication via email very difficult. Just try sending mail from Yahoo to AOL and you will get an idea of what I am trying to say here. Even sending out email newsletters or ezines, which are a very important online marketing tool, can be quite a challenge these days. Not to mention safe lists that are mostly a nightmare of bounced or unread emails. Out of the volumes sent, only a tiny fraction ever gets opened, let alone read. The result is that online marketing experts have been forced to look for other options and tools to help them meet their online business objectives.

How An Online Writer Can Easily Self-publish Their Way To A Fortune

Online writing is really self-publishing made easier and potentially much more lucrative with much less cost and investment to be made. But what is self-publishing and what does it have to do with online writing?

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