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The Role of the Spiritual Warrior
What power do we hold individually in the midst of the havoc being wreaked upon our world? What steps can we take regarding the anxiety people feel all across the nation? All these questions bring me to one answer and one answer only- to hold clear to our individual light and radiate peace to all of humanity and the planet. We are powerful individuals. When combined together, we hold the key to our future on the Earth. We have the ability to shift the energetic structure of the planet. When enough individuals hold the same intention, prayer and thoughts of peace for all, then it brings a very powerful energy into being- the power of LOVE. We have been taught in metaphysical teachings that there exist only two emotions- Love and Fear. All other emotions are simply derivatives of these two original emotions. When feeling anything other than love, or its derivatives of peace, joy, harmony and pleasure, then fear reigns. Fear has been described as the absence of love. All energy begins with love. These unsettled times of fear that continue to be pushed to the forefront by the media and individuals seeking false power and attention while bordering on fanaticism are challenging for us all. Remember that it is always a choice to be caught up in the fear, or stand on the sidelines experiencing love and simply witnessing the fear as it flows by. Being a witness to fear instead of an active participant is the first step to holding love within your heart. As you observe others in fear, you choose to only observe. This action keeps the fear from being fed. A witness does not add fuel to the fear, but holds compassion in their heart and shines that light of love into the darkness of the fear. Compassion is love combined with forgiveness. Can you find love within your heart for others that are trapped within their own cycle of destruction? If you can, you are beginning to understand the path of the witness. The role of the witness must be understood as a precursor to being initiated as a Spiritual Warrior. The Spiritual Warrior seeks peace for humanity by radiating love. Keeping peace, love and harmony for all as your focus, the Spiritual Warrior does not do battle. The Spiritual Warrior changes the outcome of the battle that is being fought externally by allowing his/her inner awareness, light and power to beam out into the heart of the darkness, shining light into the otherwise empty space where love once lived. Remember that fear is simply the absence of love. What steps are you willing to take to change the world? Open your heart to other possibilities. Can you envision yourself as a Spiritual Warrior? Look into your heart and allow the truth to emerge. You may find that you have always been a Spiritual Warrior looking for an opportunity to radiate. © 2003 Jodie Foster Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their everyday lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at http://www.illuminationsnetwork.com for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at: http://intuitiveinnovations.blogspot.com. Publisher's Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact. Author would appreciate a notification, but that is optional.
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Looking Back With A Pained Expression Anyone who tells you that the path to self-actualization is an easy one has never walked it. Along the way, we meet - head on! - the skeletons in our personal closets, and the process of coming to terms with our past and al that it brought into our lives is a long and solitary one. It's such a dark and lonely space that many people give up the journey, deciding that the "present moment self" - as imperfect as it may be! - will just have to suffice in this lifetime. 6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray Ok, let's start with the amazing story ofRobbie and how a little-known scripture in the bookof Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!! Abandon Religion Why Abandon Religion? Living Powerfully in the Present Moment The time we spend on earth is very short when you consider the scope of the universe. Often, we don't see the big picture and get lost in the details. What is our purpose in the few years we have? It is to become a living embodiment of spirit while we are here. We must learn to express spirit through our actions, emotions, relationships, and in the work we do, which can be anything from loving our children to being a bank teller. We're supposed to nurture each other, love the planet that provides us sustenance, evolve our soul in the process, then go home, perhaps to try another version at some later date. There's no singular instruction manual for this type of big picture thinking ? to a large degree, we make it up as we go along. Remember, being born is like standing at the end of a big river and jumping into an already moving stream of people and events, all colored by the past ? the past others have left behind, but mostly the past we create during our stay. The past is important because we learn from it. It helps us navigate through our current choices in order to evolve our soul. We're in soul school the minute we hit the ground until we cross over, coursework made possible by the enriching, and sometime challenging conditions we have chosen. We chart a learning program well before we get here, a structure that includes our parents, our gender, and circumstances that will provide us with the greatest opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, resulting in true-self-empowerment. Where we get into trouble is giving up our freedom to make new choices within that structure based upon the present, especially when we replay old, outdated messages given to us by