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Dont Get Stuck Having To Deal With The Sellers Household Hazardous Wastes - After You Move In!
I have a confession to make! I was just outside with Frankie (my dog) and noticed I stillhad an old car battery sitting by the foundation, at therear of my house. Yes, I'll admit it's not right, and quite environmentallyinsensitive for me to have it there. However, even though Iknow I should have disposed of it by now, that fact is, it'sstill there. Seeing it there prompted me to think about, ifI was selling my home, how easy something like that would beto 'forget' about and leave behind - for the buyers to dealwith. It also prompted me to recall the 3-4 spent automobiletires, and rims, that I found in a basement closet - afterwe had moved in! It reminded me of all the paint cans, stain cans and a hostof other household hazardous waste that was left behind forme to deal with and dispose of properly. All innocent looking, sitting there on a shelf or in acorner of the basement, in a closet, under a sink, in theattic, or in the garage - stored neatly between the wallstuds. There are lots of places such household hazardouswastes (HHW) can be found. I don't believe they were left here intentionally or withmalice. Rather, I imagine they were left here as a gestureof goodwill - that perhaps it's something I would be able touse. Problem is, the sellers likely hadn't used any of thestuff during the waning years they were here. What made themthink I would use the stuff? Luckily, the municipality I live in has a "HouseholdHazardous Waste Collection Program" that homeowners can takeadvantage of without having to pay. I urge you to check outthe link above and see exactly what qualifies or isconsidered to be HHW - I guarantee it will be an eye-openerfor you. Although I was able to dispose of the typical HHW withoutbeing charged, I did have to take time out on the designatedSaturday to do something that the sellers should have done -before they left. I also didn't get out of it without having to pay anything.I was required to pay for the disposal of the tires theseller had so graciously left behind since those needed togo directly to the landfill. Which brings me to the point of this post... Not many homebuyers even think about this when they'relooking at a home. This is one of the reasons why, as a prospective - andeventually serious buyer - you should not be simply herdedthrough the home you're looking to purchase like lost sheep. You should insist on spending as much time as you can,investigating as many nooks and crannies as you can. Takenotice of what you see and really process it. Seeing tiresin the basement isn't an uncommon occurrence. But assumingthey won't be there after you buy the home is. Don't assume anything! Be specific in your questions and concerns - no matter howtrivial you think they may be. I strongly urge you to visit: http://www.homebuyerdefenseguide.com/home-buying-strategies/hazwaste.html and see what HHW consists of, become familiar with the manyitems included as HHW and what you will need to do to dispose of any that is left behind. Maybe I'll bring that battery to the landfill right now... Become a real estate insider and don't be at the mercy ofunreliable real estate agents or untruthful sellers. Discover just how easy it is to get all the information youneed on the home you want to buy. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Don Berthiaume gives you the questions you need to ask when buying a home. For more details, and for a free 4-part mini-course in home buying, visit this site now: Home Buying Guide
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After all, the differences become apparent immediately as the owners have to find their own manufacturer. Maltas Market Battle With new destinations such as Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia offering two and three bedroom apartments for sale for £50,000, there was concern last year among some Malta estate agents that 2005 could see a drop in the number of UK and Irish buyers choosing to buy a holiday home on the island. Mancos Real Estate Real estate: availability and cost Selling Houses: Cutting Edge Design Tips for Selling In this article, you're going to discover new techniques for marketing houses, and you'll find that these fresh, new interior design ideas will help sell your home faster, and for a higher price than the competition! Purchasing Property With No Money Down: My Personal Experience Have you ever seen those infomercials about buying houses with "No Money Down?" They are really well done. They have all kinds of people offering great testimonials about how they have gotten rich, buying rental properties, with absolutely no money out of their pocket. You see this guy, standing on a street corner, talking to someone, and he says, "I own that one," pointing to a beautiful colonial. "I also own that one next to it, and the one two doors down, and I'll be closing on the one directly across the street from it, next week." He then assures us that he has purchased 17 homes in the last eight or ten months, with zero money down on the properties. Plus, in many cases he's also paid no closing costs. The Great Real Estate Bubble Quiz You hear it asked on the radio, in the newspapers and on TV. Buying a House in Scotland Buying a house in Scotland is slightly different from buying a house in other parts of the UK. 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Oftentimes, before making the phone call to schedule an appointment, a homebuyer will drive by your home to determine if they may be further interested. If the house presents a good impression, then you receive the phone call for an appointment. Many homes are eliminated from a potential homebuyer's list because they do not give a good first impression. The work you put into sprucing up the inside will be in vain if the exterior of your home does not draw people in. In the real estate world this is known as "curb appeal", that is, your home should be appealing to potential buyers from their initial curbside or drive-by viewing. Conversation & The Real Estate Investor One key that makes investors is conversation or should I say "The Art Of Conversation". Real Estate Investing Works In Your Area Too! I hope you had a spectacular weekend! 4 Dangers In Flipping Real Estate If you have recently purchased some real estate for investment purposes, you are in good company. Recent reports suggest that as many as 25% of these purchases are made by those who plan on using the property for investment purposes only. If you hope to "flip" the property there are 4 things you must be aware of that can put a crimp on your profits. Make Money As A Slumlord Be a slumlord? Okay, I got your attention, now the truth. I really don't recommend that anyone endanger their renters with unsafe housing. Much of what people call slumlording though, is simply providing reasonable housing for those with low incomes. It is of benefit to the renter AND the landlord. Encouraging Debt Most of us don't talk about money, finances, credit, debt....Young people especially go into the real world blind about these issues. They have had it easy or difficult growing up financially. Some kids use their parents credit cards or are even issued one. Some don't have anything above the necessities. Then some "EARN" an allowance and are taught to spend conservatively. I think all of us have a responsibility to steer them in the right direction. The Echo Boomers - The Next Big Consumers The Echo Boomers or Generation Y currently make up about one third of the US Population. Many of the Echo Boomers are starting to reach an age where they want and need things like, Houses, Cars, Insurance. The Echo boomers don't respond to marketing like Earlier Generations. In recent Focus Groups an Echo Boomer is just as likely to being playing a Video Game or surfing the Internet as watching TV. Maui Realtors: What You Need To Know Maui is a great place for families of any size. However, before you plan a move to Maui and contact those Maui Realtors, there are some considerations that you should take care of. Here are a few things to look out for: Real Estate Investment - One Simple Formula I saw the ads in our small-town newspaper for years before I realized exactly what was going on. They were always the same: A house for sale with 5% down and payments of 1% of the purchase price. It might be a three bedroom home for $90,000, for example, with $4,500 down and $900 per month payments. ![]() |
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