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Leadership Information

Tough Times Demand Resilient Leaders

The stock market gyrates with unpredictable and heartburning results. Icons of solid companies become straw figures before balance sheets. Children are abducted from their front yards and networks of terrorists spiral throughout the world. Religious institutions cast shadows of duplicity while El Nino brings strange fish to the California coasts and out-of-control fires head toward ancient Sequoias.

Leadership Challenges: The Walls In Our Lives

We have all experienced walls or challenges in our work lives. How you handle the walls may be a defining point in your leadership and your career. There are a variety of ways to attach these walls ? some more effective than others.

Choose To Become An Encourager

?...I know that the only source of happiness is within me, and I will begin to share it. Like a perfume, I know that I cannot pour it on others without getting a few drops on myself." - Og Mandino, "The Choice"

Always Be Open To Learning

"We should not only use all the brains we have, but all we can borrow." -Woodrow Wilson

UNCLOS III Process model

The United Nations Conference on Law of the Sea was ground breaking in the way negotiations were conducted. Several strategies were employed that allowed for efficient negotiation and a reasonable outcome as viewed by all participating parties.

Business Leadership: How Much is in Your Credibility Bank Account?

Business leaders have more than a title on their doors. They also have the trust and confidence of those who work for them; who work with them; and who buy from them.

Leadership Skills Training Empowers Problem-solving and Visioning

Leadership skills training programs empower you to influence, persuade or inspire others. Well constructed training programs should result in improved, more effective leadership skills for your colleagues and you.

Leadership is About Growing Others - Its Not About You!

"Before you become a leader success is all about growing yourself. Once you become a leader success is all about growing others." Jack Welch (1935- ) Former Chairman & CEO, General Electric"

Leadership Training: The Bit They Didn?t Tell You About Changing!

A willingness to change first is one of the major pre requisites for leaders!

None of Us Arrived with an Owners Manual: A Fresh Perspective on the Drive to Lead (part 2)

Why didn?t I get an Owner?s Manual

Introduction to the The Enneagram as a Leadership Tool

The Enneagram is a fascinating tool of nine orientations that enables us to gain insight into the depths of our true potential. It seeks to provide insight into how we fund our foundation of assumptions so they work for us or they don?t! (In some ways it provides a generic Owner?s Manual to Life! That little book we all hoped came with us to provide insightful directions on how to employ us and treat us with care.)

Leadership Activity: How Leadership Agenda, Strategy, and Behaviors Shape Your Success!

"Forward, as occasion offers. Never look round to see whether any shall note it... Be satisfied with success in even the smallest matter, and think that even such a result is no trifle." - Marcus Aurelius

Communication Skills & Leadership - Organizational Communications Processes in Leadership Activity

"Sooth ?t were a pleasant life to lead,With nothing in the world to doBut just to blow a shepherd?s reed,The silent season thro?And just to drive a flock to feed,-Sheep - quiet, fond and few!"- Laman Blanchard

Father Knows Best

A good strong example of a family leader would be Joshua in the Bible. He was a true spiritual leader and a strong man of God. He was not one to let the circumstances of the outside world convince him of defeat. Because of his strong leadership and convictions, everyone looked up to him as a father figure. Everyone but him and a few others were cut short and fell in the wilderness journey because they would not obey and follow God's instructions. Even today we still fall short of who we will serve. Idols have been and still are a major downfall in our success and failures. That is why Joshua told the people to choose whom they would serve. If they chose to serve the idols that their father's served, then they should be prepared for God's wrath. But, his advice was, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Josh. 24:15

Boy Scouts of America and Leadership Coaching

The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness talks with Dennis St. Jean, Assistant Director Professional Development Division, Boy Scouts of America, Irving, Texas.

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