others that solidify our belief system about who we are. Negative programming results, or the way we automatically approach present day circumstances, with a "can't do" attitude. Negative programs limit our vision, preventing us from feeling empowered about what we can accomplish in life. Such negative thought patterns from the past deplete our energy reserves ? diminishing our ability to make a difference in the lives of others today. Have any of these ideas become part of your present experiences?You can't do that, girls just don't do that?You have to make me happy, I sacrificed everything for you?This family comes first, not you?You don't deserve to be loved?I'm poor but good?The world is a terrible place?You'll fail/get hurt/be taken advantage of so don't try?I don't have to apologize because I'm the parent?You make enough mistakes and you'll learn how hard life is?I believe we set a mental agenda everyday, and what we see in our world, and our personal lives, is a result of what we think. If you aren't getting what you want out of life, then you must create a mental discipline that replaces a negative belief system with one of hope, appreciation of the past, and a decisive statement of what you see happening in the present. The present is what matters.?Changing a mental outlook takes discipline. In our culture we are taught to plan for disaster, be prepared, and anticipate what might be coming around the bend. It involves releasing outdated ideas and replacing them with ideas of what you want in the present moment, and accept it as already happening. ?How many of you have heard "life is hard, a daily struggle, life is tough." How about "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything?" I am of the opinion that if you don't have excellent health, yes, things might be fairly bleak, but there still is an awful lot of life to be had. Life, in terms of our exchange with others, has many meanings but often we've got the definition backwards. Life isn't all about taking it in. It's mostly about what you give out. ?Write a daily affirmation that encourages you to look inward and unseat old messages. Ask yourself, "What blocks my ability to overcome and mend? Am I fearful of life? Do I always put my needs last because I feel unworthy?" Change your mental outlook into a new assumption for today by saying:?Each day is an opportunity to give more to humanity ?This unlimited universe gives me room to grown in unlimited ways?By being who I am, I give to the world with excitement and love?I become stronger because of the challenges I have faced?I am worthy because I am my Divine Self?I no longer need to hold myself back from success and prosperity?My life is a unique expression of creation?I love the journey I'm on. I construct my puzzle at my own paceRemember, everyday is new, no matter how you slice it. The sun comes up in spite of our mistakes or the despair we must face. We are meant to continually move forward! Getting stuck in the past holds us behind, a prisoner within an incredible universe of opportunity. True empowerment stems from living now, not as a reaction to now from the past, or living with worry about what might happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. Everyday, no matter what has happened to you in the past, is a new opportunity to begin painting your life on a fresh, new canvas. Paint with powerful, present moment strokes. A mental outlook centered in "now" allows you to realize more self-power and confidence you'll need to ride the bumps in life. You can do it! Are You Homeless? Does Your Soul Have a Home? How do you feel when you see homeless people on the street? Many of us feel disgusted when we look at them and others do not even acknowledge their existence as if they're worthless and irrelevant. Some of us even consider them as being nothing but drunks and junkies. We all have different ways of interpreting the lives of these people, but in the end, we all believe that they are less fortunate than ourselves. Tarot Basics A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images. The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent, most often come somewhat larger than ordinary playing cards and make an impressive display when ritually laid out. This deck of special cards can be used by a trained "reader" for glimpsing into his or her own future or that of another person for whom the cards are read. The Tarot deck, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, contains 22 symbolic cards and 56 suit cards ? wands, swords, cups, and pentacles ? interestingly also called "pip" cards. How Much Do You Love Me? Love...it's a deep emotion. Sometimes we say it in jest to appease someone. We say it to friends when we feel more than just a casual liking for them, but would we die for them? Spouses say it to eachother out of habit sometimes, parents tell their children, "I love you". Being a parent, I feel this is probably the truest form of love as we know it. Can people really know what it means to have perfect love? God showed us what this kind of love is, He calls it agape' love. There are no boundaries to this love, there are no exceptions and no excuses. Our love tends to wax and wane when someone either pleases us or disappoints us. It's a good thing God doesn't measure His degree of love for us that way. His love never changes even for the child who is disobedient and turns his back on God. Let's look at a man who loved God so much he would do anything. Shamanism Is it really possible that Don Juan could command the movement of Carlos' attention point or time reference point to another dimension that he calls the Nagual and the sorcerer's perspective? Can the adeptness of one person rise to know you better than you know yourself even at the level of the body conscious focus on