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The Power of One
Yes, we are living in a world where we are constantly shown, by the media, man's inhumanity toward each other through violence, terrorism, and war. Never has there been a time that our light is more needed than now. During this powerful time in history we, as a group of conscious beings, actually can shift the awareness of the planet. The soul work we are doing has prepared us perfectly for this precise moment. Our voices, actions and intentions will inspire and heal so many. No longer can we just pray and visualize our government making conscious choices; it is essential that we combine our spiritual practices with uplifting words and positive action. If we can do this I believe, with my whole being, that we are on the brink of something truly amazing. The vision I hold is that we are a moment away from creating a world safe for our children, their children, and all generations to follow. Some of you might be saying, How can I as one person change what is happening in our government and our world? By becoming a spiritual activist. By being that spark to help others raise their awareness and find peace. This can occur by committing to creating peace within yourself and your family, by voting and encouraging others to vote for political leaders who value humanity, and by helping others discover their light, you set in motion the intention of positive transformation. If one by one each of us takes personal responsibility for raising the awareness of humanity we begin to shift the global consciousness. There is a powerful phenomenon in group behavior called reaching a critical mass. What this means is that one person begins initiating a behavior, others observe it and begin imitating the action. Then one by one others join in until enough people are behaving in the same way and the entire crowd follows, this is the critical mass. I personally witnessed this phenomenon when my husband and I took our children to a Marlin's game. The stadium was filled with the energy of 25,000 people, each an individual brought together for the collective purpose of enjoying an afternoon of baseball. My six year old daughter Riley, who is very wise and observant, was fascinated by the crowd. As she looked around with determined eyes she leaned over and said, "Mommy, do you think I can get the whole stadium to start doing the Marlins cheer?" I told her, Go for it and see what happens. She began very quietly chanting, Lets go Marlins, then she looked around and noticed that her father, brother and I were chanting with her. She became more confident and began cheering louder. The section behind and in front of us joined in. Within moments all 25,000 people erupted in a frenzy chanting Lets Go Marlins. My daughter beamed knowing that she ignited a spark of inspiration and passion that spread so quickly. The light that each of us shares is just like Riley starting the stadium cheering. The healing spark our government and world so desperately needs can be ignited by each of us at any moment. Change always occurs with one little spark, just look at Martin Luther King, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, Moses, Christ, and Buddha. As in the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi, be that change you wish to see in the world. You never know, you might just be the spark that changes our collective consciousness to peace and integrity. May you have the courage to speak your truth, may you find peace within and may we all know peace on earth. Debbie Milam is an occupational therapist and educator. Her work has been featured in the Miami Herald, Ladies Home Journal, PBS and WebMD. She is the author of the online program The 7 Secrets to Harmonious Relationships: Proven Strategies for Creating Peace Within Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community Sign-up today for her free E-zine at http://www.unlimitedinspiration.com and receive the transformational special reports 35 Ways to Create Instant Calm and The 7 Paths to Peace, Health and Happiness.
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Its Not What You Know, Its What You Do Knowing what is right and what is wrong in your own inner consciousness is insufficient. It is not the knowing of truth that transforms a person; it is the doing of truth that has an impact on you and on the other people that you interact with. Thinking Out Loud (Answers) Part two of a two part series (Channeled)Spirituality is about everyday life, which includes getting up in the morning, getting ready for the day be it work, school or play. It is about knowing yourself and the connection to your environment. It is about defining who you are and then living a purposeful life within those definitions, it is about changing those definitions and making adjustments to accommodate them. It is about saying to the world "I AM," and demonstrating it within the physical body that you created. Snowflakes The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway. Christening and Baptism Favor Ideas Baptism and christening ceremonies are an important event that signifies the start of a child's spiritual life. As a common courtesy to guests who attend these ceremonies, the parents of the child or the host of the event often obtain party favors as a gift. Here are some themes and ideas that are appropriate for these occasions: Can People Really Change? MOST PEOPLE NEVER REALLY CHANGE How to Test the Spirits There is a specific technique that a Shaman uses to determine if spirits, guides, entities, beings that visit him or her are beneficial or not. It is an ancient technique that has been around as long as Shamanism has been around. It was written in Egyptian papyrus scrolls. It is found in the Book of Thoth, another ancient manuscript. It is found in the Bible. True Will Some may ask what is the true will of God and how do I obtain it? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Psalms 40:6 it says Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Then I said, Here I am, I have come-it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly I do not seal my lips, as you know, O Lord. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart. When Do You Pray? When do you pray? Loving People In Spite Of Them, Not Because Of Them! Before the movie "Finding Nemo", came out SteveJobs the founder of the Apple Computer companyspent millions of dollars promoting it. Before amajor push on merchandise Nike will sign a multi-million dollar contract with some sports star.Sometime soon you will see a major player in theclothing industry hire a celebrity to promotetheir product before the holiday rush. Thesecompanies think they have it figured out. How dothey attract you to the product or service theyare selling? The packaging!! Buddha Never Bowed Before a Statue, and Jesus Never Kneeled Before a Cross, From Divine Source Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear. True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy ... Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. How To Fall With Style - The Art Of Sin Adam had it right when he covered himself with fig leaves. It's not that he thought it would cover his sin. He knew this was impossible. But he suddenly recognized his own weakness, and he doesn't try to battle it. Instead, he covers it. Out of sight, out of mind. But when God asks him why, he comes clean, accepts his punishment, and and continues to cover himself. Now that's how we're suppose to do it. Why We Choose Our Parents There is a concept in Jewish mystical thought known asgilgul, which can be translated as reincarnation.Gilgul does not necessarily mean that a soul in itsentirety has been reincarnated; it may only be anitzotz, or spark of a soul, that is reincarnated.That is to say that an individual can possess anitzotz from the soul of someone who has livedpreviously. Gilgul occurs when the precedingincarnation of that soul has more to accomplish. Smoke I always thought Ecclesiastes was like Proverbs. That's probably because of the "to every time there is a season. . ." passage. So when a friend of mine read Ecclesiastes from "The Message," I wasn't prepared for her reaction. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality. Your Artistic Talent as a Weapon Your creative gift has power. The Spirituality of Pigeons! I was walking down the street the other day, walking around the pigeons and saying "good morning" to them when it dawned on me just how precious they are to the lives of city slickers. The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers With another year full of family events coming upon us, those of us that are lucky enough to have parents to honor will celebrate Mother's and Father's Day. We set aside one day a year for this, but it should be something we do everyday of the year, as commanded by God. There is a good reason for this, or else He wouldn't have commanded it! ![]() |
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