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Pregnancy Information

Will I Get Stretch Marks? If I Do, What Can I Do?

It doesn?t seem possible at the outset of pregnancy, but your skin really will stretch enough to accommodate your baby. Collagen and elastin in the skin guarantee it. It seems that collagen has the tensile strength of steel ? and by the end of the pregnancy, you?ll understand why this is important.

How Can I Make Sure Im Exercising Safely During My Pregnancy?

Unless your practitioner gives you specific restrictions or instructions, you should keep active during pregnancy. This may be as simple as walking every day to get your heart rate moving, or it may be a complete fitness program designed to be safe during pregnancy. But you also need to do so safely.

What You Need To Know About Pregnancy And Tanning Booths

If you are pregnant, there are things you should know about pregnancy and tanning booths. Tanning beds safety while pregnant has become very questionable. A better choice might be to use the sunless tanning spray booth equipment to keep your golden tan.

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