the material world? Is INFINITY like the multi-dimensional soul which at some point is harmonized in ethics so much that it laughs at the stupidity of the soulful entities exploring the naive denial and rationalizing games our personalities playas we avoid the purpose of our soul? Could Don Juan shape-shift his alter egos and other dimension energy to become the reflection or mirror of the inner character of the student seeking to label something he knows so little about, in an "elaborate" construct that would be akin to a crook yet academically sound? Did he command this laughter response in another that easily? What Can You Do In One Day For it is written in Bible in chapter 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. So what can we do in one day, or should I say, how do I want Jesus to judge me for this day or a thousand years. I like to think that most people would like Jesus to judge them to be blameless and righteous in his sight. We can achieve this by living a Holy life before him. It says in Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. You Are a Person of Abundance Heaven is a place of abundance and earth is a place of abundance. Every where God is, is a place of abundance, for God is an abundant God. If God is in you, then you are a person of abundance! Passions of the Heart! There are no better people to be around than thosewho have a zest for life and a joy in theirhearts. Few as there may be, when you meet one youjust know it. There's something about them thatdraws you inward, some call it a persons,"Persona", I believe God would call it your,"Passion." Some say you are just born with thatinner balance and security that is so magnetic. Faith Building 101A Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A Person of Faith. 100 Steps To Eternity There is a chronology of events from creation to the eternal kingdom of God, which is distinctively presented to us within the scriptures. Like a three-dimensional picture, the more intently we focus on God's word, the more clearly we begin to see the complete picture emerge. My Search for the Truth I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Maybe you've heard about the persecution of Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) practitioners in China. Over the past five years, many people have been committed to mental institutions, tortured, detained, imprisoned, and even killed, simply for refusing to give up this practice. Unfortunately, most Americans don't know about this situation, or they've been given a negative impression, and so the persecution goes on. My intention is to give my impression of Falun Dafa, and hopefully, bring an awareness of this situation to the people of this country--a country that was founded on the basis of religious and spiritual freedom. All of my life, I have been searching for answers to all of life's most fundamental questions: Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Why do bad things happen to good people? Who is God? Why does He allow all of this? As a child and again as a teenager, I searched for the answers in Christianity, and even though I sensed wisdom and truth in the teachings of Jesus--being honest, loving thy neighbor, turning the other cheek--there seemed to be something missing. Maybe something got lost in the translation. I didn't have a problem with not understanding everything about God's actions--I mean He is God after all, and so how can I expect to understand Him? However, I did feel that I had some legitimate questions about justice. For instance, why do really bad things happen to seemingly good people? Why are babies born with deformities? How could this person's life of ninety years be equal to that person's life of 25 years? If all you have to do to go to heaven is believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, then what kind of a place would heaven be? I mean, I know a lot of people who believe that, and I'm not really sure that heaven would be better than earth if that were the case. Also, what happens to people who have never been exposed to Christianity or believe in some other god or religion? Obviously, I had a lot of questions that could not be answered within the framework of contemporary Christian religions. Consequently, I gave up the search--at least for the time being. When I was twenty-three years old, I became ill. Over the next few years, I became unable to work, and I was eventually diagnosed with lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and vasculitis. I had problems with every joint in my body; I couldn't stand, sit, or use my hands for any length of time; I had no stamina and slept for about twelve hours every day; I often had acute pain that came and went for apparently no reason and chronic pain that could last for hours; I often could not get comfortable enough to go to sleep; because of the amount and kind of medication that I took, I developed a lot of digestive problems; and I often ran a low-grade fever for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time. Over the last two years, the vasculitis had become quite bad. I would often break out in large hives all over my body, and would get large spontaneous 'bruises' on my legs and arms that were not the result of any trauma and which took an unusual length of time to heal. I knew that this could not go on indefinitely, and so I had come to accept the fact that the length of my life was severely limited. I thought that I would just try to live what was left of my life the best that I could, but I still longed for the answers to those age-old questions. Even though I believed I would receive the answers when I died, I decided that I would ask for them while I still lived. So, one day, I imagined myself crying out to the universe for help. I remembered reading in a book that if you ever have a question, you should go to the library. Even if they don't have the answer, they can probably help you find it or where to go to get it. So, I went to the library to look for the answer. In the foyer, there is a bulletin board with flyers, announcements, etc., and shelves beneath. I looked all over the bulletin board, all over the shelves, and on the bottom shelf, underneath something else, there was a brochure: a bright blue brochure with oriental characters on it. