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Increase Your Response with Multi-Step Marketing
"There is only one way to judge the effectiveness of a marketing piece, and that is by the number of responses you get." - Heidi Richards - Multi-step marketing is a simple yet extremely powerful strategy when you use it to its full potential. Multi-step marketing is selling people who have contacted you and asked for information about your product or service; a great way to build your own mailing list of prospects and customers. You are able to send multiple mailings to those same people from which you have created your own mailing list. The key to multi-step marketing is following up with the prospects using an intensive direct mail campaign. How do you develop your multi-step marketing campaign? Follow these four simple steps... click here to read the entire article. Step OneUse some sort of direct response advertising to obtain your "leads." Your ads should have a powerful headline directed at your target audience that causes them to read the rest of the ad and respond. The purpose of your ad is to arouse the reader's or listener's curiosity, getting them to call. Always offer them something for free. Your goal in step one is to generate leads. Step Two Your prospect reads the ad and calls - leaving her name and address or she writes to you for more information. Using voice mail almost always generates more leads because people want things quickly and easily. Thank the prospect for calling, state a couple of major benefits, and end by asking for her name and address. The message should be between one and two minutes - no more. The goal in step two is to record your leads. Step Three Send your direct response offer to the prospect. These prospects fall into one of three categories. We'll call them cold, warm and hot prospects. A Cold prospect is slightly interested; she is looking and will not buy. These prospects represent a small percentage of your inquiries. A Warm prospect is very interested, but not ready to buy. They represent the majority of your inquiries. A Hot prospect is very interested and ready to buy. They also represent a small percentage of your inquiries. Step Four Follow up with mailings to prospects who didn't buy. Repeat this step again and again. According to "Sales and Marketing Magazine," 80% of all people who inquire about a product buy that product within one year, but not from the company that made the original contact. Why? Because the company didn't follow up. It generally takes at least five contacts with a prospect who showed interest in the product or service you offer before they will buy from you. If you are successful with the initial mailing, you can expect 30 to 70 percent in leads turning into customers with follow up mailings. You don't have to change the entire mailing each time. Generally changing the cover letter and making minor changes to the mailing is sufficient. Remember that one of your biggest expenses is getting the prospect. By following these four steps you can watch your sales and profits sky-rocket! Excerpted from The PMS Principles - Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business © 2005 - Heidi Richards Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women's ECommerce Association, International http://www.WECAI.org (pronounced wee-kī) ? an Internet organization that "Helps Women Do Business on the WEB." Basic Membership is FREE. Ms. Richards can be reached at http://www.HeidiRichards.com. or Heidi@wecai.org
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Design, Design, Design You need only one card, but make it noticeable. Make sure it says the right thing. Why Do They Buy? A recent issue of Entrepreneur magazine included a marketing story with five important questions all business owners should be able to answer about themselves and their competition. Stretching Your Marketing Dollars--7 Cheap and Easy Ways to Market on a Budget Just because you have to stretch your marketing dollars doesn't mean their effectiveness will decrease. The easiest marketing solution is often to simply throw money at a problem. But that is rarely the most effective. When Businesses are forced to use creativity and ingenuity to market on a budget, that is when some of the best results happen. How to Up-Sell Change As Freud cautioned, it's insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. You know things have to change. Business as usual is a guarantee to fail. Your boss supports you, but is fairly lukewarm about resources and time commitments. Your staff agrees but then claim they are too busy. Activity traps, inertia, disinterest, ambivalence, fear? people fabricate (consciously or unconsciously) lots of reasons to avoid making change. This is a frequent organizational dilemma: a needed change stalls before you even get started. If You Can?t Answer This Question Your Business is Doomed! How do you answer the seemingly easy question, "What do youdo?" Do you talk about YOU? Do you talk about yourproducts/services? Do you talk about your industry?Do you explain the process of how your products/serviceswork? If you answered yes to any of these questions youare missing an enormous opportunity. How to Save Thousands on Your Marketing