Real Estate Information
7 Marketing Methods for Real Estate Coaches
You shower, shampoo, dress your best, check to see if you have plenty of business cards, drive about an hour, introduce yourself by saying "Hi, I?m Mary and I?m a coach" and the other person says, "Hi, I?m Jack and I?m a coach, too!". You meet more coaches than you knew existed. How do you get business when you are surrounded by what may be perceived as your competition?
I Believe God Wants Me To Tell All In Real Estate
After years of experience in the real estate industry I felt that God wanted me to write about everything in real estate. There were young people that were not being protected by anyone, including buyer's agents. Once I did a VA appraisal on a house that was unbelievable in the amount of repairs. It was listed by one of the most dishonest agents I have ever met. We had words on numerous ocassions. When the appraisal was completed it was "subject to repairs" and it was a big list. I was at the house when the buyer showed up, then came his agent. They wanted to know if everything was alright. I told them a lot of repairs would have to be done to meet VA minimum property standards. The agent called his partner who quickly showed up with the crooked selling agent on the cell phone. Not only the listing agent but the "buyer's agents argued with me. They wanted me to let it go so the young man could just get the house. He was about 23 years old, had just gotten out of the navy and was going to college.
Home Owners: Disclose the Facts!
One of the most common causes for disputes occurring after the sale of a home arise from the buyer finding defects in the property, defects which were not disclosed to him by the owner before the sale of the property. If you are the owner of a home that you are looking to sell, please be aware that you may be held liable for not disclosing any known defects in your home.
What You Can Do To Sell Your Home Fast
Yes, you want to sell your home and you want to sell it fast. It may be a seller?s market and every other home in your neighbourhood is selling and you think it?s going to be a cakewalk selling your home. You put your house up for sale, people come, a few offers pour in, negotiations take place and then something happens that the deal falls through. This happens more than not when it comes to selling homes. The critical stage is when someone?s given you an offer and when the negotiation starts. First thing, when you get an offer, which in your opinion is ridiculously low don?t just reject it outright. In most cases, the buyer?s just testing the waters to see the best he can get. Always give a counter-offer however disparate your figure may be with the buyer?s offer. Once that?s done, you want to make sure the deal doesn?t fall through. There are many ways in which you can close the deal fast and ensure that both you and the buyer are satisfied. What you can do is negotiate with some other items. Here below are a few examples:
How To Best Negotiate A House Deal
Whether it?s selling your home or buying a home, more often than not you?ll come across a stage where you?d have to negotiate. Negotiation is the art of getting what you want at your terms and conditions. Of course, it isn?t that easy and it takes time and patience especially when it comes to real estate dealings.
What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agents play an essential, critical role in the process of buying and selling a home. You just simply cannot afford to work with an agent that does not exhibit top-scale professional values. We?re talking about your primary investment, and the happiness of you and your loved ones.
Rehab Your Way to Wealth: The Quick Way to Fixer-Upper Success
Completely rebuilding a house is not necessary to make money in investment real estate. Most times, if you have bought smart, you won?t have to make a huge improvements on your investment property. Look for places that need only a small amount of work. For example, look for a property that appears to be run down from the outside, but does not need major repair. Here are a few tips for saving money and making quick improvements, in order to quickly sell your rehab property.
Real Estate Investing By The Numbers
Just like most things real estate investing can be broken down into easy to learn step.
Investor Banned From Offering Property For Rent
Do you realize that you might be prevented from renting your investment home? Prohibiting property owners from leasing their properties is a trend that is growing increasingly popular with some developers and many Homeowners' Associations (HOA).
An Often Overlooked Secret of Marketing and Negotiating for Real Estate Investors Looking for Deals
When you call sellers, what do you say? When you sit down to write a marketing postcard to find deals, what do you write? When you go to negotiate price and terms, how do you present it?
Be Patient Screening Tenants
Rental real estate is a solid way to make money. I'm particularly fond of residential properties, because people have to live somewhere. But it's not for the faint of heart.
Buying Property in Bulgaria : How to Avoid Making A Bad Investment
Where is it possible to buy a property on your credit card? Bulgaria, of course! With thousands of potential property buyers seduced by Bulgaria?s bargain property prices, the temptation is to think that making a solid return is a no-brainer! Searching the Internet, dozens of articles and property websites boast about the 100% capital growth that can be achieved on Bulgarian property investments in the space of 12 months.