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the answer. It was a Falun Dafa pamphlet, and inside was a contact name and number. That was February 6th of 2000. I started practicing Falun Dafa within days. Within weeks, I was able to stop taking all of my medication, I became free of my illnesses, and I was eventually able to go back to work. These things were really just fringe benefits to me--after all, I was just looking for answers, not healing--but I became well just the same! The practice of Falun Dafa is very simple. It consists of five exercises--four standing, and one sitting meditation--and a set of three principles, which we believe to be the nature of the universe: Zhen (True), Shan (Good), and Ren (Endure). The exercises are gentle and relaxing, as well as energizing. The practice of implementing the principles-to be True, Good, and Endure--is simple, and yet amazingly powerful. You may notice that they are the same basic principles that Jesus taught, as well. At the very base level, Falun Dafa is learning how to be a better person in every aspect of life: at home, at work, and socially. At a higher level, the goal is the same as other practices: wisdom and enlightenment. Falun Dafa is not a religion: we don't worship any particular God, although we do recognize the existence of great enlightened beings throughout history such as Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Zi, Amitabha, etc.; we don't have temples; we don't have any type of administration; we don't have any rituals; there are no requirements; there is no membership; and we absolutely do not involve ourselves with money. If you want to learn about Falun Dafa, any practitioner can and will teach you the exercises for free, all the books can be downloaded from the internet for free, and we do not even accept donations. It's a pace-yourself kind of course--you practice when you want to, how often you want to, and for how long you want to. It is completely up to you whether you practice or not. Falun Dafa may very well be the largest spiritual movement in the history of the world. Right now, there are an estimated 100 million practitioners world-wide, with practitioners in over 50 countries, including the United States and China. All we want is to be good people and be able to practice our beliefs--our cultivation--without persecution. Speaking of those answers: I did find them, as well. I also found a peace of mind and a sense of being that I never could have imagined. My goal is still to live my life the best that I can, but I also want to share what I have found with others who may be able to benefit as well. I would also like to inform those who believe that we all have a basic human right to practice our beliefs without being persecuted about the situation for millions of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. For more information, please see the following websites: Faluninfo.net (for information about the persecution/to sign an electronic appeal)Falundafa.org (for information about the practice itself) Small Things When my dad was nearing the end of his life he began searching his heart to see if there was anything left undone - some unconfessed sin, a misdeed, anything at all he needed to make right before he faced God. He constantly prayed that the Holy Spirit would bring to his remembrance anything he needed to make right with his fellowman. It was during this time that he came across a rusty old garden tiller at the edge of his garden. It belonged to a farmer down the road who had sold it to Dad, but, when it didn't work, the farmer returned his money to him and told Dad just to bring it back any time. A People in Exile (Part 1) Second Isaiah, so called because his book of prophecy was affixed to Isaiah's, had the ability to interpret events in the light of the fundamental conviction that God was the supreme director of all movements of history. He spent most of his life proclaiming to his people, their deliverance and restoration. It was all so certain to this prophet that he saw it already accomplished. The power of religion has seldom been more beautifully expressed. The prophet's own experience; his own enthusiasm, his own optimism shines through his words as clearly as sunlight shines through a window. Recognizing Self I come face to face with self whenever you come into my life and I want to thank you. The Spiritually Dead Church The spiritually dead church. Now, I am not talking about every church. There are alot of good churches out there. I am talking about, the churches who have christians, that gather only for the sole purpose to gossip, gather at social meetings, and feel important. On Seeking The Silence Within every obstacle there is an equivalent or greater benefit.~Napoleon Hill How to Hear the Voice of God In this series I would like to take you through the Word of God to show you how we can all clearly hear the voice of God. I would also like to show you how to train yourself in hearing and being led by the voice of God. Determine in your heart to allow the Word of God to be your guide and have an open mind as you are reading this book with your Bible. The Holy Spirit will witness with your spirit and reveal the truth, and the truth will set you free. ![]() |
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