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5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!
Did you know that you can successfully handle mostleadership challenges with just 5 simple strategies? Byfocusing your attention on these critical areas you canempower your the opportunities hiding within your vision,new venture or project plans. The biggest problem facing people like you is knowing when,what and how to operate your leadership power keys. You have no problem turning on your computer, using it tofind answers and producing your letters or reports with it. Why not make your leadership power keys help you influenceothers, guide them towards rewarding outcomes and nurturetheir growth into success-driven leaders? POWER KEY-1: "Simplify The Complex!" The reason why leaders are important is because of thesituation, circumstance or condition facing the group. Youcan look at these things as being a need, a problem or anopportunity. People will look to you to lead them as you explore,discover and plan the best course of action for dealing withthis complex state of affairs. Therefore your leadership power key relies on your abilityto systematically investigate, evaluate, map, organize andcommunicate solutions. POWER KEY-2: "Envision New Vistas!" This is the time for boldness! Your group begs to dosomething inspiring, engaging, worthwhile and special. Givethem a vibrant, vivid and vital vision - excite theirhearts, minds, souls and spirits. Regardless of your task, function, project or business, youmust lead others using your mind's eye [imagined view] of acompelling vision. Your leadership power key involves creating, shaping,sharpening and publicizing the vision as you also encouragepeople to embrace it, own its outcomes and feed itspossibilities. POWER KEY-3: "Go For The Gusto!" Your team will wonder about their priorities every moment ofevery day. How will you inform, reassure and coach them? There are just a few items you should concentrate yourefforts, attention and assessments on - they are yourleadership agenda: 1) Security - health, wellness, safety 2) Wisdom - knowledge, relevance, applicability 3) Power - personal, team, shared, how much 4) Guidance - where, what, when, who, why, what & how 5) Syntropy - importation & focusing of power sources 6) Conceptuality - analyzing patterns, artifacts, concepts 7) [Universe] Frontiering - ask & find what's out there? POWER KEY-4: "Be Disciplined and Willful!" You must deal effectively with reality to hold onto yourleadership power keys. If there is no disciplined approach,direction or intent, you will not lead for very long. Many leaders fail to rigorously design, supervise or executetheir strategies. Yet, strategic planning can be one of yourstrongest power keys. Your strategy should empower others to - - trust your motives - maintain their will-power - develop a positive self-regard - define their responsibilities - exercise control - judge their performance or progress - usher them through the process of change POWER KEY-5: "Behave Yourself!" You don't have to change your spots! You do however have toserve the needs of different circumstances, constituents andconsiderations. There are certain ethical matters that you must apply - youwill need to be fair, honest, and consistent when dealingwith people. Your behavior reflects your concerns,concentrations and character. Your leadership power key demands that you adopt the propermental attitudes, behaviors based upon rock-solid personalvalues and motives driven by your most positive eccentricforces. Can you adapt? Will you behave? Do you really care? Thesequestions reveal the power behind this key. ------------------------------------------------------------ You can spend thousands and invest weeks of precious time informal classroom instruction. Eventually you would begin toacquire these power keys of successful leaders. These simple principles are so easy to remember - in fact, Iuse them myself. They're the power keys to all of my personal, business and community leadership activities - and they always deliver great results. Gurus like Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, JackWelch discuss these five principles at length in their work. Great historical figures including Mahatma Gandhi, NelsonMandela, John F. Kennedy and Marie Curie have demonstratedthese skills in their leadership roles. Your leadership success depends on your agreement withChurchill's observation: "A pessimist sees the difficulty inevery opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in everydifficulty." These 5 power keys are the keys to success for all of yourlife adventures - will you walk with expectations forpositive outcomes, will you commit yourself to growingstronger and use your own leadership power keys toenergize your performances? Copyright © 2004, Mustard Seed Investments Inc. All rights reserved ------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bill Thomas produces "The Leadership Toolkit" - a webbased training program that improves your leadership skills,energizes creativity and transforms you into a persuasive,empowering leader. Inspire Confidence, Be Creative, EnhanceYour Leadership Influence - Get "All the Tools You Need ToLead!" http://www.leadership-toolkit.com/Leadership_Toolkit.html ------------------------------------------------------------
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Leadership and Followership in a Team Setting Many solopreneurs work in a team environment either with their client's staff, or with subcontractors. Having spent over 20 years in a teaming environment before becoming a solopreneur 13 years ago, I know that during the course of any highly functioning team effort, the leadership and followership roles flow back and forth between the members. The Death of Potential While reading my latest book on politics and economics, I came across a reference to a bible story called "Parable of the Talents'. In this story three servants are each give 'talents' (a monetary denomination used by the Greeks). To the first, the master gave 5 talents, to the second he gave 2 and to the third he gave 1 talent. The master gave each a different amount of money (talents), according to their ability. Two of the servants doubled their money and the master was pleased with their results. The third servant, fearful of losing it, buried his money where no one benefited from it, including himself. When the master summoned the third servant to get an accounting of what he had done with his talent, he was angry and displeased to find out the servant had simply buried it and where the money had no opportunity to earn interest. The servant tried to explain to the master that he knew how 'exacting' the master was and he did not want to lose His money. The master didn't buy it. He ordered that the one talent be given to the first servant