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Article Marketing Keyword Parrots and Linking Fanatics in Web Content

It's stunning sometimes how far article marketing has comeover the last few years as an effective means of promotingbusiness through educational articles. But precisely becauseit is so useful to online business, it is getting perverted byoverzealous marketers. Some are using software that "Blastsyour Article to 10,000 ezine publishers!" and others are simplySEO copywriters who write horrible so-called articlesdisguised as keyword lists parroting repetitive keywordphrases 15 to 20 times in a 700 word article. Some submittheir article perversions for their clients or even to benefittheir own Adsense filled sites.

Other article marketing perversions include a sort of"advertorial" article, clearly written by copywriters, purelyfor promotion of client interests, in deceptive testimonialform to sell a service, software or product and gain links toclient sites. Some using this technique loudly proclaim aservice as though they just discovered it themselves when asimple search for their name beside the product they recently"discovered" shows that they have been hired wordsmiths forthe newly "discovered" company for several years.

Further web content and article marketing perversions includethe submission of press releases disguised as articles byclueless PR people who have little to no understanding ofarticle marketing. They submit their client releases toarticle distribution services and article archives mindlesslywithout even attempting to change the distinctive form of apress release into something resembling an educationalarticle. They even include the outdated -30- or ### whichsignifies the end of a press release.

As an online marketer myself, I've written and distributedpress releases through appropriate PR forums such as PRWeb andthe like for clients. They are used as one means of gainingvisibility and exposure for online businesses. Sometimes we dorewrite them as articles and distribute those through articledistribution channels if they can actually be adapted to asemi-instructional or entertaining form of web content. Thestandard journalistic five W's are entirely out of place inarticle marketing. The factual reporting must be converted toan educational "how-to" format or a form of instructional andentertaining short article.

Next among web content clueless come the newbies who have beentold that article marketing is useful for gaining links. Oftenthese newbies will include a half dozen of their own URL'swithout the http:// portion - unaware that web contentmanagement software will NOT turn those web addresses intoclickable links and losing the value of those links whereverthe do manage to get published. These dummies fill the articlewith links to their own sites and affiliate program orad-tracking redirect links, very nearly turning the articleinto a directory menu of their own site in the hopes ofgaining multiple links from a single article.

Just one thing stands in the way of that silly expectation ofeasy link popularity - NOBODY will publish the article exceptthose worthless Adsense filled automated sites which blindlypublish EVERYTHING distributed through some freebie articledistribution lists. Those links will do the author very littlegood coming from worthless, poorly ranked sites. That is ifthe distribution list will even publish that type of blatantlyself serving article. Most article sites refuse to accept anddistribute articles with self-referencing links within thearticle body and say so clearly in their guidelines forsubmission.

But then - Keyword Parrots, PR shills and linking fanaticsdon't read web content article submission guidelines.

Copyright © August 12, 2005

Mike Banks Valentine operates http://Publish101.comFree Web Content Distribution for Article Marketers andProvides content aggregation, press release optimizationand custom web content for Search Engine Positioning


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