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Pregnancy Information

Is A Baby Allowed To Play In Its First Month?

What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things you could do, but what most pregnant women rarely do is having a vacation. Get a life and try to relax a little bit. Or take an extended weekend just to refresh and recharge your batteries.

Vacation Is One Way To Run Away From Stress During Pregnancy

What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things you could do, but what most pregnant women rarely do is having a vacation. Get a life and try to relax a little bit. Or take an extended weekend just to refresh and recharge your batteries.

Being Pregnant Is Not a Hurdle to Enjoy A Little Romance

Most of the time pregnant women are afraid to have a little romance. Probably they are afraid something could happen to their baby. Well, that?s wrong. It is important that you do not ignore your own needs or those of your spouse?s during pregnancy. Unless your doctor has warned you otherwise, it is generally safe to have intercourse while pregnant. You will not hurt the baby, nor will your hubby crush it by lying atop you.

Its Not A Sin For Pregnant Women To Have A Massage

Getting pregnant is really a moment of joy. Don?t get carried away with your morning sickness, or your hormone changing, keep your life going and treat yourself to a happy living. Relax and spoil yourself with a prenatal massage or deluxe pedicure at one of your area?s finer spas.

Things You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time where you have to be careful with yourself. Many factors affect the development of a fetus into a healthy child. Whether you like it or not there some activities you should avoid for the sake of your healthy baby. There are pregnancy risks that you have to aware of.

You Can Do Exercise During Pregnancy, but Dont Overdo It

Don?t get so lazy during your pregnancy. Move your body if you want to delivery your baby easily, do some exercise! Some studies show that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to have easy labor and deliveries and faster recoveries.

Pregnant Women Dont Just Stay at Home; Go Shopping!

Most women like to go shopping. However, sometimes pregnant women reluctant to go out because they are afraid could harm them. That?s not true! Go and have fun. You don?t have to spend any money; just get out and window shop. Try on shoes; check out the new fall purses or sample a new cookie at the corner stand. Shopping is very therapeutic for women, and it gives you a chance to clear your mind.

The Myths of Fitness During Pregnancy - The Straight Facts on the ACOG Guidelines

The American College of Obstetics and Gynecology (ACOG) guidelines are often misquoted or quoted with outdated information. In fact, two of the myths listed in this article were just printed in a current (Spring 2005), large national publication catering to expectant mothers. The latest and correct information on exercise during pregnancy needs to be widely distributed. Hopefully, this article will help to remedy some of the misinformation.

Your Role as an Expectant Father

Quite often expectant fathers get bent out of shape over what they should be doing during the pregnancy. The pregnant woman is often the focus of all attention. She's the one carrying the baby. She's the one doctors examine. She's the one with oodles of books written especially for her. She's the one who has to push when the time comes and they put the baby on her belly when it is delivered. So, the question is: Are you only along for the ride? Yes, you really are only along for the ride.

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Selecting a present for a new mom or dad can be a challenging task. Baby showers are a great way to help support a new mother with her new baby. New mothers can sign up at a gift registry to avoid duplicate gifts and to indicate her gift preferences. Here are some good gift ideas for baby showers:

Weight Gain During Pregnancy, and Weight Loss After Pregnancy

How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy, and will you continue to have weight gain after pregnancy?

How To Prepare For Natural Childbirth


Delight in Pregnancy Bedrest

My first experience with bedrest was at 30 weeks into my second pregnancy when I was dilated between 2-3 centimeters. I was on strict bedrest which I renamed ?pregnancy prison.? All my life?s freedom as I knew it was put on hold or ?put to rest.? I had a bad attitude about the whole thing and fantasized that the baby would come early so I wouldn?t have to suffer any longer. My wish of an early delivery came true 4 weeks into bedrest.

Are Epidurals Bad?


Preparing for a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean


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