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Leadership Information

5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!

Did you know that you can successfully handle mostleadership challenges with just 5 simple strategies? Byfocusing your attention on these critical areas you canempower your the opportunities hiding within your vision,new venture or project plans.

Mr. Shoaffs Simple Strategies to Success

(Excerpted from the Jim Rohn Sampler single CD)

7 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Leadership Skills!

Did you know that there are 7 really effective yetpowerful ways to improve your leadership learningopportunities?

Dont Be a Complainer

Complaining. There's room for legitimate complaining, but if you let this deadly disease of attitude - complaining ? loose, it will conquer you. Complaining can take over your life. Destroy you and leave you without anything.

The Qualities of Skillful Leadership

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manager, as a parent. I call leadership the great challenge of life.

A Whack Up Long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership Imperative

When we perceive the simple center in the seemingly complex, we can change our world in powerful new ways.

Thoughtleading: The Art of Separating Yourself from the Pack

Lately the age-old business dilemma of how to stand out from the crowd has been haunting companies and professional service firms more than ever before. All too many firms nowadays look too much alike, with marketing strategies seemingly unable to distinguish them from their competition. Glossy brochures, snazzy websites, press releases, advertising: when everyone employs the same methods, everyone ends up vying for the same narrow window of client and prospect attention.

10 Smart Ways Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in Others

You are a leader. Everyone is a leader. It doesn?t matter if your title is Chairman of the Board or 3rd Assistant to the Supply Room Manager, you lead every time you influence others to do what you want. It?s a skill that starts at birth (doesn?t a newborn baby run her house?). As a smart adult, you have refined your natural leadership skills in order to influence others to willingly do what you want.

Celebrating Successes: The Power Of Compliments

Years ago, when I was new in management circles, a veteran administrator decided to share his self-described secret of success. He said: You have to be careful, Bill. I*ve learned not to compliment my people. Makes them too self-assured, and they get lax in their work habits. Better to keep them guessing.

Leadership Like Water-Water Canoeing

Although world business is undergoing historic changes, the prevailing view of what constitutes business leadership is stuck in the past. Generally, business leaders view leadership as an order-giving process. The word "leadership" itself comes from old Norse root meaning "to make go." Many leaders believe that they must "make" people go by ordering them to do things.

10 Ways to Develop Your Latent Leader

latent (adj.) ? Not visible or apparent, but capable of developing or being expressed; dormant.

Leadership and Followership in a Team Setting

Many solopreneurs work in a team environment either with their client's staff, or with subcontractors. Having spent over 20 years in a teaming environment before becoming a solopreneur 13 years ago, I know that during the course of any highly functioning team effort, the leadership and followership roles flow back and forth between the members.

Dont be Afraid to Lead!

In most aspects of human activity, the pendulum of fashion swings back and forth between extremes, passing briefly through the point of balance on every swing.

Leaders Click It? Into Gear!

"Click It? Into Gear!

A Winning Choice for Leadership!

"The only way to enjoy anything in this life, is to earn it first."-Ginger Rodgers

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