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Recognizing Self
I come face to face with self whenever you come into my life and I want to thank you. I always maintain that I am writing these articles, my books and creating the website for myself. It is my way of expressing myself physically and to demonstrate where I am along my chosen path and it is my sign post that says this is me and this is where I am. I learn by teaching and writing about what I want to learn, the articles that I write help me to grow spiritually. For the most part the articles that I write are spontaneous, I don't know what I am going to write about until I sit down and start writing and then I have to go back and read the piece to know what I have written. Although I am in truth in this world alone, I am reminded often that there are 6 billion different aspects of myself in this world all experiencing physical life uniquely in their own way, in ways that no others can do. Ambrosia left a comment in my guest book this morning that was typical of how most of us feel. She didn't know that there were others out there that believed as she does. I envision that she has been feeling isolated, confused and probably misunderstood by family, friends and others. I can imagine that it was a great relief to find out she shares the thoughts of others. When I started out years ago to actively find myself and a system of belief that would work for me I felt the same way and I still do sometimes. I will often disassociate myself from my readers believing that there is no one out there that wants to read these articles, I forget that I am sharing them with the world. The truth is I am doing it for myself, Ambrosia and all the others that are seeking, that are beginning to awaken. My truth will always be my own and I have no wish of creating a new religion, we are taking the road less travelled and laying stepping stones for others to follow and move past us. They will in turn lay stones that I will follow later on, they will create choices for me and that is all that I am doing here, experiencing life through choices. I am helping others out of the box and opening up new areas that they may never have thought about I am creating new choices. I am not alone nor is anyone else, in that we are all one body with many eyes all seeing and experiencing life from a different perspective and sharing that experience with our internal connection. My ego may have thought that it left a gift for Ambrosia, but as always the gift was given back many times over. Ambrosia is my left hand shaking hands with my right hand, acknowledging that they both exist and are part of the same body. My writing is an expression of self and it is mirrored back by those that read it and benefit by it. All of us express ourselves uniquely and that expression is a sign post for others who will acknowledge it and move past it. I would encourage Ambrosia and others to keep going, to create their own path and lay down their own stones and sign posts. Others will follow and make themselves known to you, lead the way do not be led. I am now over 200 books behind in my reading; they look really nice on my bookshelf and are very inspirational just looking at them from my desk. I slowed down on my reading some time ago for good purpose, I didn't want to be influenced by other writers anymore. I wanted to create my own style and philosophy. I love to go into book stores and brief through the new books and occasionally read a chapter or two. The one thing that stands out while I'm doing this is that I am writing the same things that others are writing about with the added twist of my own style. We are moving in the same direction and have the same new thoughts confirming to me that there is communication at some level of sub consciousness and we are of the same mind. I started out with some of these authors years ago and we are still on similar paths. When I take a turn in thought they are there, so I hypothesize that I am still growing and I am joined in a common pool of thought that is working in harmony with a movement towards enlightenment. I find gratification in knowing that these common thoughts will eventually branch off into other areas of experience that will again bring more choices. Life is always moving and I am a part of that movement that is a stepping stone that will encourage others to move farther. I am alone, but not alone, I am here but I am also everywhere else and every once in awhile a part of me will return to self with a tap on the shoulder to remind myself that I am doing this for all. All of us are contributing to the whole no matter how we see ourselves in this inclusive relationship. The one hand may be elbow deep in doo-doo while the other is shaking hands with abundance, success and joy. Both hands are part of the same body and moving in the same direction, it's the experience that is different and neither hand is better than the other for that experience. You cannot know doo-doo unless you know its opposite. It is the head that is acknowledging both aspects of its experience and has predetermined how it will feel about it. The experience is simply acknowledgment of those predeterminations. I am no less or better than those that I bring into my life, for they are reminders of who I am and how I have portrayed myself to the world. They are living sign posts that I have planted along the road less travelled. No, Ambrosia you are not alone, we are together, and we are one, none of us can ever be lost. The illusion of separation is necessary so that life will go on trying to reconnect to itself in an endless perpetual cycle searching for perfection. You are not just one in the crowd, you are the crowd and no puzzle is complete without all the pieces. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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