Crossing the Gap from this Home to the Next: Bridge Loan
So you?re thinking of getting into a bigger house. You call up the real estate agent and make an appointment to go see what the market has to offer. Then you find it, the perfect ?move-up? home. It?s everything you?ve ever wanted in a home unless your married, in which case it?s everything your wife has ever wanted in a home.
Hey Landlord! Is Your Lease Legal?
The longer you are a landlord the more you strive to create the perfect lease/rental agreement. Landlords learn in the school of hard-knocks that some tenants are certified trouble makers and we try our best to protect ourselves with a carefully structured restrictive lease.
Dont Get Stuck Having To Deal With The Sellers Household Hazardous Wastes - After You Move In!
I have a confession to make!
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What Should You Do If Your Home Isn?t Selling?
It can be very frustrating to put your home on the market, expecting a fast sale, only to find that after six months you're still waiting for an offer. What can you do?
How to Sell Your Home Without a Real Estate Agent
Considering the rapid rise in home prices over the past several years, home sellers are taking a hard look at the commission they have to pay to a real estate brokerage to market and sell their home. Real estate commissions vary across the country; they average in the four to seven percent range.
How to Show & Sell Your California Home
Seller's Showing Instructions
Sell Houses Fast & Top Dollar: Design Psychology
How would you like to start a bidding war for your home, ending with a sales price greater than the asking price -- all within your home's first three hours on the market? That's the kind of results you can expect when you prepare your home for marketing, using Design Psychology methods!
18 Easy Steps to Buy a Bargain House
What is a "distressed" property? What is "bargain" real estate?
Forclosure And The Durrett Rule
It's probably happened to you...
How to Choose Your Real Estate Lender
Because you need quick action when applying for a real estate purchase loan, find a lender you can access easily. A lender's quick response signifies good service to follow.
Buying A Home ? Rain, Sun, and Weather Issues
When buying a home, it can be easy to overlook year-around weather issues. You may think you are purchasing a home in a sunny area, but come to find there is always a heavy cloud cover. This is just one of a number of weather issues to consider when selecting your dream home.
When Showing Your Home
Here below are some of the reasons why buyers may be put off when visiting your home.
How To Spot A Good Buy
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, particularly when it comes to buying a home. Features that attract one home-buyer may repel another.
Howard Stern is Hot in Real Estate
Howard Stern has over 20 property related files in Queens, 27 in Brooklyn and 1 in Manhattan. The files include mortgages, releases or satisfaction pieces, liens and powers of attorney.
Tax Free Exchanges: Watch out for the New Residence Rules
On October 22, 2004, President Bush signed tax legislation that contained a provision affecting Internal Revenue Code section 1031 (the like-kind tax-free exchange rules).
Landlords Dance The FICO Fandango
Fair Isaac Corporation is the creator of the FICOcredit score that is used today by most lenders toevaluate consumer credit risk. FICO scores rangefrom a poor credit low of 500 to a best credit ratingof 850.
How To Sell A Home That Didnt Sell
If your home has just come off the market and hasn't sold, don't be discouraged. The reason it didn't sell may have nothing to do with your home. Your home may have been one of the more desirable properties for sale. If your listing has expired and you still wish to sell, take a moment to review your situation.
Notify Them When Youre Moving
One of your first steps, when you're getting ready to move, is to pick up a stack of change-of-address cards from the post office. Yes, old-fashioned go-by-snail post cards! You'll want to notify everyone in your address book and also.
Real Estate Investing Myths That Steal Profits From Your Pocket
One of the things that distresses us about our industry is the amount of wrong or incomplete information available to investors. Some myths block what otherwise would be a great deal, while others would have you believe that a bad deal is actually great. For example, we encourage purchasing homes "subject-to" the existing mortgage as an option to finance the purchase of an investment property. This means that title to the property is transferred to the purchaser, but the loan remains in the original borrower's name with payments made by the purchaser. Unfortunately, many myths exist around this method which could rob you of your profits. Let's take this opportunity to dispel 5 of the most common.
Understanding Opportunity Cost When Investing In Property
While most investors have got involved in property investing because they understand the opportunities to make money through leverage and capital growth or high yields, I still see and hear of many who do not fully understand opportunity cost.
How to Find and Buy a Bargain House with Little or No-Money Down
Real estate investors know how to make money buying distressed houses. Investors recognize that bargain houses offer the best way to make a return quickly.
Subdividing - But NOT Land!
Many people are familiar with the concept of sub-dividing a large piece of property into smaller lots. The same concept can be very profitable in other areas.
Finding, Fixing, Financing, and Flipping - The Short Course
Most people get involved in Real Estate investing to make money.