who was able to convert 5 talents into 10. (Reference Matt 25:14 and Luke 19:12). Although I believe the story or parable was strictly about economics and frugality, it can be extended to include, not only money, but true talents (i.e., ability). The cornerstone of my book, The Logic of Success, is the premise that unless you find out what it is you were meant to do, true happiness will elude you. Finding out what it is you truly want takes time, patience and perseverance. In the first chapter I discuss how to create 'search patterns' to find your true calling. (Get a Free copy at www.thelogicofsucccess.com). Now, I want go beyond the obvious of telling you about your hidden talents (you already know you have one, two or more). I want to address the 'How' talents were (and are) buried within us. As children, we all loved to discover new things. We even did things when others advised us not to (e.g., touching the stove when Mom said it was hot). We wanted to learn, we wanted to discover for ourselves the world around us. Failure and pain were not yet transformed into anxieties. As we got older, we were expected to act a little more responsible and accountable for our actions. Like in any soap opera drama, this is the scene in your life where 'society' steps in and starts benevolently imposing its norms on your behavior. You are now expected to: In Leadership, Dreams Are The Stuff That Great Results Are Made Of Leadership is motivational or it's stumbling in the dark. The best leaders don't order people to do a job, the best leaders motivate people to want to do the job. Two Leadership Traps: How To Avoid Them and How To Get Out Of Them (Part 2) Here's how to get out of, or avoid, the "I need ... " trap. It simply involves changing what you think and what you say in very simple ways. A Whack Up Long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership Imperative When we perceive the simple center in the seemingly complex, we can change our world in powerful new ways. 3 Dynamic Techniques To Boost Your Executive Leadership! Here's a really simple way to measure the strength ofyour executive leadership skills. Ask your people to name 3important reasons why they enjoy working with you. Hidden Self Confidence Peer independence is arguably the least understood aspect of self confidence. Many people who are shy, or suffer from social anxiety, tell me that they lack confidence. However, their shyness or social anxiety is only one aspect of a constellation of qualities which combine to determine our confidence profile. Understanding peer independence helps many people to appreciate and build on their personal strengths. The Defining Moment: The Straw That Stirs The Drink Of Motivational Leadership (Part Two) In Part One, I described the importance of establishing deep, human connections with people you lead. I said there were three ways to do that, by communicating information, by making sense, and by having your experience become their experiences. By far, the most important and most effective way, is the latter. Leadership: Wisdom of the Ages If you gather 100 experienced leaders together to share with you their most important secrets for success, you probably wouldn't hear a lot of academic theory or jargon. Instead, this is a good idea of what you'd hear: Effective Leaders are (#1) Conceptual SEE INTO THE FUTURE CREATIVELY AND PRACTICALITY: Planning day-to-day is obviously important, but a good leader must be able to see the long-range picture, to know the history of the organization and have a sense of the direction in which it is traveling. Effective leaders always have the long-range picture in mind as they plan laterally. Embracing Adversity for Achievement "Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." -- Lou Holtz Your Ultimate Leadership Feedback Loop: Their Leadership Life on our planet flourishes through feedback. If life forms don't develop feedback loops and get good information about how well they are interacting with their world, the world eventually kills them. Celebrating Successes: The Power Of Compliments Years ago, when I was new in management circles, a veteran administrator decided to share his self-described secret of success. He said: You have to be careful, Bill. I*ve learned not to compliment my people. Makes them too self-assured, and they get lax in their work habits. Better to keep them guessing. Leadership Development for Success In today's highly competitive world, there is a lot of pressure on leaders to create highly productive organizations. To be successful with this task, leaders will need all of the talent, skills, techniques, and experience they can muster through leadership development. The pressure to succeed can create a real dilemma: whether to "manage" people or to "lead" people. At CMOE, we maintain that in order to achieve high levels of employee engagement and morale, people in authority must learn how to show others the way, be a "lighthouse," rather than to "railroad" people into compliance by telling, commanding, or controlling them. Respected leaders easily gain loyalty and mutual agreement with their followers (loyalty demanded is loyalty denied). Mentor? Who Needs A Mentor? Who needs a mentor. . .everyone who is truly serious about achieving more of their true potential, personally and financially. In fact, Richard Brooke says: The Best Ways To Multiply The Extraordinary Leadership in Your Organization Extraordinary Leaders are those who understand that in order for theorganization to grow and make the maximum impact that it can, the leadershipbase in the organization must grow first and grow strong enough to hold thegrowth. If this does not happen, the organization will either not grow orwill grow and then crumble because there is no solid foundation ofleadership. The effort to multiply leadership must be ongoing andpurposeful. Here are some ways to get your leadership base growing strongand wide! Leadership For Deep Results: Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life? (Part Two) How does one go about getting deep results? There are many paths up this mountain. But one path is straight and steep and clear. That is the path of the Leadership Imperative. Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can't get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people get results is not by ordering them but motivating them. Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation. Leadership ? Push vs. Pull? At your next staff meeting consider leading your team through the following discussion. Quality Leadership The Lakota tribe of Native Americans has no word in the language for "I" or "me," only "we" or "us." Mahatma Gandhi insisted on traveling in third class carriages (on the train)because, as he explained, 'there is no fourth class.' " ![]() |
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