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Article Writing Information

Seecrets on Website Promotion: The Hard Truths on Writing Free-reprint Articles

This author started with a clean website and wrote 5 articles in as many weeks. There is nothing else.

Articles That Sizzle - Top Ten Topics

There's one key rule that every writer should understand before sitting down to write an article and that's "know your audience".

1 Powerful Strategy To Craft Your Article For Maximum Readership

Do you know one of the most powerful marketing techniques to getfree publicity? It does not involve any optimization for thesearch engines or any bidding for the pay per clicks. The answeris that simple and it's called article writing.

Website Promotion ? Where to Get Ideas for Writing Articles

Some six weeks ago, I began writing and submitting articles to free content sites in order to promote the six commercial Websites I own. The results have been both swift and dramatic, and the number of links from external Websites to my own Websites has increased from nearly nothing to more than 10,000 in a little more than a month. These results have inspired me to write more articles, and as I own six different Websites, I have six different topics to choose from. Still, my ideas occasionally run dry and that certainly happens to others who write articles for their own Websites. Writing and submitting articles on a regular basis does a lot for promoting your Websites, but where can you find more ideas for articles when you run out?

Copywriters and Article Marketing: What Should You Write?

So you've decided to market your home-based copywriting business through article writing. Fantastic! Now comes the hard part: narrowing it down to a topic. What the heck are you going to say in your article?

Article Marketing: What Is It and How Can I Use it to Grow My Business?

Ever read one of those web articles written by an internet marketing expert? They're really helpful, aren't they. You can learn a ton about how to be a successful web marketer just from surfing the net and reading articles. And it's funny... you keep seeing the same author names pop up over and over, too! But did you ever consider that YOU can write web articles and use them to help grow your business? YOU can become one of these internet guru people just from writing articles!

Article Writing: 5 Tips on How to Pull and Hold the Reader

Okay, so you're getting a feel for this article marketing thing. Cool. Now you must write articles that will engage your reader and hold their attention all the way through, as opposed to "click and flee." Have you ever clicked and fled? This is what happens when your eyes are weary of the internet information overload. You click on an article that's so copy-heavy, it makes your brain groan from the pain. You do not want this to happen to someone who is reading YOUR stuff, so don't barrage them with words. Here are 5 tips to help you create articles that are super-tight and outta sight!

Articles and Internet Branding: 5 Steps to Success

Are you ready to become an internet marketing expert? Are you ready for a massive conversion rate plus unlimited residual streams of income for your web-based business? Excellent! I'm here to focus your mind on the job at hand. Today you will learn how article marketing is the means to the end, and that end is PROFIT.

Article Writing Dos and Donts

Still following along on the Copywriter's Crash Course in article marketing? Ahh, I'm so pleased! With any luck, you'll be an article-writing machine by tomorrow. But before you being submitting articles on the web as a brand-building strategy, keep the following Do's and Don'ts in mind.

Leverage the Power of Article Marketing

Now that you know the secrets to writing great articles, it's time to power up the article writing ladder of success. Web articles will definitely will help build your reputation as an expert, but it takes time and patience. Following are some ways to track your progress and get the most article bang for your buck.

Consultants - Writing Articles for the Internet Blankets the World with Your Expertise and Style

A Consultant could be an expert about absolutely anything.

Write What You Think Youre Writing

You?ve written this wonderful (no question about it) piece of work. It?s the greatest thing since tealeaves were invented. The more you read it the more you admire your own genius.

Writing Articles for the Search Engines

This is precisely what I am doing here today (and every other day in my life)! I am writing to share my experience and hopefully, my knowledge and information can help some others who are in need of such information and advice. Writing is a very powerful way to connect with people and we can use it to not only share information but promote ourselves.

Article Marketing for Real Writers: Launch Your Freelance Career!

Looking to build your freelance writing career but don't know where to begin? Maybe I can help.

Thinking in Articles

I have a confession to make.

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