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Leadership Information

Choose Your Best Life: Where Are Your Choices Leading You?

According to the dictionary choice means ?to select freely after consideration, to have a preference for, to take an alternative and of high caliber.? Based on this definition, I believe choice is the act of careful selection, identifying preferences and exploring quality alternatives that lead to freedom. How often do we approach our choices in such a deliberately thoughtful way?

Three Growth Guidelines from Stephen Covey

I have been looking for answers to what it takes to create a winning corporate culture in the midst of today?s confusing economic indicators. If I rely solely on history or economic indicators, I won?t find the answers. Company profits are up, yet job growth is sputtering. Communication happens at breakneck speed, yet we often feel less connected to our peers than we ever did.

Five Steps Towards Greater Self Confidence

We watch the star athlete calmly make the final shot, score the winning goal, or lead his team for a touchdown in the final minute of the game. We marvel at their talent and their determination, but what we value and admire most is the supreme confidence they display ? they know they will succeed.

Exceptional Leadership Inspires the Best Effort in Others

There is a steady stream being written and taught about leadership these days. There are tips about leadership, courses about leadership, books, retreats, and continuing education ? all focused on leadership. While all of this material is useful and can certainly enhance one?s leadership knowledge, for the most part it avoids asking and answering two questions:

Secrets of Creating Success with Ease

Do you ever strum your fingers on the desk top as you look down at your work and think, ?Right, how can I do all this lot without really working??

5 Human Capital Asset Enrichment Strategies for Leaders!

Here's a really simple way to think about the ins andouts, the doing and practice or attitudes and behaviors ofbeing a leader.

Are You Playing or Practicing Leadership?

Anne was a new supervisor, and like many new supervisors she took the new role as a manager and leader seriously. She took advantage of training that was offered to her. She learned how to do performance reviews effectively, listened to other leaders to learn from them. She read several books recommended to her by others.

5 Leadership Power Principles!

95% of Workers Fail Because of This...But They Can Fix It

7 Awesome Leadership Power Generators!

7 Awe-Inspiring Leadership Power-Generating Strategies!

Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation

Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can't get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people get results is not by ordering them but motivating them. Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation.

The Greatest Leaders Are Often The Worst Leaders

It's a common occurrence, a CEO leads a company to record earnings, retires and in months, those once high-flying earnings are dropping like shot ducks.

Visions of Leadership

There are three stages to making the transition from chief cook and bottle washer (CC&BW) to CEO (source of the management and direction of the business).

Having Fun In Leadership

?Don't measure your life by your goals, but rather by what you are DOING to achieve them.??Unknown

Leadership - Connect to Engage!

It's been said many times that true leadership is measured by ones ability to motivate and influence others.

Leadership - L.P.B It!

"Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things, but the absence of vision."- Anonymous

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