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The Meaning of Life
Recently I was watching a re-run of "Everybody Loves Raymond". This particular episode was about a life long question we all ask. Ray's young daughter Ally wanted to know the real meaning of life. This has been a perplexing question throughout the ages and has even been a stumbling block for some, and in this case it was for Raymond. Ready to explain the facts of life to his young daughter, he was caught off guard when she was looker for a deeper meaning which was, "Why are we here? Why did God make us?" This question no doubt deserves an answer, but Raymond couldn't supply his daughter with one. He had to run out of the room feeling inadequate. How many times have we been made to feel that way too? Here's where the situation got my full attention. Ray's reaction got alot of laughs from the audience. I thought, do people laugh because it's a funny situation or is it from lack of knowledge that they don't know either? If this is meant to be funny, I thought how sad it is then that the majority of people really don't know! Not only was Raymond stumped by the question, but his whole family as well. For the first time, they were all at a loss of words. Ray's dad response was, "It's simple, you're born, you go to school, you get a job and then you die." A little shallow don't you think? It doesn't leave much to look forward to. His mother on the other hand knew the answer was in the Bible...somewhere, only she didn't know exactly where. All her religious upbringing had not prepared her for this most important question! I would like to know why not? What are we being taught in our churches on this subject anyway? But Deborah, his wife responded with what I considered to be the most intelligable answer of all. She said, "You can't find the answer flipping through the Bible." Actually that's true. The Bible cannot be used as a reference book taken out of context. God's Word is not meant to be sampled like a plate of desserts, picking and choosing only the parts that appeal to your taste buds. On the contrary, His Word is a double edged sword. One side will cut to the marrow, while the other side heals. Everyone knows that in order to heal, something must first be broken. If we find the question of our very existence as being the brunt of a comedy, then we should probably stop and examine our relationship with God on a serious level. It's time to reevaluate what is broken in our lives so that we can start to heal. A true relationship with the Creator is not all about asking questions...it's about finding the answers! Having a strong, secure relationship with God will then answer this life long question. Romans 8:28 "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose." This verse tells us immediately that we all have a purpose, what is it? Romans 12:2 "Let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God, what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect." Now we know that we have a purpose and a will, but what is that will? Remember, it's about getting the answers, and here it is... 2 Corinthians 3:18 "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more." Therefore in reading and understanding these 3 passages, we find out that God put us here for a reason. And that is to be in fellowship with Him. God loves all His children, no matter how good or bad they are. He doesn't condemn us, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, He will convict us. Ephesians 1:5 "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ." God's plan has never changed, He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. That's wonderful news to know that He is always waiting with open arms to take us in. It's up to us as individuals to make that choice, that's how much He loves us. We can understand this better if we have ever had to let go of our own child, knowing that they may be making the wrong choice. If you love something set it free, if it's truly yours it will come back. That's the concept of God's love for us. So, to sum this all up, the answer that Raymond should've given to his daugher was this, "We are here to fellowhip with our Father in heaven." It's all about Him, but we tend to put the main focus on ourselves and that's why we are confused. Romans 11:36 "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power and everything is for His glory." Once you know what your purpose and destination is, life spent with the Lord is a fulfilling one, and an exciting one and most importantly, one with a real direction. To learn more about your purpose, get into the Word. The best thing you can spend on your children...is your time. The best time you can spend on yourself...is the Word. Isaiah 44:2 "I am your Creator. You were in My care even before you were born" says the Lord. Vivan Gordon
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Can People Really Change? MOST PEOPLE NEVER REALLY CHANGE Loving Your Neighbors If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.1 CORINTHIANS 13:1?2 The Power of One Yes, we are living in a world where we are constantly shown, by the media, man's inhumanity toward each other through violence, terrorism, and war. Never has there been a time that our light is more needed than now. During this powerful time in history we, as a group of conscious beings, actually can shift the awareness of the planet. The soul work we are doing has prepared us perfectly for this precise moment. Our voices, actions and intentions will inspire and heal so many. No longer can we just pray and visualize our government making conscious choices; it is essential that we combine our spiritual practices with uplifting words and positive action. The Two Most Important Commandments - Love Love is mentioned well over 350 times in the Bible. I'm sure God must be trying to tell us something. We will start our study with Matthew 22:37-38; And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the most important and first commandment. Resolutions or Revelations? There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve ourselves either outwardly or inwardly. What's important is to check the motives behind the improvements. A Short Journey to Your Divine Self By invoking an external God to whom we look for help we often lose sight of the fact that we have within us the very power that we seek in such an external force. Now of course I don't just expect you to believe this in the way that religions of the world expect you to believe the converse. Instead I hope to convey here a short but simple exercise that you can do at your leisure to find this very power within yourself. This power emerges from what I call the Divine Self. What is this Self? Well, it's You! Yes, You! Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results. In the last 18 years I have worked with a process called Inner Bonding, which is a powerful six step psychological and spiritual healing process. I discovered that there is no real healing without a personal connection with a source of spiritual guidance. African American Hiking for Spiritual Health Hiking is gaining popularity within the African-American community. We're beginning to spend more time in nature in an effort to connect deeply with the spirit within. The alertness that is required to observe the natural beauty around us is calming, energizing and edifying. Noticing the colors on the trees, listening to the sounds of the birds, and overlooking scenic landscapes or wonderful bodies of water can heal the soul very profoundly. Can Moms Have a Quiet Time, Too? Spending 'Quiet Time' with the Lord Halloween Rites For some of us, EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN!!! If you want to be unusual dress up as a nurse, secretary, grocery clerk or bank teller this year. Gypsy, vampires and shaman wanna-bes are everywhere already! Love and Light Seems that everyone who writes to me signs their letters "love and light." It has such a bright uplifting sound to it. Lightworkers are being taught to hold the energy of the light and to equate love with a warm white light that heals and protects. After what feels like an age of suppression and darkness, it all sounds like such a refreshing change, much like the first bits of sunlight after a long harsh winter. And so the pendulum swings. Still we do not find balance. Angels Amoung US - We Reap What We Sow! John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,"God what do you have for my heart today?" Hecontinues by saying, "you may be stunned by whathe guides you into. The Path Less Traded - the Spiritual Road to Financial Abundance! There is nothing more valuable to a sentient being then peace of mind that comes from living each day from a place of love. The alternative is an existence where perception is based on fear as taught to us by the ego. The ego teaches us that we are separate from one another; that grandiosity through competitiveness is the path to our greatness because scarcity of resources is the nature of our existence. Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? Gods Name... Creation and Undoing! Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and research, information and answers come to the surface that are most astounding. I have come to understand things differently than I was taught in years of Catholic schooling. Although, I still believe in the "bigger picture" and "something greater", it has taken on a different tone and context. It has turned from a fearful system of faith to a confident system of knowledge and thought. Beneficiaries of the Promise We are the beneficiaries of the promise God made to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him. He is the only Old Testament Character Scripture says was introduced to the gospel in advance (GAL 3:8). If anyone was ever a religious fanatic, it was Abraham. If anyone ever had an excuse to disobey God, it was Abraham. He knew that when God speaks, you had better listen and obey. Why We Choose Our Parents There is a concept in Jewish mystical thought known asgilgul, which can be translated as reincarnation.Gilgul does not necessarily mean that a soul in itsentirety has been reincarnated; it may only be anitzotz, or spark of a soul, that is reincarnated.That is to say that an individual can possess anitzotz from the soul of someone who has livedpreviously. Gilgul occurs when the precedingincarnation of that soul has more to accomplish. Animal Spirit Guides & Totems Animal spirit totems can be viewed in different ways according to each of us as individual people. The basic principle of an animal totem is an animal spirit who gives us insight into ourselves, a glimpse of the divine powers at work in our world, and can transcend us to a place of healing for ourselves and other people. Developing Your Intuition: Conscious Construction Using Cosmic 2 x 4?s What's a cosmic 2 x 4 you ask? It's actually a phrase that's been used in the 'new age/ metaphysical' world for the past 15 years or more. It refers to the lessons we learned the hard way when we didn't listen to our intuition. Law and Order of the Spiritual Kind There is no such thing as a coincidence. Albert Einstein reasoned that, "God simply does not play dice." While we may not fully understand the reasons behind certain events, there are laws and order in the universe specifically designed to facilitate harmony and prosperity for all living things. Yet, as humans, we violate not only man's laws, but also the laws of the universe. It's as if an "insanity" bug has plagued the world community, which has now reached epidemic proportions. Perhaps that's because knowingly, or unknowingly, we choose not to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and as a result of our actions we experience failure, powerlessness and discord. Take for example one law ? the law of cause and effect. ![]() |
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