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Pregnancy Information

Exercise During Pregnancy

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your unborn child during pregnancy is exercise. There are numerous studies that show that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to have easy labor and deliveries and faster recoveries.

Exercising After Pregnancy

Generally most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of giving birth, though this time frame might be slightly longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a C-section will be able to exercise after there incision has healed and their doctor has cleared them for exercise.

How To Eat A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Perhaps the number one complaint of women trying to watch their weight during pregnancy is that they are hungry all the time. True, pregnancy does result in an increased metabolic demand on the body, which can cause you to be hungry. Many women also experience a number of cravings during pregnancy, which can make healthy eating challenging.

Pregnancy Exercise

One of the best things you can do to prepare for pregnancy is start exercising regularly. You don?t have to join the Boston Marathon, but even walking around the block a few times per week will help tone and condition your body and help you prepare for the journey ahead.

How To Avoid Swelling When Pregnant

Edema, otherwise known as swelling, will affect almost all women at some point during their pregnancy. Swelling or Edema is most often the result of excessive levels of hormones coursing through your body.

Pregnancy Weight Gain - The Mystery Solved

It is important that you remember that weight gain is a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. You have to gain weight in order to provide a healthy and comfortable home for the child that you will be nurturing for the next nine months.

Common Sense Approach To Pregnancy Weight Loss

Ok so everyone gains weight while they are pregnant. This is perfectly normal. It is also perfectly normal for a woman to want to lose that weight after pregnancy. We have established this much at this point in time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with aspiring to get yourself back into shape right after your pregnancy, in fact I certainly encourage it!

Help I am Pregnant and an Addict

There are a lot of resources on the internet, in books, and from the medical community on the dangers of drug and alcohol use during pregnancy. However, there is not very much quality information on what you should do if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and are pregnant. The simple answer is you need to quit. With all the treatment programs availabele; AA, treatment facilities, therapy, self-control, etc., why wouldn't a women be able to get help. Why would anyone use drugs or alcohol while they are pregnant. Most pregnant moms know or have read that using drugs or alcohol can cause numerous problems for their unborn baby. But there are many reasons women avoid treatment.

Benefits of Exercise When Pregnant

Exercising during pregnancy is always a very good idea, and the benefits for you are numerous. Exercise will help ensure that you stay healthy and fit. The healthier you are during pregnancy, the less likely you will have any difficulties with pregnancy. The fitter you are, the easier your childbirth experience will be. It will help you control weight gain during pregnancy and weight loss after pregnancy. It will also help minimize stretch marks.

Train While You Gain - Why a Personal Trainer Can Make a Difference During Your Pregnancy

The average woman will gain between 25 and 30 pounds during her pregnancy, but how many women do you know that have gained upward of 50 pounds or even more? Keeping your weight gain in check can be difficult when you?re ?eating for two,?, but with the help of a personal trainer, you can ward off the inevitable excess baby weight.

Planning a Healthy Pregnancy

Looking for healthy lifestyle pregnancy information? Here are some steps for planning a pregnancy with your healthy lifestyle in mind.

Am I Pregnant?

Am I pregnant? This is often one of the most important questions a women can ask. If you suspect you are pregnant, getting good prenatal care early is very important, so finding out as soon as possible is vital.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Think you may need to do a home pregnancy test? Pregnancy can be a life changing event. Here are some of the early signs of pregnancy to help you decide if it's time for that all important test:

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic is another way of saying "out of place". An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself somewhere outside of the uterus. Although most ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes, embryos can also implant in the ovaries, abdomen or cervix. None of these sites will provide the fertilized egg with enough space or nutrients to properly develop, and the resulting fetus will eventually rupture the space that it inhabits, usually causing extensive bleeding that will endanger the mother's life.

The First Warning Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be exciting or daunting, depending on the circumstances. Do you suspect you?re pregnant? Below are some of the tell-tale first signs of pregnancy.

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