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Real Estate Information
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Property in Bulgaria - Huge Investment Potential Bulgaria is a truly magnificent country, located in Eastern Europe with an amazing coastline that stretches over 340km along the Black Sea, with a backdrop of one of the world's most magnificent mountain ranges and the beautiful and historic capital city of Sofia. Wealth Building ? An Advantage of Home Ownership As you grow older, the issue of wealth building comes front and center. Wealth building simply refers to increasing the net value of your total assets. Wealth building over time is one of the advantages of home ownership. Probate & Obituary Marketing I start my marketing with obituaries followed with probate filings and find it just another effective way to acquire property. Real Estate Business Starting real estate business is not that simple. Multiple aspects of stable business should be considered before you invest even 1$ in real estate. Owning real estate is no guarantee of wealth. There are a lot of things you have to do right to receive your reward. One of the most important points is to stay financially healthy, while waiting on your big pay day. Selling Property - Valuing Your Property Selling property privately has many advantages over using an estate agent. However estate agents can provide useful local information not available from the internet. Despite this many who have sold there home privately have benefited from the following: Title Insurance Protects Your Financial Investment You purchase homeowners insurance to protect yourself financially in case something happens to your property or its contents. However homeowners insurance won't protect your financial interests if a matter arises regarding past ownership of your property. That is where title insurance comes in. How Can the Average Person Build Wealth in Real Estate? Books on real estate are a dime a dozen-and most focus on taking advantage of someone else's misfortune. They frequently describe lofty methods for buying and selling properties no ordinary citizen can be successful using. Make Money With Room Rentals I don't know why I didn't do it sooner, but one day many years ago, I decided to try renting rooms in my home. I was young and single, and had a nice mobile home on small piece of property. I found that it was easy to rent out the other two bedrooms. Suddenly, I had thousands of dollars extra each year. How to Decrease the Value of Your Own House Owning a house is part of the American Dream. Depending on where you live in the US - home ownership can be around 70%. That means that 70% of people own their own home. That is very high compared to other countries. Owning a home is usually a nice piece of independence and also part of building a nest egg for retirement. Home ownership is considered an investment. But then it is surprising how many home owners treat their own home as if it would be something they don't own. How to Build A Rental Property Money Machine If you are looking for a steady, income-producing investment that isn't dependent on the ups and downs of the stock market, rental property is just the investment you're looking for! Searching for CLUEs: What Homebuyers & Sellers Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance Homebuyers and sellers should be aware about issues involving homeowners insurance and the C.L.U.E. database. C.L.U.E. stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange and is a collection of homeowners insurance claim history enabling insurance companies to access five years worth of prior claim information to evaluate risks. The database is maintained by Choice Point Inc., a private Georgia firm, and contains over 40 million claims records on houses in all 50 states. Over 90 percent of insurers providing homeowners coverage provide data to the CLUE system. Are You Profiting From O.P.P.? Are you profiting from O.P.P.? If not, why not? Transforming Doghouses into Dollhouses Successful real estate investing depends largely on a correct assessment of a property's profit potential, but it also depends on your ability to transform a doghouse into a dollhouse. The renovation process involves physical work and choosing the best supplies, in order to create maximum positive emotional effect and profits, but if you make wise choices in your choice of colors, textures, and building materials, you'll assure yourself a fast and cost-effective sale. Selling Your Home ? What Can Go Wrong With Pricing and Loans So, you're selling your home (house, townhouse, condo, apartment, land, lot, farm, ranch, etc.), what can go wrong? The sad fact is that a lot of things can go wrong. However, don't despair, there are almost as many solutions as problems. In this article, we look at problems related to pricing and a buyer's inability to get a loan. Make Your House Earn Its Keep Did you realise that there is a lot you can do get an income from what is probably your most valuable asset? Not only is your property a great (long-term) investment, your home could also bring you an income while you are still living in it. Here are some ideas to make your property really earn its keep. Raising Money For Property Development In addition to finding the right property, one of the most difficult aspects of property development is being able to fund the purchase and re-development of the property before putting it back on the market. Checklist for Buying a Home I had a client who called saying that his bath tub just fallen through the floor in his new home (new to him). Mold had eaten away the floor from the crawlspace up. The seller had placed a few 4x4s under the floor to hold everything up long enough to sell the house and get out of town. A Beginners Guide to Flipping Houses If you're dreaming of making money in real estate, it's time to stop dreaming and get to work, because making money in real estate isn't just a vague pipedream. It can be done, even by a young and inexperienced person, when you learn how to "flip" houses. Fraud in Real Estate, Are You Being Victimized? - Part II The phone range and Peter was on the other end of the line. "Willard, I have a friend of mine that has a real estate problem." I said, "Send him over." Two hours later, Jerry sat in front of me terribly upset. Three years earlier, he had been talked into buying a 4 unit building in partnership with Smooth Talker, a knowledgeable, smooth talking real estate salesman. Smooth Talker offered to find the property, arrange the financing, manage the building and even put up the down payment. Jerry was told that all he had to do was use his perfect credit to qualify for the loan and then sit back, wait seven years and the money would come rolling in. Homebuyer Heaven Can?t Possibly Last With interest rates at record lows over the past year, there's really only one way for them to go, the only question is when. Most experts agree that rates will remain fairly stable in the short term, at least until the end of the year, and some believe they will even decrease slightly. However, the prospect of a sharp increase in 2005, continuing into the following year will have many mortgagees feeling uncomfortable. ![]() |
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