Marketing can be expensive. It doesn't have to be, but sometimes you will spend more than you should. Usually you'll realise this after you've done it. But here are two tips that can save you thousands of dollars. Multicultural Marketing ? Taking Care of Business At Hand Multicultural marketing mirrors the changed face of America and is getting the attention of small-business and other organizations looking for an edge in diverse ethnic markets. "Gone are the days when businesses succeed with a 'one size fits all' approach to marketing. It's a 'mass market' no longer," insists Rhonda Albey, a diversity consultant with Allen Associates in Los Angeles, "The multicultural markets are where the opportunities are, and successful entrepreneurs are quickly learning how to get there." The Day I Learned to Start Saying No It was the fall of 1998 when I had just started my first business as a marketing communications writer. Most of my clients hired me for newsletters, brochures, and sales materials, but I would get the occasional request for something different. At the time I was too naive to consider saying "no" to any project that didn't fit me perfectly. Getting Into Marketing Momentum ... The Accelerated Way GETTING INTO MARKETING MOMENTUM: The 5 Power Principles for Getting Your Business into High Gear Increase Sales With Travel Incentives Today's business environment has changed dramatically over the past 10 years, it can be a tough task to make a sale. Just being aggressive doesn't cut it any longer. Sales skills alone aren't enough to compete when so many new products and services become everyday commodities. Consumers nowadays are being smart. You've got to distinctively separate your business from the competition and lead each of your prospects and customers to think, 'I would have to be a complete idiot to do business with anyone else... regardless of the price.' They are shopping for the best bargains and they all seem to want more than what they paid for. Every industry both online or offline needs a cutting-edge cost-effective powerful marketing tool that appeals to every kind of consumer. What Is Multi-Level And How Should It Be Worked Multi-level marketing is really a partnership. You go into business with someone that has the same interests and goals you have. You make a commitment to each other. You work with the same people. Working multi-level marketing correctly not only makes success easier, it eliminates many problems. Comprehensive Marketing Details Not Found in Beginner Books If this is the first marketing article you are reading, go find some other more basic articles that I have written and then come back. This data is for the intermediate to advanced marketers. 11 Rock Solid Techniques For Generating Product Ideas Anytime Anywhere! Whatever business you are in, either online or offline, you've got to constantly generate business/product ideas. A Look at Color Brochure Printing Brochures have become vital in today's workplace, serving a wide variety of purposes. Some are quite complex and others are simpler; color brochure printing is one of the simpler options. It usually refers to printing using only a single color. Because brochures are extremely versatile in both content and use, a process that uses only one color for both text and images is a popular choice for uncomplicated brochure printing jobs. 5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market There are many ways to reach out and find the people you are trying to attract for your business. Here are just a handful of ways to get you started: Educating Your Customers One of the biggest marketing mistakes businesses make today is failing to educate their prospects and customers about the unique advantages that are being offered to them. The cornerstone of any marketing plan should be to educate your customers. Corporate Gift Tips To Wow Clients & Associates 1) Know the company and their culture. Are they trendy and artistic or conservative and elegant? Your gift giving should reflect this. Also, global customs vary significantly. Ensure you understand the proper gift etiquette to avoid offending overseas clients. Dont Let Your Business Cards End Up in the Trash Business cards are such wonderfully creative little marketing products. Most of them, unfortunately, end up in the nearest trash basket. Nobody wants to be bombarded with a big sales pitch. If you meet someone and within two minutes you are promoting your own business or stretching out that business card, your card will more than likely end up in the trash. John Kerry, Amazing Direct-Marketer! If you want to uncover a little secret about how John Kerry and the Democratic party is "building their e-mail list", with literally thousands of qualified leads... then listen closely! 51 Ways to Say Thank-you in a Fundraising Letter for a Non-for-Profit (Includes Examples & Samples) One of the hardest jobs in fundraising is crafting original thank-you letters. You want to be thankful. But you also want to be fiscally responsible. You cannot afford to write a unique thank-you letter for each of the thousands of donations you receive each year. Here are some ideas for keeping your appreciation original. ![]() |
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